
Naruto: What If?

What if Naruto wasn't just Naruto? What If Two Souls Became One and Received a Gift from Heaven? What if two righteous souls united in one, no longer so innocent, found themselves in a dark world? What if?

Marcelo_Ferreira · Anime & Comics
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In a myriad of worlds, where fantasy and reality are not so different, what would happen if two souls became one, two pure and gentle souls, that the world tried to corrupt with its darkness, one that wanted endless adventures and another that just wanted recognition.


Earth...Japan....somewhere on the outskirts of Tokyo.

Sitting alone under the starry sky, there was a young man, who by the standards of this country would be considered very strange, the boy had long blond hair and sky blue eyes, but his features clearly belonged to the Japanese people.

The world can be a lonely place, this poor guy is a good example, alone in an empty place, surrounded by a sad and melancholic aura, but if we want to know more about his story, we would have to go back a little further.

If we want to get to know this young man better, we will have to go back in time and start with his childhood.

...Raiden Sanders, as he was called, knew from an early age that he was different from the rest, many could say that he won the genetic lottery, as he inherited the sky blue eyes and almost reflective golden hair, while from his mother he inherited the fine facial features and delicate.

Unfortunately, life is not made of flowers alone, Raiden learned early on that life is full of difficulties... His mother passed away shortly after giving birth to him, leaving him alone with his father, John Sanders, the two who remained Alone in the world, they learned to care for each other. The family did not have financial difficulties as John worked hard over the years and ended up making some successful investments, it was not enough to make them millionaires, but it was enough for a peaceful life, and so father and son lived a happy day. each time.

Raiden learned from his father that the world can be very cruel but that doesn't mean you should always return cruelty with cruelty, due to his mixed race ancestry, many looked at the boy strangely, others whispered behind his back, thinking that the poor boy wouldn't listen, yet Raiden never worried about what people thought of him or even about taking revenge for the treatment he received, the boy always aspired to be like his father, a strong and correct man, but beyond that Raiden had a dream, his heart desired adventure, he wanted get to know the world, go on adventures, see everything there is to see, and in the end, just like your father, find a peaceful place and maybe build a family.

But after all, and as they say…"Man plans, but it is God who dictates his steps and final destination", no one knows for sure what the future holds for him.

As Raiden grew up, everyone could notice that the boy was different, always perceptive, learning quickly, interested in the why of things more than the result, in addition to, of course, phenomenal physical development for his age, but once again human nature proved to be a failure for the boy, the brilliance he had and could not hide generated envy and from envy came anger and neglect, which is why the boy was rarely seen with other children, most of the time it was just him, his books academics and your favorite mangas.

...Time passed, and Raiden became a strong young man, standing at 1.80m tall, with long blond hair, the boy became a man and a very handsome one at that...

But then the wheel of destiny once again began to turn, shortly after Raiden's 20th birthday, his father John discovered that he wouldn't have much longer due to a brain clot, caused by a work accident in his youth. , and so Raiden, who had graduated early from college due to his high level of intelligence, dropped everything including his dream of adventure to accompany his father, day after day, always smiling, enjoying every second together, father and son had fun, They talked and remembered the past, unfortunately day after day John got worse, until that fateful day arrived.

Lying on the bed was John, and next to him Raiden his son.


Tears accumulated in his eyes, and the words were stuck in his mouth, unable to come out.

"...Son...I lived a good life, and my greatest pride today is a man of respect... I only have one wish and one request for you my son...and that is, go after yours dreams my son... Experience and cherish every moment and above all be happy, my boy... Let the world know your shine my... Don't cry my son, death is just the next great adventure..."

John Sanders left like this, with a smile on the face of someone who lived a good life.

And this was also the day we met, Raiden Sanders, the day he said his last goodbye, to the man who taught him to be a man, which is why Raiden was in such a remote place, because after saying goodbye, the boy needed a calm place to organize. his feelings and here we are, a place he and his father often frequent, a small park on the outskirts of Tokyo. .. Away from the busy city center, and perhaps one of the only places where it was possible to observe the stars in the large metropolis.

