
Naruto Uchiha Madara son

MeJFG · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: The Reveal

Naruto was stunned. He had never heard anyone speak of his true heritage before. Curiosity piqued, he followed the hooded figure to a small tea house on the outskirts of the village.

Once they were seated and served tea, the figure finally lifted his hood, revealing a weathered face with piercing red eyes. "My name is Madara Uchiha," the figure said, his voice tinged with pride. "And I am your father."

Naruto was shocked. Madara Uchiha was one of the legendary figures of the ninja world, a powerful warrior who had been alive for centuries through the use of the Edo Tensei technique. He was also the leader of the infamous Uchiha clan, known for their powerful Sharingan eyes.