
Naruto: Uchiha Snitch (On Pause)

When the Fourth Hokage did not die during the Rebellion of the Nine-Tails. When the night of the extermination of the Uchiha clan did not happen. When Obito knew about Madara's plot in advance. When both of Naruto's parents were alive. When Sasuke grew up without a father since childhood. When Danzo went crazy. When the Third Hokage was forced to admit his incompetence. Konoha, which has not taken the path of self-destruction, unites the entire ninja world. Uchiha Yun: “At first I just wanted to live, but now that I have the opportunity, I want to live a much better life.” Authors Notes: This is a translation The cover is not mine I hope you guys and girls enjoy, If you do plz give me power stones

GodsChildForever · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 63

After closing the book, Uchiha Qidai's eyes were filled with horror.



"Such a book... has never existed in Konoha before."



Yun nodded: "If you only have power, all you can do is destroy everything. Knowledge is required for governing - this is just a sketch."



"But I think it's enough. If you kill all the opponents, then under the name "Konoha" there will be only one Uchiha clan."



Speaking about this, Yun nodded his head: "But to become Hokage, you need brains."



Qidai carefully closed the book: "Yun is right, it is good to read more books."



Itachi looked at Yun sideways: "How did you do that? How did you manage to look so far?"



Yun thought for a moment and replied: "It's not good to constantly keep only the question of life and death in your head. When a problem appears, you just have to watch more than just that. And also to watch the clan, the village, and the whole world."



"If you look from afar, you will naturally find that the problems you think about are nothing more than simple things. Humans are animals with desires such as power, money, fame or feelings."



While speaking, Yun looked at Itachi: "You are a genius, but the direction of your genius is only ninja talent. As for understanding people... you're too bad at that."



After the words were spoken, everyone except Yun fell into deep thought.






People's desires?



After a long time, Qidai asked, "How can we deal with the Root clansman right now?"



Yun thought for a moment and said, "After Danzo died, the Root seal should have disappeared. But now it appears that the remaining Root has been taken back under the control of some high-ranking person in Konoha."



After thinking for a moment, Tsidai asked: "Do we need to kill him? The people who entered the Root don't think about the Uchiha clan anymore."



Shisui frowned upon hearing this suggestion, while Yun waved his hand and said, "Arrange it and let it disappear naturally. The Uchiha, who was in the Root, calmly watched as his own people were persecuted and oppressed, but at the same time remained completely indifferent."



"There is no need for such people to remain alive. Whether it's the Third Hokage or the two Konoha advisors, with the Uchiha's current strength, they won't have the ability to make any further moves."



Qidai nodded, and Shisui on the side also understood the meaning of Yun's words.



These words of Yun were not related to the suppression of the Uchiha clan by Konoha, but to Uchiha Haohei, a member of the clan who, having been rescued, wanted a quick death for the sake of his family and village.






"Let's just do what Yoon said. The next steps will be gradual and we need to resolve the issue with the police."



Shisui put an end to this little meeting and he knew very well that from today onwards he would no longer be in the Fourth Hokage's Anbu.



Now he is the Uchiha patriarch who will be very busy.






After a short meeting, Tsidai left with the book.



Yun and Itachi were also about to leave.



"About the police, can we just surrender?" - Shisui's voice came from behind.



Yun turned around: "The enormous right to autonomy allows the Uchiha to arm themselves shamelessly and openly, but do we really want an armed coup?"



"Let's go according to plan. Tomorrow you will explore the relationships of different families. For convenience, you can use the position of police captain, or deputy captain."



"By the way, your position as captain... let's see how many people will agree to accept this position and swim in this troubled water."






Three months later, Konoha shopping street.






A fat man could be seen rolling out from behind a curtain with the words "gambling" printed on it, and as soon as he stood up, a man running out of the store knocked him down again.



"Bastard, if you still can't get the money within three days, wait for your death!"



The fat man, dressed like a businessman, with a broken nose and a swollen face on the ground, raised his head and still stubbornly said: "You swindled me out of all my money and even tricked me into borrowing money from you, why should I pay it back to you? »



"No! I will sue you! I'll go to court to get you back the money you cheated me out of!"



The people in the casino grinned: "You yourself wanted to bet and lost. You said we tricked you into getting your money? Has anyone seen this? Point to the person who saw this, and I will accompany you to the police station myself!"



At that moment, three people wearing ninja vests appeared.



A fat businessman ran up and hugged the thigh of one of them with excitement on his face: "Help, my lord, I was cheated out of money and beaten."



