
Naruto: Uchiha Snitch

When the Fourth Hokage did not die during the Rebellion of the Nine-Tails. When the night of the extermination of the Uchiha clan did not happen. When Obito knew about Madara's plot in advance. When both of Naruto's parents were alive. When Sasuke grew up without a father since childhood. When Danzo went crazy. When the Third Hokage was forced to admit his incompetence. Konoha, which has not taken the path of self-destruction, unites the entire ninja world. Uchiha Yun: “At first I just wanted to live, but now that I have the opportunity, I want to live a much better life.” Authors Notes: This is a translation The cover is not mine I hope you guys and girls enjoy, If you do plz give me power stones

GodsChildForever · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 31

A month later at the Uchiha clan's training ground.



*Bang, bang, bang...*



The six kunai were thrown in two throws and were able to hit six different targets in succession.



Yun raised his head in triumph towards Izumi, who also exclaimed, clapping continuously.



"My brother is so strong, can you teach me?"



Yun scratched the back of his head, although he didn't really know what Itachi's simple algorithm was based on, but still, Newton's coffin in this world was destroyed a long time ago because of such things.



Yun immediately revealed to Izumi the untold secret of Itachi's throwing.



The little girl was very excited and continued to experiment with her new skills.



In fact, the Yuna family is very different from the families of Itachi and Shisui: Itachi is the son of the previous patriarch, and Shisui's ancestor is the disciple of the king of forbidden techniques, the Second Hokage.



These two people have no shortage of ninjutsu, be it the Shadow Clone Technique, the Uchiha fire techniques or the Body Flicker Technique, they both have these scrolls in their homes.



But Yoon is different. It can be said that besides the clan shelter, all he received from the Uchiha clan was the Sharingan, passed down through the bloodline.



This is also the reason why in the original story, after Izumi unlocked the three tomoe sharingan, her ninja file still listed the abilities she was good at as taijutsu.






"Let's go to the spring! We still need to buy tricolor dangos to bring home. Mom told me before leaving, in the morning."



"Come on, I'll pick up the ninja tools."



Amidst the shouting, Yun led his little follower to the village's shopping street.



Izumi, who was over seven years old, obediently followed Yun along the path, glancing left and right from time to time, as if paying attention to something.



When they reached the door of the candy store, Yun in front stopped, and his little sister almost hit his back.



When they bought and packed the three-colored dangos at the store, since the last batch of sweets was sold out for the day, the seller closed the door at noon.



"Constantly looking around, were you looking for someone? This guy with facial paralysis?



Itachi looked at his little brother Sasuke lying on his back, and then with some disappointment at the closed door of the candy store.



Izumi walked up with a bag in her hand and asked, "Itachi, did you want to buy three-color dangos?"



This confused Itachi a little, since he kept his love for sweets a secret.



Izumi picked up her bag and said, "We bought the last ones, but if Itachi wants them, even though mom said to bring them home, we can treat you too."



Itachi became even more confused for a while and looked at Sasuke on his back from the corner of his eye, so he said, "It's not me, it's my brother Sasuke who wanted to eat, so I brought him here to buy sweets."



Sasuke on his back at a very opportune moment began: "Yes, yes, yes!"



Izumi smiled and replied, "Let's find a place to sit. I haven't seen Itachi for a long time."






Looking at the three people leaving, this scene seemed familiar to Yun.



Itachi, who graduated early from school, is already a genin, and the jounin who led the team after the distribution is Minazuki, his teammates Shinko and Tenma.



In this flashback scene, Fugaku was supposed to bring him to buy three-color dangos, but now Itachi brought Sasuke...



Speaking of which... this is not far from when Itachi was supposed to unlock the dual tomoe sharingan in the original story.



Stop, stop!



Yun suddenly reacted and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.



It's normal that this girl, Izumi, doesn't share sweets with her big brother, but she even left me here alone and ran off with Itachi?!






On the wooden pier by the river, Izumi held the back of her head, tears in her eyes, not daring to say a word.



Yun, on the other hand, sat down between the two of them, looked at Itachi with Sasuke behind him and said, "Are you enjoying your current life? I'm on vacation now, and you have to catch cats and dogs, jumping all over the village, and sometimes you have to climb into the dirty river to collect garbage."



Itachi looked at the dango that Yun grabbed; there were two more balls on the skewer that he didn't have time to eat.



Sighing and giving up the fight, Itachi lowered his head and said, "Actually, it's quite interesting, the teammates are very good, and Minazuki-sensei is also very kind."



Yun laughed and joked, "Hey, have you learned how to make friends? Yes, the progress is really huge!"



After a moment of silence, Itachi, still bowing his head, adjusted Sasuke's sleeping position into a more comfortable position.



"Yoon, why do you think they are so hostile towards us?"



Yun was stunned and asked, "By 'they' you mean the civilian ninjas, and by 'us' you mean the Uchiha clan?"



After Itachi nodded, Yun thought for a moment and said, "The word 'hostility' is a bit exaggerated. Prejudice would be more correct, right? Do you have a teammate named Tenma?"



"Remember your final qualifying test? That chunin is Tenma's older brother. When fighting chunin versus genin, victory is taken for granted, but defeat makes a joke out of it."



Itachi raised his head and quickly defended himself: "But I didn't hit him too hard..."



The voice became quieter and quieter, and he, already a smart guy, after a little reminder from Yuna, understood everything.



What matters is not whether he hit hard or not, but that Chunin lost to a seven-year-old child.



For civilian ninja, this is a kind of neglect from a noble family.



"Itachi! The mission is approaching and you are still playing here."



The scream came from Itachi's teammate, Tenma, who was defeated by Yun's clone in the past.



Itachi quickly stood up with Sasuke on his back and replied, "I have to send my brother home first. I'll be there soon."



Tenma looked at him, said something very unpleasant and left.



Yun next to him smiled and said, "Sometimes jealousy can make a person completely unrecognizable, and now the price of genius has been revealed. Take care of your bonds, Itachi."



Itachi, who agreed with this proposal, nodded and prepared to leave.



Yun behind him thought for a moment and said, "The crow that Shisui gave you is not only useful as a replacement, it can also convey certain information through summoning techniques. Remember this, it might come in handy one day."






"Brother, the blow to the back of my head hurts so much!"



"Who is to blame for the fact that you have a bad memory?"



"When you find a girlfriend in the future, I will also be the third wheel."



"A girl or something will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword."



"Older brother…"



"What?" →_→



"I'll tell my mom that the only man in our family is going to remain single for the rest of his life!"






Izumi, who was covering the back of her head again, lowered her proud face: Why is there such a big gap in strength when the difference is only a few minutes?



If it weren't for the fact that I can't win...



Yun looked at the Hokage building in the distance and thought about the statement about the worst team in his memory.



Team Itachi was created less than a year ago, Tenma and the team leader were killed, but there are two versions of the development of Shinko Inari.



Either she lost confidence in herself and stopped being a ninja, or she was also killed by Obito.









Danzō, who was looking over the document, asked, "Is Team Itachi ready?"



The figure in the dark replied, "The jonin Minazuki is the guide, and the captain and two teammates are all civilian ninja."



Danzo put the document in his hand: "We will arrange everything after they form a connection. Remember, although there are no clan ninja on the team, I don't want there to be any flaws left for the Fourth Hokage."



The black shadow bowed and retreated.