
Naruto: Whirlpool Chronicles

Suddenly, a young boy finds himself within a web of corruption and lies; his only way out is death. Follow along in his story on how he got reborn from Zero to Hiro

Chino_Kitsune · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

A Crimson Dawn

As the view zooms in we follow a young boy, named Zero. He would the heir to a multi-million dollar tycoon, The only issue is that he was the bastard son. His father the wealthy Johnny Falcon and his mother just a lowly maid who died in child birth. The only good thing in his life was the tiniest bit of love his father had for him concidering he would give him his scraps and stale bread which was the only good thing the was able to eat other than the mush of leftovers he would normally eat.

But things took a turn for the better when his father's brother Jack came from abroad and for once in Zero's life someone treated him as a human. Jack came and saw the treatment of Zero and took him in with his fiance Jill. Zero finally get to experience the luxury of having parents.

Fast forward 10 years

Zero is now 18 years old he now calls his uncle, father and Jill mother. He is now adopted as the eldest son of Jack who had two daugthers Ariell and Giselle with his now wife Jill. Jack have opened a car dealership with branches worldwide but soon Johnny died leaving his company to Jack leaving his wife Patricia furious. 

Day after Jhonny's funeral

At the family mansion, everyone was having a meal Zero, Jack, Jill, Patricia and her kids.

Ariell, and Patricia sat around a large dining table. The atmosphere was tense, and Patricia couldn't hide her bitterness over the inheritance.

Patricia: (angrily) I can't believe Johnny left everything to Jack! I should be the one running Falcon Enterprises, not him.

Jack: (calmly) Patricia, this was Johnny's decision. We should respect it.

Patricia: (snidely) Respect? You stole my husband's love, and now you've stolen his empire too.

Zero, who had been silent, finally spoke up.

Zero: (softly) Aunt Patricia, I understand you're upset, but we're family now. We should support each other.

Patricia scoffed but said nothing. The tension lingered, and Jack tried to change the subject.

Jack: (smiling at Zero) Speaking of family, we have a celebration to attend tomorrow. It's Falcon Enterprises' anniversary, and Zero will officially be introduced as the heir.

Jill: (enthusiastically) It's a big day for all of us! We should be proud.

Ariell: (rolling her eyes) As if Zero did anything to deserve it.

Zero lowered his gaze, used to Ariell's constant disdain. However, he was determined to prove himself.

The next day, at the extravagant anniversary celebration, the Falcon family mingled with high-profile guests. Zero, dressed in a sleek suit, felt the weight of the expectations on his shoulders. Patricia continued to cast disapproving glances, making it clear she thought Zero was unworthy.

As the night progressed, a mysterious figure approached Zero.

Mysterious Figure: (whispering) You might be the heir on paper, but you need to earn their respect.

Zero turned to see a masked woman disappearing into the crowd. Intrigued, he decided to follow her advice.

In the coming weeks, Zero worked tirelessly to learn the ropes of Falcon Enterprises. He gained the respect of the employees through hard work and dedication. However, challenges awaited him as rival companies sought to exploit Falcon Enterprises' vulnerability after Johnny's death.

Amidst corporate intrigue and family drama, Zero had to navigate the cutthroat business world to prove that he was more than just a bastard son. Little did he know that the mysterious figure from the anniversary celebration would play a crucial role in his journey toward earning the respect he so desperately sought.

As the weeks passed, Zero's efforts to prove himself intensified. He faced numerous challenges within Falcon Enterprises and the ruthless business world. The mysterious figure continued to offer guidance, always lurking in the shadows.

One fateful night, during a grand event hosted by Falcon Enterprises, tensions reached a boiling point. Rival companies, fueled by greed and revenge, orchestrated a deadly plot to eliminate Zero, Jack, and Jill.

As the celebration unfolded, chaos erupted. Gunshots echoed through the opulent halls of the mansion, shattering the illusion of prosperity. The mysterious figure reappeared, attempting to shield Zero from the danger that unfolded.

Amidst the panic and confusion, tragedy struck. Zero, Jack, and Jill found themselves at the center of the orchestrated violence. The once joyous occasion turned into a nightmare as the attackers carried out their sinister plan.

The Falcon family, once united by the bond they had forged against adversity, now faced the ultimate betrayal. The gunshots claimed the lives of Zero, Jack, and Jill, leaving behind a legacy tainted by bloodshed and betrayal.

The mysterious figure, watching from the shadows, vanished into the night, leaving behind a shattered family and a business empire in disarray. The once-promising heir, who had worked so hard to earn his place, fell victim to the dark forces that sought to destroy everything he had built.

In the aftermath, Falcon Enterprises was left to grapple with the void left by the untimely deaths. The legacy of Zero, the bastard son turned reluctant heir, became a tragic tale of ambition, vengeance, and the high cost of seeking redemption in a world where power often came at a deadly price.