While observing the stars, Asher noticed a beam of light in the skies... And as he did when he was a child, the boy made a wish... Even if it was mere superstition, it reminded him of the first time he saw a burning star, and how his father urged him to make a wish...

What the boy didn't expect and that right after asking... A strong drowsiness began to take over him... While a voice sounded deep inside his consciousness...

You who have always wanted adventure, will find, in life the greatest adventure of all, a pure soul whose destiny intertwines with that of an equally pure child but whose destiny was much more painful, two became one, crossing the barriers of time, space and From reality, I wish you my children a happy life... And for your journey... A gift... Live happily my children, live happily....


....Konohagakure....Secret Anbu Base...October 10th....

Lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by strange symbols, a red-haired woman was doing all the strength her body could allow, to bring into the world... A new life...

"...It is truly impressive, the pain that a mother is capable of enduring... Even for an unborn child..."

"...Concentrate Obito, it's almost time, the seal is approaching its weakest point..."

"...No need to remind me Zetsu... I'll follow the plan..."

While the woman was struggling, a man with a spiral mask, with a single blood-red eye showing, was talking to a humanoid being, listening in the shadows of the place.

"The time has come sensei, you failed to protect those who were entrusted to you... Today you will feel the pain that I felt..."

With one last look... the masked man disappeared from the place, if no one noticed...

...Kuchiyose no Jutsu...

The streets of Konoha were empty at this time of night... Until there was a sound...

The people of Konoha were rudely awakened, and they saw something they would not forget forever, before them right in the center of Konoha, a giant creature appeared and went on a rampage, nothing in its path was pulped, the fox demon, whose red eyes glowed in bloody light... It seemed to be unstoppable... Even the powerful Shinobi who came to try to stop its advance, were nothing more than a simple nuisance... Konoha was taken over by a symphony, of screams, tears, despair and destruction.

And then there was a flash... No one saw who it was... But everyone knew it was... the fox demon that seemed uncontrollable disappeared, as if it had never existed... The only proof of its existence was the trail of destruction and bodies in the middle of the village... Everything seemed like a dream, a nightmare, but unfortunately it was the harsh reality, tonight would leave a scar, which would take a long time to heal.


Forest of death...Near the Secret Anbu Base.

Suddenly a giant fox and a tall man with yellow hair appeared... It was Minato Namikaze, The Fourth Hokage.

When he saw the Nine-Tails appear in Konoha, Minato immediately knew that something was wrong with his wife Kushina, a Jinchuuriki, he would not survive without his tailed beast, but there was still hope, his wife was Uzumaki, and therefore, even after giving birth and having her beast extracted, in some way he still couldn't understand, there was a chance she would survive, if he was fast enough to seal the beast away again, so the first thing he did when he saw the beast destroying Konoha , went to teleport her to a place, close to where his wife was giving birth.

As soon as he arrived at the forest of death with the Nine-Tails, Minato teleported to the place where his wife was giving birth, just in time to see a strange man with his newborn son in his arm, which resulted in despair on his part. from the young hokage...

The Man then threw the baby towards the car, at the moment the attack was going to make contact, by pure reflex Minato reached the baby, while his attack hit the man.

Still alert to the possible attack of the stranger who was standing in the same place, Minato finally caught a glimpse of his son for the first time, only to discover numerous bomb papers attached to the child, showing all his speed, Minato, removed the explosives from his son, reached his wife and disappeared, reappearing in the middle of the forest, where the fox was completely out of control, but before he could even breathe, the stranger also reappeared completely unharmed from the explosion that destroyed the secret base. Minato quickly launched a barrier jutsu over his wife and son and prepared for combat.

"Who the hell are you? How do you have a Sharingan? And why did you free the Nine-Tails?"

"So the famous, Yellow Flash of Konoha, wants to know, who I am, well it's okay say my name to someone who is about to die... Feel honored, because you will die, by the hands of Uchiha Madara."

"Well the conversation ends here... It's time for you to die Hokage."

