
Naruto: Uchiha Snitch (On Pause)

When the Fourth Hokage did not die during the Rebellion of the Nine-Tails. When the night of the extermination of the Uchiha clan did not happen. When Obito knew about Madara's plot in advance. When both of Naruto's parents were alive. When Sasuke grew up without a father since childhood. When Danzo went crazy. When the Third Hokage was forced to admit his incompetence. Konoha, which has not taken the path of self-destruction, unites the entire ninja world. Uchiha Yun: “At first I just wanted to live, but now that I have the opportunity, I want to live a much better life.” Authors Notes: This is a translation The cover is not mine I hope you guys and girls enjoy, If you do plz give me power stones

GodsChildForever · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 14

"The ability can be used without looking into each other's eyes, and it can make people unconsciously act in accordance with the thought you planted, with the disadvantage of requiring a continuous supply of chakra?"



Seeing Shisui nod, Yun continued and said, "Only the Fourth Hokage knows the capabilities of this technique?"



Shisui shook his head slightly, "The Fourth Hokage's student, Kakashi, also knows, since his eye played a big role in the incident a year ago."



Yun remembered Kakashi's backstory: while the Fourth Hokage is still alive, he doesn't know if Danzō will reach out to Kakashi.



"From now on, do not tell anyone information about the ability of your Mangekyo Sharingan. Even if someone from Konoha's higher up asks, just refer them to the Fourth Hokage."



None of the three present were fools, and they quickly understood what Yun meant.



But fortunately there is still a weakness in this ability, the continuous release of chakra is a weakness, and the Byakugan ability can easily see who is under the control of the illusion.



"Shisui's brother."



Itachi's voice rang out, and the two tomoe in his eyes slowly appeared: "What happened a year ago? The identity of the enemy who was captured and sent to the police station has not yet been established?"



Shisui shook his head slightly, "The reason the enemy wore a mask was because his appearance was disfigured. And since the Fourth Hokage really had important business that day, the Fourth and I postponed the interrogation until the next day."



"But as you should already know, that person was saved right after the Fourth Hokage and I left the police force. And the Mangekyo, which was handed over to Captain Fugaku the day before, caused the fatal disaster."



Having said this, Shisui looked guiltily at Itachi: "If it weren't for that eye..."



The next words were blocked by Itachi: "I know. But as a patriarch, it was the right decision to hand over the lost Sharingan to the patriarch for safekeeping. I just need to find out the identity of that person to find the person responsible for my father's death."



Yun scratched the back of his head on the side. At that time, there was probably no one else on Obito's team, the second-level antagonist. At that moment, I'm not even sure whether the first level antagonist succumbed to dark thoughts.



But even if he was blackened at that moment, let the Six Paths of Pain come to the rescue? I don't think "Madara" is that shameless!



[Note: Blacking - Often used to describe a character who has begun down a path of murder and destruction, most cases occur in a short period of time as a result of the death of a loved one. For example, Obito after Rin's death, or Nagato after Yahiko's death.]



Then it turns out... it was Black and White Zetsu?



The scene was a little cold for a while due to Itachi's vengeful mood until Shisui pulled out a ninja bag and threw it at Itachi.



"This is a congratulatory gift in honor of entering the ninja school. These are custom ninja tools purchased from Granny Cat. They're light and sharp, so they should suit you very well."



Itachi looked at the contents of the ninja's bag, raised his head and smiled for the first time: "Thank you."



Shisui nodded and looked at Yun and then tossed him a scroll, "This scroll contains the Shadow Clone Technique, Body Flicker Technique, as well as some fire elemental ninjutsu of the Uchiha clan. You're different from Itachi, so I think you need this more than ninja tools."



Yun took the scroll, as expected from Shisui, he guessed what I wanted.



Fire elemental techniques are not important, but shadow clones - an "artifact" that allows you to skip classes at school - are required.



There is also the Forbidden Multiple Shadow Cloning Technique - a cheat that allows you to increase the strength of the main character Naruto, but the conditions for its use are such that you need to withstand the load of this technique, but the result allows you to endlessly accumulate experience.



