

Shitsuya parried a barrage of kunai that flew towards him from the mist.

Their situation was dire, they were surrounded from all sides by invisible enemies and forced to defend without a way of retaliating.

All they could do to try and fight back would be to shoot blind attacks at their targets and hope they landed.

When it came to defence, only Shitsuya with his Sharingan and Shikane with his superior ability could fully defend themselves.

Hana and Naga not having a way to sense their enemy attacks found themselves at the back foot as Shitsuya and Shikane had to help defend them.

Sensing the obvious weak link in their defense, their enemies focused their attention on attacking Hana and Naga.

As more and more attacks came at Hana she could only repeatedly blow air Infront of her to defend from attacks, her chakra reserves growing sparser by the second.

Naga on the other hand was in an even worse situation as he had no air Jutsu to use, he could only rely on his speed and reflexes to defend himself.

His reflexes could only help so much as more and more attacks came his way.

Naga clenched his teeth in humiliation as he watched Shitsuya block several attacks that almost landed on him.

Shitsuya's expression also grew grim. He could only see two way he could survive this ordeal.

The first option was to use most of his chakra to launch a sudden earth Jutsu and annihilate all the enemies in one fell swoop.

However that was a gamble Shitsuya wasn't comfortable making as failure would most likely mean death.

The second option was to use earth release to dive below ground and escape by himself.

His team would most likely be annihilated and he, as the only survivor would most likely be blamed for the failure of the mission and be either executed or labelled as a traitor and jailed.

Shikane's mind spun rapidly as he thought of a way to get his team through this situation.

Hundreds of possibilities and scenarios flashed through his mind but Shikane settled on only one way they could all survive this mission and pass this hurdle.

Shikane silently watched Naga and waited. He had to place all his hope on his student.

Naga's spirit wilted as at this point most of the attacks were defended by Shitsuya for him.

Naga felt useless as he gritted his teeth and felt a heat flow into his eyes.

Just as Shitsuya resolved to abandon his team and escape he felt as sudden chakra spike from beside him.

Looking at Naga, Shitsuya saw his bulging veins around his eyes.

His movements grew faster as he reacted to the attacks that came his way even quicker than Shitsuya.

Shikane mouth stretch into a smile and he spoke. "Naga, can you see the enemies."

Naga's vision went past the fog and saw all the enemies the surrounded them from a circle and said resolutely.


"Naga, will be our eyes, everyone follow his instructions." Shikane said and everyone nodded.

"Sensei there's a clump of enemies right Infront of you."

Shikane nodded and used the shadow possession Jutsu, taking control of the enemies Infront of him, Shikane made them use the Kunai they previously held to attack them to slit their throats.

"Shitsuya, there's two enemies 45 degrees to your left 10 meters away."

Shitsuya nodded and made several handsigns and several earthen spikes rose from the ground at that position impaling to ninjas as their screams came from beyond the fog.

Realising their old tactics didn't work anymore, the enemy ninjas abandoned throwing projectiles from afar and started attacking them directly.

Several corpses lay Infront of them as they all panted in exhaustion.

Just as the wave of attacks grew thinner and they smiled, Naga suddenly Shouted.

"Giant water Jutsu coming from Hana's direction!"

Shitsuya weaved several hand signs and used most of his chakra to erect a large and thick wall of earth Infront of them but it proved useless.

A giant tidal wave crashed upon and broken the wall as they were all washed away.

Pushing of the ground, Shitsuya narrowly dodged blade that almost pierced his throat.

Looking around him, he had been separated from his teammates and surrounded by fog.

Shitsuya heard the sounds of distant battle and rushed towards it.

It would be best to regroup as soon as possible.

When he arrived all he saw was a masked Shinobi slash through Hana's neck as her head flew, purple hair swaying before landing on the ground and rolling out of sight.

Shitsuya swung his sword above his head just in time to block the sword the chopped down on him.

Looking at his opponents piercing gaze, Shitsuya cast a Genjutsu.

Just as he opponent was stunned and Shitsuya attacked aiming to decapitate him.

With speed so swift even Shitsuya's Sharingan couldn't keep up his opponent swung his blade, shattering Shitsuya's own while cutting his side deeply.

Holding his side, Shitsuya looked up only to see the blade of his enemy coming towards him.

Just then, with strength, Shitsuya didn't know he had, He twisted out of the way the blade cutting through the side of his arm instead of cutting him in half.

Lunging at his enemy, Shitsuya tackled his upper body.

Wide black eyes stared at the pair of two tomoe Sharingan before light faded from them.

Shitsuya plunged his broken sword through his enemy's heart and the other Ninja fell to the ground.

Getting up, Shitsuya held his bleeding right arm and took the enemy's sword for himself.

Turning back he face the new enemy that brandished his Kunai as he stared at him.