Saying this, the man advanced, Minato prepared himself and also to attack by launching one of his kunais, strangely the self-titled Madara, did not deviate, defended him, and soon Minato discovered, because the Kunai went through the enemy's body and he remained without any injury, losing the guy's strange ability, Minato anticipated the difficult fight it would be, especially since he had no time left for a prolonged fight, with every second his wife was getting closer to death.

Using all his intelligence and genius, Minato began to think of a way to defeat the masked man, and in a split second, while facing the enemy's attacks, Minato formulated ideas to combat him, until he remembered something, the scene in which the man threw his son into the air.

"Can he make only himself intangible? Or can he not defend himself while he is intangible? Maybe he needs time for the technique?"

Mentally analyzing all his interaction with this strange enemy so far, Minato had an idea, he quickly threw a kunai and advanced at high speed, as soon as the kunai went through the man's head without causing him any damage, the yellow-haired ninja teleported to the kunai and hit the enemy's back with his special technique, a powerful Rasengan.

The affected area seemed to crumble into white goo, which made Minato move away immediately.

"You truly deserve the title genius, you managed to counterattack my technique so quickly... It seems like I can't stay here anymore... Goodbye Fourth Hokage..."

So the man who was said to be Uchiha Madara, disappeared in a spiral vortex, leaving Minato completely confused, but he didn't have time to think about it, he ran as quickly as possible to where his wife and son were.

When the masked man fled, the fox seemed to regain his sanity, and as soon as he did so he saw his former jailor, once again fearing prison, attacked without mercy, Minato, seeing that the first to be hit would be his son, teleported away, at the same time. time when Kushina, with her last strength, put herself at the forefront of the attack.

The little baby was crying on the floor, but he was safe, his parents managed to protect him, but at the cost of being impaled by the beast.

"I'm sorry Kushina, I failed you... And seeing where we've come from, I failed my son..."

"Minato... I've always loved you and I know you loved me too, I know that look, I can understand what you want to do, it hurts me from the bottom of my heart not being able to see my son grow up, and two even more relegates him to such a cruel fate."

"I know my love... But it will be for the better and he will need all the power he can get to defend himself in this world, without us to protect him."

"I'm sorry my Son, your father failed You."

Still trapped in the fox's claws, Minato executed several hand seals in the blink of an eye, causing a ghostly figure to appear. Seeing the entire scene unfold, the Nine-Tails, who had basically spent more than a century, trapped by the Uzumaki, knew well what such a figure represented, what could be considered the final seal, whose price was the most expensive, the Seal of Reaper, an evil seal, almost inescapable, both for the target and the user, a seal that demanded a price greater than life itself, a seal that consumed the soul of whoever dared to cast it, with this knowledge, to the Nine -Tails, he thought of nothing other than running away as quickly as possible, but it was then that the beast found himself trapped by huge chains coming from the woman, who had once been his prison.

"Damn humans, once again they take from me what is rightfully mine..."

With their last strength, Minato and Kushina completed the sealing jutsu and said goodbye to their son...

"I'm sorry my son, your mother loves you more than anything, and all she wanted most was to see you grow up..."

"I'm sorry, my son, your father failed you, and set you on a path full of pain..."

Just in time to witness the conclusion of the scene, an old man arrived at the scene accompanied by a group of masked men... The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Just in time to hear the dying guy's last wish.

"Old man, please take care of my boy, don't let him suffer..."

"Mister Third, please take care of my son, his name will be Naruto, please guide him to become a good man."

"I promise you, Minato, Kushina I will take good care of little Naruto...Until he can stand on his own..."

So they left this world, a mother who more than anything wanted to see her son grow up, and a father who sacrificed his soul for his son, even though he knew that the gift he left him would make the little one's life much more difficult. .. They simply didn't know that inside the little one's body something wonderful was happening, before the two, now one, a foreign soul and the little one's soul were perfectly united, inseparable from each other, giving rise to a unique and powerful soul, and whose changes went unnoticed, even to the guardian of the souls of this world.


[Note: This is an experimental chapter, of a story I imagined... I don't know if I'll continue with it... But who knows, it would be my first original fanfic...Ps: I don't speak or write English, so forgive the bad writing.]