
Orange cat.

A plump man doning a white lap coat over a Kirigakure chunin uniform slowly crawled back from the gruesome blender of humans that unfolded Infront.

Feeling a lump in his throat the size of an apple he struggled to breathe as he couldn't even gather himself enough to stand on his feet and run.

The human blender suddenly stopped moving and all the screams, frantic footsteps and clashing metal ceased.

The man could only see a mix of crimson and pink as the ceiling, walls and floor were covered in a thick layer of blood and pulp as unidentifiable chunks of meat occasionally dripped from the ceiling and landed on the ground with thick and wet sounds like stepping in a fresh puddle of thick mud.

From within the expanse of blood and death a figure similarly covered walked out with sloshing wet footsteps.

Wiping his face with his hand, the horribly scarred face of Shitsuya's opened it's eyes as a brown and black eye glared at the man.

The plump man's body shook at irregular intervals as Shitsuya slowly walking closer and a thick smell of blood filled the man's nose.

Shitsuya opened his mouth and bit on his new set of teeth testingly a few times.

Satisfied, he addressed the man trembling below him, "long time no see Mr. Doctor, you've gotten a lot heavier since the last time I saw you."

Shitsuya eyed him up and licked his lips slowly, "I seem to have misplaced my eyes you wouldn't happen to know where those went, would you?"


Crawling out of a freezing pond, Shitsuya breathed in the humid air of the land of water as he left a large red spot in the water.

Shaking off the leftover water from his body, Shitsuya put on the standard Hidden mist blue chunin armour.

Doing a small twirl Shitsuya pinched his chin as he looked at his reflection in the water.

His boyish Uchiha looks were now replaced by a rugged and horribly malformed visage.

His nose was bent at a sharp and unnatural angle and one side of his face looked like melted cheese while the other was covered in a thick layer of scar tissue.

One of his eyes was black while the other was brown, even his smile looked strange as the teeth he 'borrowed' from different people were slightly different in size from each other.

Shaking his head, Shitsuya secured a sword he stole on his hip as he moved towards the hidden mist village.

The doctor who gouged out his eyes only knew the location of his left eye and it had coincidently landed in the hands of his old friend, Jinpachi.

Walking on the streets of the hidden mist village, Shitsuya disguised himself with a less off putting face as he walked around.

Getting information about one of the seven ninja swordsman in their home village would be difficult but not entirely unfeasible, all he needed was a bit of finesse.

Pouring a bowl of milk for a chubby orange cat, Shitsuya patted it's back as it lapped up the milk greedily.

A ninja walked past Shitsuya giving him a glance and their eyes met momentarily before separating and he continued moving, entering the large Mizukage building.

Navigating the hallways in a familiar manner, the ninja entered a room full of large metal cabinets filled with files.

Looking through the files he picked up one of them before closing the cabinet and going to his desk.

Placing the file on his desk he turned around for a moment and when he looked back the file had disappeared.

The ninjas eyes widened before glazing over for a moment as he looked around confused at the sudden gap in his memory.

Thumbing through the file, Shitsuya sat on a tree branch as the orange cat slept in his lap.

Closing the file, fire spread from Shitsuya's fingertips and the file was reduced to black smoke in moments.

'Even though the second great Shinobi war ended almost three years ago and the five great nations signed a non aggression pact, six of the seven ninja swordsman were deployed on a secret mission to the now closed off land of rain.'

'I've already killed one of them might as well round up the rest.'

Grabbing the cat sleeping on his lap they both disappeared in a puff of smoke.


The rain poured heavily on the perpetually soaked earth in the land of rain as the seven ninja swordsman ran in a V shaped formation.

The pouring rain suddenly stopped as thick mist accumulated over the area.

Noticing the change the six Ninja swordsman switch formation as they stood back to back and brandished their swords Infront of them.

Taking off the black eye patch on his left eye and revealing a three tomoe Sharingan, Jinpachi spoke,"I wonder who's bold enough to use this Jutsu against us."

As Shinobi of the hidden mist, they were all adept at fighting inside thick mist so seeing the heavy mist that surrounded them only made them wonder who could be so bold as to use one of their signature techniques against them.

Suddenly feeling a vibration under them the seven ninja swordsman minus one all moved in unison as they dodged the large sinkhole that suddenly appeared below their feet.

The 6/7 ninja swordsman had built up exceptional teamwork over the years so they tacitly understood that they needed to stay close together in a situation like this so they all moved to regroup after they were momentarily separated.

However before they could do so, each of them was confronted by a hideous swordsman with long black shaggy hair and heterochromatic eyes.

Each of the swordsman had the same idea of overwhelming their target with pure force quickly before joining back with their comrades.

Their enemy proved to be surprisingly exceptional as he easily dodged their attacks not making the mistake of blocking a legendary sword with a cheap ordinary one.

Instead of trying to land critical strikes on his opponents, Shitsuya devoted his efforts on pushing them away from eachother and separating them.

The sounds of clashing metal, deafening lightning and bright explosions that pushed away the mist ensued.

Jinpachi swung his explosive sword as he chased after the continuously running figure of Shitsuya.

The shock wave from an explosion finally made Shitsuya lose his footing and Jinpachi's eyes gleamed with a savage light as he roared and swung his sword at the vulnerable Shitsuya.

Before his sword could connect, Shitsuya's figure disappeared and the energy in Jinpachi's swing had nowhere to go as he lost control of his momentum and was dragged into a spin.

Before he could lose balance, a hand grabbed Jinpachi's shoulder, arresting his momentum.

Feeling a dull impact on his chest and back, Jinpachi looked down slowly at the hand coated in red as it gripped his still beating heart as it pumped blood to vessels that were no longer connected causing it to rhythmically spurt blood.

Jinpachi's strength drained from his body as he was shoved from the back and fell motionless on his face.

Holding Jinpachi's heart, Shitsuya put it in his mouth and chewed. The rich flavour that coated his tongue made a rush of endorphins coarse through his entire body and he sucked on his bloody fingers greedily.