
Naruto: Waterfall

With his life cut short, George was given another path. Now, as Kiryu, his new life begins in Kirigakure.

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2 Chs

Chapter 1

'So this is what the afterlife is like?'

George had not experienced life to the fullest, as a little while after he graduated, he passed away.

It was fresh in his mind.

He enjoyed the rattle and shake of a train, especially the one on that day.

The journey home was usually a calm one, it was always calm for George. This time, the carriage was packed to the brim with passengers.

The smell of body spray and sweat latched on to George's noise as he remembered the cold seat on the side.

It would've been a good ride if it was not for the overturn.

The last thing George could remember was a sharp pain placed in his head, including the groans from the train and the screams of the people packed inside...

He touched that same spot on his head, 'At least I didn't have to die suffocating in other people's sweat, ugh,'

However, the black void he floated in didn't help at all.

No matter where he went or how he moved, George could not find the right ground. There was no gravity and no surface for him to stand on. George could have vomited.

Just then, a voice shattered the darkness and George's peace.

"Not again," the voice that spoke confused the man, as he could not pinpoint if it was a man or a woman, "greetings, little soul,"

"Hello," George replied, looking around, "who are you?"

The voice chuckled, "I am a being without a name, but you humans have come up with fascinating names for us,"

George racked his brain when the voice said this. It must've been a god, which would've surprised George, but that went all out on the void.

Then, the memories of certain novels came into view.

'This is a dumb conclusion,' George thought, clearing his throat, which felt dry, "Are you a god?"

"To you? Perhaps," The voice answered, "however, I prefer R.O.B or Rob, that meaning behind those words describes myself to its capacity, rather than a being from your belief system,"

'Did he really call religion a belief system? This guy's based,' George thought, "Hey, do you have a gender?"

"I wouldn't know," The voice spoke, "I do not need one,"

"Oh," George decided to get to the point, "why am I here? Have I died?"

"Yes, you have," It explained, "those last fragments that you may have seen were your last moments alive. Now, you are a ball of energy, floating through this dimension between life and death,"

Once George heard this, he suddenly felt sadness.

He thought of his family, yet even though he began to realise he would never see them again, George felt nothing.

"that face, they always show that face," The voice commented, "you won't worry about them anymore, they have moved on. You have moved on. You are dead,"

George lowered his shoulders.

"Ahem," It cleared its throat, "now, to the reason you are here,"

This got his attention.

"Every soul that traversed past this point can reincarnate into a new life, or carry on to the next point where you rest in peace," The voice said, "Firstly, what do you choose?"

George nodded, "the reincarnation sounds interesting, so I'll choose that,"

"Well then," The voice continued, "this reincarnation will occur in another world that is not the one you died in. The one being reincarnated can choose the world to their bidding, but ultimately I will add things accordingly,"


"The world that is chosen can be from anything the soul chooses, even ones that are literature works from your own world. If there are many vague aspects, I will try to fill in the gaps,"

George nodded at this.

"Do you have an idea of where you want to be reincarnated?" The voice asked, "If requested, I will give you a buff that will assist you,"

"Hmm," There was not a lot of thought put into the choice George made, "my world, you say? Then I would like to reincarnate into the world of Naruto, with a buff if you can,"

"Naruto...Naruto..." The voice spoke as if trying to find the world, "My, are you sure? This world is rather dangerous,"

"I am," George said, "When will I be born, and what will be your assistance?"

"Well then," The voice said, "you will be rebirthed in the village known as Kirigakure. I can not state what part of the timeline you will be in, but that will be a mystery for you to find out,"

"As for your buff," It continued, "whenever you train, the amount obtained will multiply by ten. This includes any type of training."

"Interesting," George spoke, "If you don't mind me asking, what if I want to learn something new, and it takes a few months, will it work then?"

The voice replied, "The buff also affects those areas as well. So for the sake of the explanation, you try and learn the Rasengan from this world. Now let's say it will take you four months to fully learn it. Instead of looking at it like months, see it as days,"

"so if those months had thirty days, which means one-hundred and twenty for you, the buff will make it twelve days instead," It explained, "Its main option may multiply the output by ten, it does have a few more tools for your convenience like the example explained,"

George was amazed by this, "Wow, that's cool, thank you,"

"Any other questions before I send you down there, ready for your new life?" The voice asked.

"What will be my name in this world?"

"Kiryu Yamazoha," The voice answered.

The only thing George could think about was that guy from the game 'Yakuza'.

"Hold on," George breathed in, "you said you will fill in the blanks, will the world have any changes?"

"Well yes, these changes are unique to each reincarnation," It explained, "but, you will have one, small change in this world,"

The anticipation was nagging George.

"Do you know the character known as Obito Uchiha?" The voice questioned.

He nodded. Who wouldn't know about the guy that is one of the most important characters in the plot of Naruto?

"Well, our little Uchiha won't be as prominent in this universe," This caused an eyebrow raise from George.

"What do you mean by that?"

"His fake death will be his real death."

Now, George got the full memo.

'This will be a change to the entire plot,' He thought, 'no matter, I still want to reincarnate,'

He heard the voice chuckle.

"Seems like you still want to go," It spoke, "this will be a sight to watch,"

George nodded again.

Without hindsight, it will be like walking in a minefield, but he was prepared for that.

"I'm sure your buff will be of use to you, for now," The voice spoke, "I'll ask again, are you sure? The only other option is to rest in the afterlife,"

"Yes, I am positive," George nodded to this.

"Very well," The voice spoke, "Enjoy your new life, George, or should I say, Kiryu,"

"Your vision should be fading now," As the voice said this, George's eyes began to close themselves, "The landing should be soft,"

That was the last thing he heard before George fell into a slumber.