
Naruto Uzumaki: Chains of Fate

Naruto Uzumaki. Among all of his chains of fate that would connect him to the same world, The chain that connected his fate would by complete miracle, change. As a result the world within was completely changed by this event. For better or worse. kind of AU Will contain some OC's

CloudyFuture · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 4: Hidden Thoughts

Iruka Umino "The Instructor"


Today was an important day for the future of Konoha. A day where students would be tested and become the Future of Konoha by being elected as genin. That of course, was somewhat of a lie, You wouldn't truly become a genin until you passed your test under your sensei when team's are selected, but most passed this unless they had a teacher like Kakashi who was notorious for never passing any of the teams assigned to him, or if they had a teacher like Anko...just saying her name makes me shudder. This year's batch was actually quite interesting and pretty talented to say the least. There was the lone Uchiha who possessed tremendous potential having essentially Aced nearly every practice that would go on with the academy while also dealing with loads of fangirls. The Nara was as lazy as any other Nara but his intellect was unmatched and he often got perfect scores on written exams If he ever felt like doing them. The Hyuga girl while very shy showed a lot of dormant potential hidden, but she didn't seem to like showing off this potential, and she usually was hidden with the crowd unless Naruto was there, In which she would usually try to follow him too see what he was doing, considering her feelings for the boy weren't well hidden. Speaking of Naruto, Iruka had always liked the boy from day one he had come into the academy. While most of the instructors had a hard time dealing with the boy, either ignoring him,ridiculing him, or simply kicking him out of the classroom. Iruka often was inviting towards him and had even treated him to ramen on some occasions. The boy though, wasn't very...talented however. He lacked many important skills that would be essential to a ninja and he also lacked the ability to make a simple Bunshin, which was very crucial in the test and in fact, the first thing tested on. If the student couldn't even perform a Bunshin, they would usually be taken out early and not allowed to do the rest of the test for that day. It was incredibly embarrassing and it also made Iruka hope that Naruto had found a way to make a proper Bunshin, or else they'd be many troubles that would come from this situation. He really did not want to fail Naruto but if he couldn't perform a Bunshin, then that headband just wasn't gonna be around his head come end of the exam time, It was as simple as that. Yet, it wasn't that simple since he'd still feel hurt to fail Naruto and Naruto would surely come out of such an event in a possibly depressed state.

Hopefully Naruto had the hang of a Bunshin



Today was going to be a great day, a day that would make Mizuki the happiest man alive no matter what. He was going to punish that Nine-Tailed Demon Fox brat and make sure he suffered. Mizuki had already stolen the scroll that Orochimaru wanted and he was destined for great things within his new hidden village, "Otogakure." He originally was going to deal with Naruto after the exams.

Mizuki just couldn't wait any longer though, He wanted that demon brat dead at his feet as quick as possible and it wasn't like any of the instructors would even remember the boy. The only one that possibly would is Iruka, but that's to be expected since Iruka was a delusional idiot who was a complete fool. Mizuki hoped Iruka would come as well in some matter, He'd gladly deal with him as well and make sure that Iruka suffered even moreso then the demon brat. Mizuki eventually found Naruto as he hopped buildings and went on the block heading in his direction so as to not just suspiciously jump in front of the brat.

"Hey there! Naruto! How's it going!" Mizuki shouted out to Naruto.

"Ah! Mizuki-sensei! I thought you'd already been there, considering I'll probably get there late!" Naruto said while running up to Mizuki

"Hah! I kinda overslept to be quite frank, though I thought you'd wanna be there early to impress some of your friends, like that pink-haired girl, Sakura was it?

Mizuki was well aware of the crush the blonde-haired demon had on the pink-haired girl, and so he took every opportunity to demean him on it if possible.

"Well you know me Mizuki-sensei, I'm just not really the type to show up early to this type of stuff, or even on time actually..." Naruto while scratching his head nervously.

"Even so Naruto, you should really be more prepared for your academics, You'd really not want to fall behind your classmates..."

"Oh! Of course not! I've still got to make everyone know why I'm future Hokage and I'm especially gonna deal with Sasuke! I'll make sure he knows what I've got! Naruto said confidently

You won't be able to do any of that...Not with what I'm going to be do now you damn demon...

"Now that I remember, Naruto, have you got the hang of the Bunshin?" Mizuki asked

"O-Of course Mizuki-sensei! Why would I not get something as simple as that down! Hahahaha" Naruto said while clearly nervous

"You-...You don't have it down do you Naruto..." He said while sweatdropping

"Mizuki-Sensei! please do not fail me! I've got a long road ahead of me in my ninja career but this is something that I promise you won't stop me.

You don't have to worry about something like this brat...You've got a bigger problem ahead of you and it starts with M and ends with I hahahaha...

"Tell you what Naruto, I'll give you a scroll that'll teach you something cool! It might not be a bunshin but it could be something that'll be so cool that you'll just have to pass!

"Really? wow Mizuki-sensei! Thank you! but The exam is going to start in about an hour, I don't think I have enough time to get this down..." Naruto said sadly

"Don't worry! I'll make sure to make an exception for you! I can't leave out any of our future behind! you've got a dream and I'll make sure to aid you in that dream! I'll even tell Iruka and he'll make sure none of the Instructors will be a problem!

"Mizuki-sensei...Thank you! I'll make sure to make you and Iruka-sensei proud! I promise you that! Naruto said as he grabbed the scroll and headed out into the direction of a forest.

'Wa-Wait! Naruto!" Mizuki called out, he wanted to follow behind and make sure to deal with Naruto when they had arrived, but the demon brat was gone in a blink of an eye.

"That damn brat...Fine...I'll wait...I'll have you dead at my feet soon enough you damn demon..."

Iruka Umino "The Instructor"


Iruka took a look at the clock, It was slightly past noon at this point, and the exam's were essentially done. To no suprise, Everyone of the current batch had passed and had gotten their headbands, All of them in Iruka's eyes possessed a lot of potential and It wouldn't surprise him If they would become the Future of Konoha in the near future.

Well, mostly everyone...Naruto had never arrived and he was the only one that had not been tested.

He had asked around for the boy, but most of the Instructors shrugged him off or simply insulted him saying that it was to be expected from a demon brat like him. This angered Iruka greatly considering Iruka's own parents had fallen to the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox that now resided in Naruto, and he sure as hell knew that the boy was in now way related to the Demon Fox.

The only notable trait was probably those whisker marks that were on his face but even then that was the only real mark on him.

Then again, Foxes were related to mischief and deviousness, which were similar to Naruto's own pranks that he would do...But that in itself was nothing major and his pranks were harmless.

Iruka continued to look around the Academy but found no hint of Naruto around. He also couldn't find his friend Mizuki anywhere, which was rather suspicious since him and Mizuki after the sessions would usually go out and eat somewhere but this time he was nowhere to be seen. Iruka continued to look around before deciding to go take a look around the village, He had no clue where Naruto would be, but even throughout looking everywhere he still wasn't able to find him, and a check at his house also amounted to nothing.

Naruto...where are you?...