
Naruto world's: male Tomoe

【Naruto World: Male Tomie】My name is Kawakami Tomie! male sex! Adopted by a woman who calls herself Tsunade, but... I always feel like she's mean to me! I wonder if they like this kind of novels [translated by dad google]

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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351 Chs

Chapter 194: Cold Ice

A sweet-looking black-haired beauty came to Fujiang. When she saw Fujiang, she was stunned.

I saw Fujiang sitting cross-legged in the center of the room, with long hair flowing down like a waterfall like the Milky Way, skin like snow, a cloud-patterned white hair band tied on his forehead, and a pair of seemingly innocent and pure eyes, which are so exquisite that they cannot speak words. The facial features described are as if the most beloved child of the gods, leaving all the best things in the world to him.

The tear mole at the corner of his eye, like the finishing touch, suddenly sublimated Fujiang's temperament.

The golden-patterned white robe was draped over the body, and although the corners of the clothes were torn, it did not affect the overall beauty.

He was clearly sitting there with an expressionless face, but he gave off a coquettish feeling.

"Excuse me?"

Fujiang frowned and asked. He felt that the angel in front of him was a little different, because the angels he saw during this time were all extremely mature and stable.

They are all old angels who have lived for hundreds of years, thousands of years.

The angel in front of him doesn't look so stable and lively. It should be a little angel who has just been born.

"I... my name is Liang Bing, the daughter of an angel!"

Liang Bing opened the mouth and said, although she was a little suspicious of pretending to be tender, she always said that to everyone and introduced herself like this.

Hearing this, Fu Jiang nodded.

"My name is Kawakami Tomoe, from the ninja world."

Hearing this Lian Bing's self-introduction, Fu Jiang became more sure of his guess.

When I introduced myself, I didn't sit upright, nor was I too enthusiastic. After all, if I was too enthusiastic, it would be a bit deliberate, and it would give the little angel in front of me an illusion that I liked her.

Although the black-haired little angel in front of him is very beautiful, he is not the kind of person who can't walk when he sees a beautiful girl.

And if he wants to see beautiful people, he just needs to look in the mirror.

"You look so pretty."

Lian Bing came back to his senses and stammered.

She can feel that something is wrong with herself. After seeing Kawakami Tomoe, she can't even speak?

"You are beautiful too."

Fu Jiang's words were concise and deliberate, and he did not praise the little angel too much, nor was he too indifferent.

Now he is polite, but not enthusiastic, which is the real way out.

"can I help you?"

Fu Jiang asked, staring straight at Lian Bing, his beautiful white eyes were extremely pure, even the apocalypse Wang Liang Bing, who had escaped from nature and lived for 10,000 years, was a little drunk at this time.

She was sure that she was attracted to beautiful things, or rather, beautiful Fujiang.

Then an inexplicable negative emotion appeared in her heart... No, perhaps for Lian Bing, who advocates freedom, this is just a normal thought in her heart.

Take him as his own, make him his own, and let him beg for pity like a pet dog...

Even Liang Bing had begun to imagine how Kawakami Tomoe was wagging his tail and begging for pity and calling himself the master.

Since the first time she saw Fujiang, she even thought about the name of her child.

Fujiang looked at Leng Bing who was in a daze again in front of him, and silently became vigilant in his heart. His charm seemed to have escalated again, and he couldn't be sure what the little angel in front of him would do.

"Ah? Ah! Oh! It's alright, I just came to see what the person who was called the beauty of desire by Tianji King Hexi looked like."

Lian Bing opened his mouth and said directly.

Hearing this, Fu Jiang frowned slightly, but didn't say much. He knew that the little angel in front of him had already fallen, just like Yuri Hong, Ye Cang and others.

"That... what kind of civilization is your ninja world?"

Liang Bing remembered her own business, but this business is now regarded by her as the content of the next conversation with Fujiang.

At the same time, she was also thinking, if she and her sister said that they wanted Fujiang Kawakami, would her sister agree?

Do not! She won't!

The "justice" in her heart is greater than everything else, and she can't hide the purpose of Kawakami Fujiang. Her behavior is obviously "evil"!

And she is not sure whether her sister will come to snatch Tomie Kawakami, her reason thinks not, and her sensibility thinks her sister will.

She also understands the real thoughts in her heart, she is very clear, there is no love, just pure desire.

No wonder! No wonder he was called the desire of beauty by Hexi.

"A...not-so-beautiful civilization, with years of wars."

Fujiang opened his mouth and said, and at the same time hypnotized himself, making him feel that the world he was in was a world as unique as what he described.

Hearing this, Lian Bing nodded. There is a war to prove that her free thoughts can be spread.

After all, war represents chaos, and her free thought is that she has no scruples and is free..0

But she is now in the City of Angels, so she can't really be without scruples.

"Then... do you want immortality?"

Lian Bing said this, with undisguised bewitchment in his voice.

Hearing this, Fu Jiang frowned slightly and looked straight at Lian Bing. He felt that his guess was wrong. The little angel in front of him seemed to be a little different from ordinary angels.

Although there is very little contact with angels, Fujiang knows that angels should be a very orderly civilization, and they will never promise anything easily.

Not to mention that this little angel named Liang Bing is here to bewitch him.

"In no mood!"

Fu Jiang shook his head and said, immortality is just a matter of immortality. He has already done it, and he can even immortalize other people. Those life energies are his test items.

In the ninja world now, almost everyone in the harem is immortal... It can only be regarded as immortality. If you are killed, you will still die.

Thinking of his harem, Fujiang couldn't help but worry a little, wondering what happened to Xiaonan.

Hearing this, Liang Bing was stunned for a moment, and then relieved. She heard Hexi say that Fujiang's cells are very strong in self-healing, which means that his lifespan is also very long, even to the extent that there is no limit.

It seems a little mentally retarded to tempt an immortal species, or even an immortal species, with immortality.

She was also intimidated by Fujiang's charm, otherwise it would be impossible to speak without going through her brain.

"Then do you want power?"

Liang Bing opened 0.6 mouths, and the means to deceive people are very lacking, and it can't be said that it is lacking, she just picked up two more common desires to talk about.

If Fujiang refuses, she will have other means.


I feel that it is enough, I am a little coveted by Fujiang's beauty, and what are you talking about to seduce Fujiang.

Hearing this, Fu Jiang was stunned for a moment, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes!

The body couldn't help sitting up a lot...

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