
Naruto: Uchiha Snitch

When the Fourth Hokage did not die during the Rebellion of the Nine-Tails. When the night of the extermination of the Uchiha clan did not happen. When Obito knew about Madara's plot in advance. When both of Naruto's parents were alive. When Sasuke grew up without a father since childhood. When Danzo went crazy. When the Third Hokage was forced to admit his incompetence. Konoha, which has not taken the path of self-destruction, unites the entire ninja world. Uchiha Yun: “At first I just wanted to live, but now that I have the opportunity, I want to live a much better life.” Authors Notes: This is a translation The cover is not mine I hope you guys and girls enjoy, If you do plz give me power stones

GodsChildForever · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 29

Ever since Shisui Uchiha was transferred from the police force to the Anbu directly under the Fourth Hokage, Danzō had become more wary of the Uchiha clan than before.



This is also the reason why Shisui installed a simple barrier at the barbecue restaurant. As for their opinions on high-level politics, Shisui and Itachi are fundamentally different.






Getting down on one knee, Itachi thought about how not long ago, shortly after applying for early graduation... a high-ranking Konoha figure named Danzo appeared before him.



He still remembers the conversation that time.



"Itachi, you are a genius of the younger Uchiha generation. You, who had just discovered the sharingan, should not have been consumed by evil yet. So what is more important in your eyes? Village? Or family?



"Don't know what to answer?"



"The Sharingan of the Uchiha clan opens due to the loss of love. When the sharingan opens, the evil that comes with loss will fill the person's thoughts, and the temperament will change dramatically."



"It is because of this that the Second Hokage left the Uchiha clan outside the center of power. But now the ambitions of the Uchiha clan are gradually increasing. Even the grandson of my comrade in arms Kagami Uchiha has rebellious intentions in his head.



"And you, Itachi?"






"This old man read your file and always thought that you were different from other Uchiha. You have a vision that goes beyond the narrow horizons of your clan. Itachi, I need you to help me and help all of Konoha."






"Fool! After all, the Fourth Hokage is still too young. Whether it's the Third Hokage, the advisors, or that old man's Root, we are all for Konoha. But you should have already sensed the intentions of the Uchiha clan, Itachi, this is a rebellion!!"



"The thoughts of Uchiha Shisui, as well as the thoughts of the entire Uchiha clan now, all they want is to overthrow Konoha in order to achieve the goal of the coup."






"The Fourth Hokage comes from commoners, and Jiraiya, one of the Sannin, has been absent from the village for a long time. There is no one to stop the Uchiha clan..."






Itachi, who was on one knee, clenched his fists and remembered what Yun said at the barbecue restaurant today.



Crush the faction that wants to rebel and ally with the faction that wants to live in peace with the village. Then side with the Fourth Hokage to unite the forces of the various families in the village and finally remove the rotten roots under the great tree of Konoha.



Who are the rotten roots?



Root Danzo, two main advisors and... The Third Hokage!



And it's all?



Will they really stop there?



After cleaning up Konoha's rotten roots, will Uchiha become the new rotten root?



Shisui and Yun, what exactly do they want to do?






Danzo's questioning voice rang out, Itachi closed his eyes and replied: "Uchiha Yun seems to have guessed that Danzo-sama contacted me, so he gave me several warnings."



Danzo was stunned. Uchiha Yun?



He is called a genius, second only to Uchiha Itachi. But an Uchiha who did not discover the Sharingan can never be called a genius.



But how did he know that this old man had contacted Itachi?



"What warnings did he give you?"



Itachi replied, "Uchiha Yun said that if one day I go crazy, he will be the first to kill me. Because of the early release and because of the darkness in the Root, he does not agree with my choice."



After a long silence, Danzō quietly asked, "Has Uchiha Yun discovered the Sharingan?"



Itachi shook his head slightly, "No. Although due to his talent, Yun's reaction speed and strength are very high, but he has not opened his eyes yet."



There was a long silence for some time.



After a long time, Danzo said, "Think carefully about what that old man said. Konoha is a tall tree, it has shade that it casts due to the sun, and also has roots buried deep into the ground to absorb nutrients. Everything this old man does is for the sake of Konoha!"



"Come back, I'll give you a year after graduation. Root's condition is to become a chunin."



Itachi stood up and silently began to walk away when the voice behind him spoke again: "If you need information about the Uzumaki, Root has it."



With that said, there was a long silence before Itachi left.






In the empty space and darkness, Danzo raised his hand and looked at her.



Yun Uchiha?



An Uchiha who has not discovered the Sharingan is not worthy of being considered a force.



And Uchiha Itachi, grow up quickly.



With your teammates as your bonds, killing them after a year should be enough for you to gain this power, right?



Once the forces of the First Hokage and Madara Uchiha are under his control, the position of Hokage... is nothing short of an easily attainable goal.



Even if the Five Great Ninja Villages united, what difference would it make if I already had that kind of power?






Returning home, Itachi had just opened the door when he discovered that Sasuke, who was almost two years old, was still waiting for him.



"This child must wait for you, otherwise he will not sleep," Uchiha Mikoto said sadly.



Itachi smiled, nodded and hugged Sasuke, "Hey, I'll take you to bed after I wash up, but you can't wet the bed today."



Little Sasuke nodded sweetly: "Okay..."






As night fell, Itachi lay on the bed and did not feel sleepy at all.



Uzumaki, this man definitely has information about who killed my father.



And the roots, are they buried in the ground to absorb nutrients and not see the sun all day?



What are Shisui and Yun thinking?



Coup? Or really help the Fourth Hokage and allow the Uchiha to join Konoha again?



For Danzo, who knows the Sharingan so well, it is expected that from today Yun will appear in his sight. But this cannot be avoided; conversation inside the barrier will inevitably attract attention.



What if what they say is thirty percent true and everything else is a lie?



Although Shisui and Yun's true thoughts are still unclear, Danzo is also not trustworthy.



Turning his head to look at little Sasuke sleeping next to him, Itachi smiled.



No matter what, your brother will not let you be offended.






Home of the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato.



"Master, are you planning on going out to collect materials again after returning this time?"



Jiraiya put his hands on his hips and laughed: "Why! Throughout the ninja world, my countless book fans are eagerly awaiting my new work."



Kushina, who came out of the kitchen with the dishes, curled her lips: "What book fans? They are all perverts. Minato!



The scream startled Minato and he immediately turned around with a flattering smile.



Kushina put the plate down in her hands and picked up Naruto who was lying in Minato's arms, "You and Naruto can't learn from Jiraiya-sensei, if Naruto can't find a wife in the future, Jiraiya-sensei will be to blame."



Jiraiya on the side was also stunned: "I... I just met Naruto today..."



Kushina replied, "It is because the teacher met Naruto for the first time that I am giving you a warning in advance. If you dare to bring books that are not suitable for children into this house... hmph!"



Seeing the sleek long red hair gradually fly up, Minato quickly changed the subject, "Um... Kushina, what will Naruto eat today? The same as us?






Kushina immediately exclaimed and quickly handed Naruto to Minato and ran to the kitchen, "I'm still making baby food!"






Jiraiya also breathed a sigh of relief, "Is Kushina still so busy? Ha-ha-ha-ha..."



Minato smiled apologetically, "Ever since Naruto was born, Kushina has always been especially sensitive to children's upbringing, sorry teacher."



Jiraiya waved his hand and didn't care: "She's a mother now, such a reaction is normal. But Minato, time flies..."