
Naruto world's: male Tomoe

【Naruto World: Male Tomie】My name is Kawakami Tomie! male sex! Adopted by a woman who calls herself Tsunade, but... I always feel like she's mean to me! I wonder if they like this kind of novels [translated by dad google]

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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351 Chs

Chapter 92: High-rise Konoha

Leaf Gate!

At this time, Mikoto has led the elite ninjas of the Uchiha clan and Tomie back to Konoha.

At this time, many high-level Konoha leaders had already arrived at the gate, and they each had their own thoughts, but apart from the Uchiha family, not many people sincerely welcomed it.

Especially Shimura Danzo, he has regarded Uchiha as a tumor of Konoha, and he has been thinking about eradicating it as soon as possible.

And Sarutobi Hidden, he is now starting to regret why he didn't attack Uchiha Mikoto earlier.

This regret was even stronger after the Uchiha clan resisted and disrespected his warrant.

As for Mitomon Yan and Kaoru Koharu, they are already thinking about ways to suppress Uchiha.

There are also some patriarchs of the small ninja clan, and they began to think about how to rely on a big mountain in Uchiha.

Especially the patriarch of the Shiranui clan, his daughter and Uchiha Mikoto used to be teammates...

He was already imagining the beautiful life after Uchiha Mikoto became Hokage, and he handed over the Shiranui clan to his daughter Shiranui Mai.

"Danzo, don't shoot Uchiha again during these 27 periods."

Hiruzen Sarutobi said, thinking in his heart how to make the Uchiha family disappear completely.

Maybe it can be done with Fujiang's wooden escape, but it needs the cooperation of immortality.

As Hokage, Sarutobi Hizan naturally knew the existence of celestial arts, and there are two examples, the first generation of Hokage Senju has celestial arts, which is one of the three holy places, the celestial arts of Shibone Forest.

One of his disciples, one of the three ninjas, Mad Ghost Zilai also possesses immortal techniques, and is also one of the three holy places, the immortal techniques of Miaomu Mountain!

"I see... have you figured out how to deal with Uchiha?"

Shimura Danzo nodded first. He was not a fool, nor did he have that kind of self-confidence. The information sent back by the intelligence ninja clearly described that Uchiha Mikoto had the power to change the terrain with a single blow.

The difference from the original Uchiha Madara is only the combat experience and the amount of chakra.

In this case, if you go up, wouldn't you hit the stone with an egg? Moreover, the Uchiha family are all lunatics. If Uchiha Mikoto kills herself suddenly, Sarutobi Hizen will definitely take care of the overall situation and will not take action against Uchiha.

"Fujiang's wooden escape!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't hide it, and said directly, he had already seen the shadow of the first Hokage on Fujiang, and he was still impressed by the endless wooden escape.

He believes that Fujiang still has the will of fire in his heart. After all, there is no such thing as a betrayal and forbearance.

It will even find itself and pass on some information found outside.

"You mean... celestial arts?"

Shimura Danzo frowned slightly, and then said, he doesn't like the feeling of squeezing the opportunity to come back on others, but he has no other way now.

He now has Fujiang cells and intercolumnar cells, but he does not dare to inject himself at all.

"That's right, it's just... Tsunade is a little difficult to solve. If it really doesn't work, I can only ask Jiraiya to teach Fujiang Xianshu."

Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded, his face full of confidence at first, and then he thought of Tsunade's character...

"Orochimaru also has one of the three holy places, the psychic scroll of Longdi Cave, maybe Fujiang can try it."

Shimura Danzo is also selfish. After all, Orochimaru is also his partner. With this opportunity to let Fujiang go to Longdi Cave to learn fairy magic, he may be able to get a lot of Fujiang's original cells.

But Sarutobi Hizan shook his head.

"Longdi Cave's immortal practice is too difficult, even Orochimaru has not learned it, and the place in Longdi Cave is too dark and bloody, I'm afraid it will have some negative impact on Fujiang."

Chakra can affect the user's mood and even personality, which is the consensus of the ninja world.

For example, the tailed beast chakra, once Ren Zhuli uses the tailed beast chakra, most of them will be affected by the negative emotions inside, and thus go berserk.

"Sarutobi, compared to this, the first thing we have to deal with now is the aggressiveness of the Uchiha clan."

Mito Menyan spoke up. Although he was the head of the finance department, he was very clear about the situation in Konoha at this time.

"He makes him strong. Whatever they ask for, we will delay it first. If we can't hold it any longer, we will do it until Fujiang returns from learning immortality."

Hiruzen Sarutobi said, although it is very humiliating to say this, it is the only way, he does not feel that his strength can compete with the strength of Uchiha Madara.

As a ninja, knowing oneself clearly is also a kind of practice.

"You guys have been subconsciously ignoring a question... How are you going to take Tomie from Uchiha Mikoto?"

Turning to bed, Xiaochun opened the mouth and said, but not many people cared about what he said.

As a female ninja, Xiaochun's control of details is very subtle, but for the overall situation...

"Fujiang will find us automatically. After all, he doesn't want to walk from one cage to another."

Shimura Danzo answered quickly, not worried about this issue at all.

"And even if Uchiha Mikoto keeps Tomoe imprisoned and prevents Tomoe from going out, I can give Uchiha Mikoto a mission as Hokage."

"Even if Uchiha Mikoto takes Tomie to do the task, then we have follow-up plans."

Sarutobi Hizan said with a smile, although he didn't like this kind of dirty conspiracy, it was really useful.

"When Uchiha Mikoto returns to the village, write down the families who flatter Uchiha."

Shimura Danzo said to the 610-bellied ninja beside him, that he did not shy away from Hiruzen Sarutobi by his side.

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiizan didn't move, as if he didn't hear it, he knew that he had to hit the grass on the walls.

And this can't be done by Hokage, after all, he is a leaf bathing in the sun!

So this matter can only be done by Shimura Danzo. Konoha Village is like a tree. The more the tree yearns for the light in the heights, the more its roots go down, to the soil, to the depths of darkness. .....

Sarutobi Hizen is the top leaf of this tree, and Shimura Danzo is the root of this tree buried deep in the ground.


Sarutobi Hizan felt Uchiha's unique evil chakra, his eyes narrowed, and he slowly opened his mouth and said.

Put down the cigarette rod in his hand and sit upright.

Shimura Danzo's only remaining eye flashed fear and coveting.

Be afraid of the power of Uchiha's kaleidoscope to write round eyes, and covet the power of Uchiha's kaleidoscope to write round eyes!

........................... .......