
Naruto: Uchiha simulation

What if, by some incredible twist of fate, an ordinary young individual found themselves resurrected within the intriguing world of Naruto, a popular anime they had once avidly watched? And not only that, but what if they were reborn into the prestigious Uchiha clan, known for its remarkable abilities? Unbelievably, the clan is currently under attack, and their very own leader's eldest child, Itachi Uchiha, is the perpetrator. However, our protagonist Akira Uchiha is not left defenseless, as he encounters a means to relive his extraordinary encounters from the past six years spent in the Naruto realm. Get ready to embark on a captivating adventure as Akira strives to become the most formidable individual in the world.

Adolf_nigler · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 17

Feeling really dizzy and tired.

It has been two weeks, and recently, Uchiha Akira has been practicing the Body Flicker Technique that Uchiha Shisui gave him very intensely.

However, after two weeks, he has not made any progress, and instead, he has become mentally weaker.

The Body Flicker Technique is a move that can make your body go faster for a little while. Jōnin and some Chūnin can learn how to do it.

However, Shisui's Body Flicker technique is very unique and unlike any other.

Just compare Shisui's fast movement technique with the regular fast movement technique.

The Ordinary Body Flicker Technique is used to move quickly and that's it.

However, Uchiha Shisui's Body Flicker Technique can perform the same function as the Kamui ability of the cloned version.

How do you express something.

Many characters can be created quickly, and these characters are like ghosts, but they are all individual beings.

When you try to attack him, he may actually be an illusion.

Sure, this trick is really strong, but the stronger it is, the more difficult it is to develop.

According to Shisui, this move is very difficult, at an S-level.

First, you need to practice the basic body flicker technique a lot until you become really good at it.

Secondly, it works just like the Flying Thunder God technique. It allows you to quickly swap places with your clone phantoms when it's really important. This way, all the clones become both real and phantom-like at the same time.

In the end, we also need the help of Sharingan.

This needs to be done with Sharingan's illusion, and it also needs Sharingan's super-dynamic vision to understand all the magical shadow clones and the situation on the field.

Uchiha Shisui's Body Flicker Technique combines many conditions that have been achieved.

This trick is almost like a combination of Kamui and Flying Thunder God.

Yes, even though it was hard, Shisui was able to become Instant Shisui with this trick.

The fame of Konoha's White Fang and Golden Glitter has become really high. It's so high that it made other ninjas from Ninja Village give up on their own missions.

You can tell that this trick is really good.

On this day, someone spent the entire day devoted to spiritual practices, but they couldn't find any answers or hints.

Uchiha Akira went back to his house but didn't even clean himself and just laid on the bed smelling bad.

The master opens the door for the person, and it is up to them to practice and improve themselves. Shisui was the one who taught the person how to do this.

The next thing we have to do is to trust in Uchiha Akira and his own hard work and knowledge.

Itachi from the Uchiha clan in the original book is very difficult to kill. He has the ability to hurt others, but if someone hurts him, he can transform into a crow and fly away.

"This technique looks a lot like Uchiha Shisui's Body Flicker Technique. "

The way the virtual and real world connect, by combining the Sharingan illusion.

By the way, I have been learning from Shisui for two months now. Uchiha Itachi and Shisui are very good friends, almost like brothers.

Teacher Shisui cares a lot about the village and thinks it's more important than the Uchiha family. Did Itachi Uchiha kill his own family to protect the village.

"But I'm just a regular chūnin, and I've only just started learning S-rank ninjutsu at the chūnin level. "

That's like asking a middle school student who recently learned about physics how to build a circuit board.

However, I am also foolish. It is very hard to learn this powerful ninjutsu. Why do you want to learn it by yourself. Let's hurry up and complete some tasks, earn some rewards, and try out different scenarios in your life.

I am not very talented and I don't like to work hard. I believe that Krypton gold is the best.

Please simplify the following text:.

Uchiha Akira was lying in bed and feeling a little confused. Eventually, he fell asleep and started snoring.

At the door, Keiko was holding a pot of hot water. She wanted Akira to wash his face before dinner.

But when she walked to the door, she heard loud snoring coming from inside. Without hesitation, she quickly turned around and left.

"Keizi, what happened to the boy. " The food was on the table, but the old man didn't start eating. He looked at Keiko, who returned by herself, and asked.

"Master Ming, he went to sleep. " "It looks like he has been very tired these days. " answered

Well, Shisui's Body Flicker Technique is quite difficult to learn. Lately, he has been going through a difficult time. I need to figure out how to make him happy.

The old man felt both relieved and saddened upon hearing this.

I was very sleepy and slept from 6pm to 6am. But I woke up because I was hungry.

But when Uchiha Akira stood up to clean himself, Keiko approached with a small case.

"Master Ming, I have a message for you from the oldest and most respected member of our group. " He said that you have been very tired from your training recently. I need you to take a break for two days. You should calm down while practicing. Keiko opened the case and saw lots of new money.

"What is this. " When Uchiha Akira saw it, he became excited.

"It's 100,000 taels. "