
Naruto: Uchiha Mikaboshi

This is a story in which a guy reincarnates as Uchiha Mikaboshi, the same age as Kakashi. Hn. The story is in many PoVs except the protagonist himself. Crackfic

BorutoIsTrash · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


"Mikaboshi-kun, you can come in. I am not smoking."

Hiruzen tiredly said, and Mikaboshi walked into the office leisurely.

"How are you? Everything fine?"


Hiruzen sighed with exasperation. Uchihas and their Hn's.

"How is the Uchiha clan?"

"Who knows?"


"Was everything alright in the clan meeting?"



Hiruzen sighed again. He was too old for this shit.

Hiruzen have thought of a brilliant way to settle the tensions between the village and Uchiha clan. And he himself will benefit from the solution.

Make Mikaboshi-kun the Hokage.

He is strong, and he is an Uchiha. Even Hiruzen himself doesn't know if he can win against Mikaboshi now that he has one foot in grave.

The Uchiha clan will be happy. He will be happy that he won't have to do any paperwork, and everyone will be happy. Except Danzo and his other two friends.

Even Hyuga clan will support him because he saved its heiress by capturing the Cloud shinobi along with video recording. Well, Danzo did ask about what was he doing, monitoring ambassadors and recording them. Even though the only answer he received was that 'their Dao was corrupt'.

"By the way, what is 'Dao'?"


Hiruzen deadpanned at the Uchiha. He really thinks that Mikaboshi just uses this random word to get away from things he doesn't want to explain.

Danzo pressed him about Dao, but the answer was, 'You should be able to decode the meaning. You are the Darkness of Konoha afterall. Or, have you lost your edge?'

Danzo had to take on the challenge of decoding Dao, because he was in the presence of Uchiha, Hyuga and Nara clan heads. Till this day, he hasn't decoded it.

Well, because the speaker himself doesn't know it!

Hiruzen sighed again and stopped thinking about Dao. He has a mission for Mikaboshi.

"S-rank. Hideout of Orochimaru in proximity of Land of Iron. Ransack it and bring back everything. If you encounter him, DO not engage. Teleport here."

"...Can I kill him?"

"We can't risk your life."

"...Put a genjutsu on him, so that he thinks that he will go bald?"


"So that he will research on hair regrowth? Then I will steal the method and sell it to nobles for making money."




"Do as you wish!"

And Mikaboshi disappeared.

Hiruzen sighed again.

'I am too old for this.'