What happens if you can't withstand the load from this technique? Well, the result is brain death.



"Both the Shadow Clone Technique and the Body Flicker Technique require a sufficient amount of chakra. If you use them forcefully, at that moment there may be no one who can save your life. That's why…"



Shisui reminded, and then added: "Let's stop here for today, and here's another wooden Kunai for Izumi. Yoon, please give her this gift from me."






After the three of them left the training ground and went their separate ways, Yun stopped halfway.



"Were you even able to sense my presence?"



Shisui, who suddenly appeared, was a little surprised, but Yun, standing in front of him, shook his head: "It was not a perception, but a guess that you want to tell me something, but at the same time Itachi should not hear about it."






Shisui sighed and said excitedly, "Sometimes you really don't look like a six year old, although ninja develop much faster than normal children, like Kakashi, who graduated from high school at age five and became a chunin at age six. But your words sometimes sound like those of a child, and sometimes like those of an old man."



"Old man?!"






Shisui smiled and patted Yun, who was smacking his lips like an old man, on the head and said: "Okay, it's just a joke, don't go that far!"



Yun smiled, "What else did you want to talk about? Tell me, I have to help you figure out a way to solve the problem."



As his words fell, Shisui's face gradually became serious, and even the three tomoe in his eyes gradually connected, displaying a Mangekyo.



Under the influence of the activated Mangekyō, after exploring his surroundings with a perception technique, Shisui said, "The Kotoamatsukami ability mentioned earlier is just a technique from my right eye. The left eye ability is also called Kotoamatsukami, but here are the conditions for its use..."



There is no need to make eye contact, and no need to maintain chakra supply, the victim is instantly and unconsciously manipulated.



This ability is a real bug of the Naruto world, it is the ultimate illusion of Shisui, Kotoamatsukami!



"I only used this ability once, after I discovered Mangekyo. And the enemy... with regrets filling his entire heart... committed suicide!



Shisui's words contained his own fear of this technique: "Since then, I have known the horror of Kotoamatsukami. Also, due to the terrifying power of this technique, it takes several years to regain the ability after the first use."



Yun raised his head slightly, "Then it's time to use this technique again..."



Shisui nodded, "Next year." There's one more year left."



Yun breathed a sigh of relief; fortunately, there were less than five years left. Otherwise, by that time the Uchiha clan might no longer exist.



"This technique... don't mention it to anyone, including me. If there is a third person who finds out about this ability... then the Uchiha clan will be completely exterminated!"



After finishing speaking, Yun looked at the Hokage building in the center of the village: "Politics has always been stained with blood since it arose in this world. Don't use your sincerity to test the kindness of your superior. After weighing the pros and cons, you will never get the results you want."



Shisui nodded as he heard his words, "I have understood the horror of this technique since I discovered the Mangekyo, and you, Yun, are the first person to know about it, besides me. And I guess you have secrets too, right? As for Kotoamatsukami, I think you already guessed what I want..."



Yun suddenly looked at Shisui and then suddenly lowered his head. Thinking about the information he had just received and the lack of need for direct eye contact, it made no difference whether he lowered his head or not.



As the smiling face came into view, the time spent with him over the past six months replayed frame by frame in his head, and every conversation was rethought once again.



Of course, every creature that becomes a Jonin should not be underestimated!



Analyzing data, analyzing every sentence - these are simply the basic skills of a Jonin.



As for Shisui, who is the elite among the Jonin, he has no doubt about it.



"Although I won't ask about your secrets, I sense that you also enjoy life in Konoha Village. Unlike Itachi, you are also very kind to non-nin Uchiha people."



Having said that, Shisui looked at the small shop in front of him, which was opened by a middle-aged couple in the clan territory, and it was called: Uchiha Clan Pancake Shop.



The owners are named Uchiha Teyaki and Uchiha Uruchi, they are ordinary civilians who are kind to everyone.





Before he was five years old, the two owners of this shop often gave him and Izumi pancakes because in their family, only the mother worked to earn money.



"They are ordinary civilians, but only because they bear the surname Uchiha, their life and death are decided by others. Shisui, after restoring your right eye's ability, use it to become the patriarch!"