Seeing people approaching, the casino workers secretly spat. They really came on time.



"Hello, I am the manager of this casino."



It was clear that as soon as the manager approached, he grabbed one of the police officers by the arm. He was about to shake off his hand, but discovered that there was something in it.



Thus, in this little farce, a fat businessman was taken away to be investigated on charges of being a spy from another village.






"How do you like this?"



"After Danzo's death, the Fourth Hokage and two advisers agreed to allocate part of the funds for the police. But…"



Yun smiled, "But over time, there will be ups and downs. This group of civilian ninjas who just joined the police force have learned very well what the Uchihas did before."



Shisui smiled wryly and nodded: "Everything is exactly as you expected. Hyuuga, Inuzuka and Aburame must join the search party for the village. InoShikaCho, Sarutobi and Shimura flatly rejected the invitation to join the police force."



"Only these civilian ninjas, who barely became chunin due to their age because they are afraid of the death rate in missions outside the village, happily agreed to our invitation."



"But... the effect doesn't seem very satisfactory."



Yun replied: "Less money and no exit from the village, the only advantage is that the work is close to home. And truly capable ninjas won't want to join the police."



"However, for weak people, the police are sweet potatoes. They can show their strength, there is no danger to their lives in the village, and they also need to eat and drink. Once such power falls into their hands, they will no longer be so contemptuous."



Shisui replied, "As for the various families, they even refused the position of vice-captain without hesitation. This is truly a pit that no one wants to jump into!"



Yun looked at Shisui and asked, "Whether it's Hyuuga or Sarutobi, do they want to rebel?"



Shisui was stunned by this question and shook his head: "No, they have no reason for a coup."



Yoon responded, "If they don't want to rebel, why do they need this much autonomy at all? Just arm yourself and you can win? Not everyone has Susanoo."



"Don't think about inviting them again. The heads of their families are not fools. "Eventually, when the Uchiha gives up this matter, the Hokage will instruct all the families to form a police force together."



After these words were spoken, Shisui nodded slightly.



He wasn't too worried about the fat businessman who had just been taken away.



The number of Uchiha in the police force has now greatly diminished, but those in command can still be trusted.



And recently, thanks to Yun's book, some Uchiha have learned to use their brains a little. This can be considered a minor success.



But even if all the ins and outs of this casino case are clarified, the deceived businessman will not get his money back.



But at least his debt will also be written off.









A figure suddenly appeared behind the two of them.



"Shisui-senpai, Uchiha Yun, Hokage-sama wants to see you."



Yun turned his head slightly, and the Mangekyo Sharingan in his eyes was already revealed: "Don't appear behind me next time, otherwise I can't guarantee that you will have the same luck every time."



Shisui patted Yun on the shoulder, "Don't be nervous, it's a habit of Anbu, just let them pay attention next time."



Closing the Mangekyo, Yun exhaled, his reaction was hasty.



And the Anbu, from whom cold sweat was already dripping under his mask, nodded and instantly disappeared on the spot.



The gloomy chakra just nearly made him draw his sword and rush away. Is this the ultimate power of the Uchiha Sharingan? How old is this Uchiha Yun?



Even compared to Kakashi-senpai, he is an incredible talent...






Hokage building.



Minato, who was still looking through the document, raised his head and smiled, "Shisui... Captain Shisui and Yun, are you here yet? Wait a moment, I have only read half of this document."



Shisui nodded and replied, "Hokage-sama, please continue to call me just Shisui, I'm not used to it at all."



The fourth nodded with a smile and continued to process the documents, while Yun on the opposite side also smiled slightly.



Three months passed and all the Uchiha began to unite due to a change in the thinking of the top of the Hawks.



This kind of power made Minato a little scared?



Captain Shisui?



Another half of the document?



Want to test Shisui's attitude? So, it's time to check my attitude.



Soon after, Minato put down the document in his hand, looked at Uchiha Yun with a smile and said, "The Uchiha reform has been going well lately, thanks to you."



Shisui scratched the back of his head and decided to say, "Since families don't want to allow their members to join the police force, so..."



Minato nodded, "I will deal with this matter later, the powers of the police should be changed, and the Uchiha clan should not be responsible for protecting the safety of the village alone."



The transfer of power over the police comes first, and only when the power changes will the Uchiha be able to get out of this hole.



Yun smiled and asked, "The ninja school is on vacation now. Shisui, Itachi, Izumi and I are going to have a barbecue later. Fourth Hokage-sama, will you go?"



