
Mastering sage mode.

[A/N: Been seeing a lot of complaints regarding this story and I would like to apologise for my inadequate talent and creativity. I know that I've missed many opportunities and made plenty of mistakes writing this story.

I would like to thank the dedicated readers who always read every new chapter for sticking around.

I would also like to thank those who gave up on this story for giving it a chance and apologise for not living up to the expectations placed upon me.]

Inside a dim cave, small water droplets fell from the jagged stone Stalactites, standing down below, Tagitsuhime stood behind Shitsuya.

After remaining still for a few seconds like a stone statue, red snake markings appeared around Shitsuya's eyes as he entered sage mode.

"Begin." Tagitsuhime spoke and Shitsuya weaved a few hand signs.

'Sage art: Inorganic reanimation.'

Placing his hands on the ground, dozens of stone spikes rose from the ground and sealing as if it was made from clay making it seem as if the entire cave had sprung to life and closed it's terrible jaws to grind all living things within into bits.

That of course didn't happen as the stone spikes twisted and changed direction to avoid touching either Shitsuya or Tagitsuhime leaving them perfectly unharmed.

"With this you have fully mastered the sage arts of Ryuchi cave, congratulations." Tagitsuhime said as she clapped.

The stone spikes slowly moved back into their original place and Shitsuya turned around with a smile.

With this he was one step closer to achieving his goal.


"Are you sure you don't want to at least spend a few more days here?" Tagitsuhime asked.

Standing at the entrance of Ryuchi cave, Shitsuya wore a white robe as he prepared to leave Ryuchi cave after almost a year.

"I would love to, but I have many things to do." Shitsuya said.

"It's fine, you must have a lot of things to do, just remember to visit every now and then." Tagitsuhime spoke.

"If you're gonna miss me so much why not just tag along, I would be glad to have your company." Shitsuya extended an invitation.

Tagitsuhime snorted "Some of us have duties to take care of."

Shitsuya just shrugged his shoulders and turned to leave.

"Catch." Tagitsuhime said and threw something at him.

Catching it, it was a white sword.

This sword was strange it had no cross guard and although it was a single edged blade like a katana it's blade was straight instead of curved.

Etched on the handle was a small black three tomoe marking which made Shitsuya raise an eyebrow.

"Did you make this?" Shitsuya asked Tagitsuhime.

"No, it has been in storage for a few decades, I thought it would suit you though." Tagitsuhime explained.

"Do you know who it's original owner might be?" Shitsuya asked.

"No idea, maybe a previous summoner."

Unsheathing the sword, the blade was completely black in contrast to the pure white sheath and hilt.

Lightly running a finger on it's edge, Shitsuya could tell that it was extremely sturdy and sharp as it cut his finger even without him applying any pressure.

Watching the cut on his finger close slowly Shitsuya put the sword back in it's sheath and looked at Tagitsuhime.

"I'll see you later, thanks for the gift." Shitsuya waved and disappeared in a puff of smoke.


While Shitsuya was off learning sage mode, the ninja world wasn't idle.

Despite the hidden mist's best efforts to suppress information, it wasn't long before every other village found out about the death of all the swordsman of the mist and the loss of six out of the seven blades.

With their second strongest military power now gone the hidden mist was placed in a precarious situation as it faced covert assaults from all the other villages.

Although no official conflicts took place, every village took the opportunity to further weaken the hidden mist.

Hidden squads from all villages entered the hidden mist and wreaked havoc.

Kidnapping talented children with Kekkei genkai, destroying surrounding villages, sabotaging hidden mist missions to ruin their reputation with future clients and even assaulting several important facilities and outposts.

The hidden mist's strength decayed as it's influence decreased until it signed two predatory treaties with both Konoha and the hidden cloud which effectively made it subordinate to them.

On Konoha's side not much changed other than some reforms on the part of the Uchiha police force and security to prevent any more stunts like the one Shitsuya preformed.

That wouldn't stop him however, as Shitsuya was at that age in a boy's life where there was only one thing on his mind, genocide.

In the middle of the night, standing Infront of the Hyuga clan's entrance Shitsuya entered sage mode, with it he could sense everyone inside the Hyuga clan.

Most were asleep while a few incharge of patrolling walked the clan grounds.

Taking a deep breath, even Shitsuya recognised how senseless his next actions would be, but that wouldn't stop him.

One of the Sharingan's greatest abilities was to cast extremely powerful illusions, yet even the second greatest illusory ability of the Sharingan, Kotoamatsukami could be noticed by the Hyuga's powerful eyes, the Byakugan.

In the future, he would need to use his illusions on a few people inside Konoha, there was always the chance that a random Hyuga in a peeping mood could inadvertently discover one of his victims sending his plans crashing down.

Deciding to nip this possibility in the bud, no matter how small, Shitsuya kneeled on the ground and placed his hands on it's cold surface softly.

'Sage art: Inorganic reanimation.'

Spikes rose from every surface inside the Hyuga clan as houses turned into iron maidens turning the sleeping inhabitants within into swiss cheese.

Although most Hyuga clan members were killed instantly, a few vigilant ones managed to dodge the sudden surprise attack.

Having already anticipated this Shitsuya's figure blurred as he unsheathed his new blade.

Moving at lightning speed, even the Byakugan's visual accuity stood no chance as Shitsuya decapitated the several surviving Hyuga clan members one after another.

After undoing the Inorganic reanimation technique. Weaving a few hand signs, Shitsuya preformed the summoning Jutsu.

After a large puff of smoke, more than a dozen large car sized pythons appeared.

"Collect all the bodies here, don't leave a single drop of blood and don't eat anyone." Shitsuya ordered, although he didn't have any interest in the Byakugan he might still get some use out of the Hyuga clan's corpses in the future.

"Yes lord Shitsuya." The few snakes answered before scattering.

"Looks like Boruto won't get the chance to be born this time around, lucky bastard." Shitsuya mused before leaving the Hyuga clan.