
Naruto Uchiha

Naruto woke up to his alarm which he just bot yesterday. Naruto was informed by Sasuke Uzumaki that there will be no mission that day, Naruto was kinda happy because that the Raman was 40 percent off and Raman Was his favorite food. By the after noon Naruto decided to train with his team/squad 7 and they where training on there kuni aim Naruto was getting mad and jealous because sasuke was hitting the middle of the target perfectly. By the night they were all so tired that they almost fell asleep while training. the next morning the hokage "Tsunade" order team 7 on a mission and it was a S rank mission. On the way there sakura the other person part of team 7 spots something she told Naruto and sasuke to stop and come to her they came and they figured out that what sakura seen was a enemy the enemy they were after they stayed calm and set up a plan.