Minato could hear the meaning of the words and saw him looking at the stack of documents on the table, "Shikaku took time off because of something, and I don't think I'll have much free time today."



"This time I asked the Anbu to call you here to find someone who can help."



Speaking of this, the Fourth Hokage looked at Yun: "Since Shisui became the head of the Uchiha clan, he can no longer hold the position of Anbu. Without Shisui, it's very difficult for me to find the right person for some things here..."



"Yun, at your age Kakashi has already served as the village's chunin for three years, is it appropriate for you to still remain in the ninja school?"






Yun was stunned; a surprise awaited him here.



I've been fishing for three years, but the main thing is that I want to continue doing it for another three years.



"What does Hokage-sama mean?"



Minato said with a smile, "Ever since Kakashi left Anbu, my immediate subordinates have been taken care of by Shisui. Now that Shisui is leaving, I want you to graduate early and become a chunin."



Yun thought for a moment and asked: "Is it possible to immediately promote me to chunin? And even if I become a chunin, I won't be able to enter the Anbu, right?"



Minato replied, "Emergency promotion is normal and there will be a small evaluation. But I guess it shouldn't be difficult to just promote you, a person who has the Mangekyo Sharingan, to the rank of chunin?"



"As for Anbu, a chunin who has a kekkei genkai such as the sharingan can be promoted to a special jonin according to the system. So…"



Hehe... so in the end I have no choice?



It's been a few years since I've had a shortage of money. Isn't it nice to eat and drink at school and pretend to be aggressive from time to time? And I planned to graduate so that I could be on the same team as Izumi, so I no longer have that opportunity?



"I feel like I'm not capable enough, why don't I study at a ninja school for a few more years?" - Yun asked carefully.



But such an answer is clearly not enough to satisfy the Fourth Hokage: "Study for a few more years or play for a few more years? Itachi graduated early two years ago, how long are you going to continue playing?"



Shisui on the side also smiled and said, "Yun is different from Itachi, whether it is knowledge about ninjas or about people, I don't think Yun needs to stay in the ninja school anymore."






Yun, who was at a loss for words, nodded after thinking about it and agreed. It's really useless to continue to stay in the ninja school when he already has the Mangekyo Sharingan.



The Fourth Hokage would not allow high-class combat power to be placed in a position where he could not use it to its best advantage. There are so many things to do every day.



Now that the Root has disappeared, and the Anbu directly under the Third Hokage will not listen to his orders, the Anbu that the Fourth Hokage now has are not enough for some special tasks.






BBQ restaurant.



"So you're also graduating early?"



Itachi said a little surprised, "I thought you would stay in the ninja school for six years before you graduated."



Shisui smiled on the opposite side: "Stay in school for six years, and then be a genin for the rest of your life, eating, drinking and having fun in the village every day. Perhaps this is Yoon's wish?"



Ha ha!



Yun looked at the two of them disdainfully, why should he desperately complete tasks when he could just eat and quietly wait until he died? Wouldn't it be nice if his Avatar ran around the world and made money from the outside?



"Don't gloat, I've extended my vacation for at least two years. I think at this time the idiot Itachi has been digging cesspools in the village for two years."



Itachi on the side widened his eyes and waited for a long time before answering: "There were only a couple of missions to dig a cesspool, most of them were to find the noble lady's cat or drive away the boars."



Yun pursed his lips, "You seem to be quite noble."



Itachi shook his head, "Our team began performing C-rank missions outside the village over a year ago. Although it's not as good as Anbu, I think it's okay."



Seeing the light in this guy's eyes, Yun asked in shock, "Are you in love?"






Itachi was stunned for a moment and immediately blushed upon realizing this.



This reaction suddenly made Yun feel nervous as well, and he grabbed Itachi by the neck and shook him.



"Tell! Who is this? Didn't I cancel that ninja cat's draft contract last time? How can you still communicate?! A?!"






Itachi, who continued to cough, waved his arms again and again, but could not speak. Shisui from the opposite side quickly explained: "You are mistaken. It must be his partner, a girl named Shinko, right?"






Yun let go of Itachi, looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Is that really Izumi?"



Itachi took two deep breaths before answering, "I always thought of Izumi as my little sister, and I lent her that ninja cat because Izumi said she liked him."



Yun looked skeptical, but after thinking about it, he said, "Although I'm surprised that you were able to fall in love, if it wasn't Izumi, I still wish you the best."



While saying this, Yun looked at Shisui, "Is it really normal to fall in love at nine years old? He is still so young..."



Shisui waved his hands and replied, "It's not a real relationship, they just like each other. Oh well…"