
Naruto : Uchiha : Chapter 63

Her body started quivering in his arms, not from the cold but from the way he was breaching her barriers and poking into her inner turmoil with his calming presence that was now wrapping all over her heart.

The moonlight shone over the two, their shadows stretching on in the memorial grounds while darkness started taking over the night completely in it's wake.


Any other day, someone might have found the sight in front of them to be adorable.

But today it was different.

Naruto gave a gentle squeeze to her waist, placing his lips on the back of her head softly and she curled up into an even smaller ball than before as soon as his tender gesture was done.

"Naruto…" her voice started cracking, and it took all his will to not let his chakra flare angrily.

But it did coat him completely, the deep menacing purple surrounding him made the night scavengers hovering around the fields fly away from his menacing presence as it started filling up his surroundings like an engulfing flood that couldn't be stopped by anyone.

The oppressing aura would have alerted anyone to be on guard for an attack…, had there actually been anyone present within their vicinity.

It did that for anyone but the girl in his arms, for her it was as if it were a protective layer that was now coating her from anything that could so much as touch her in that moment.

"Shh…" his gentle voice cooed in her ear, flipping the small ball in his arms a bit sideways to settle her comfortably on his lap and letting her bury her face in his neck.

As soon as her arms wrapped around his chest, her soft sniffles raised up into loud wails of agony. Her own humongous chakra reserves started going haywire with each wail she let free of her own confinements.

But unlike the young Uchiha's, the Senju heiress's was a bright golden that made a light and sad aura. It would have made anyone cry from the emotions that swirled within it's torrent, and it did do so for Naruto who cried silently upon feeling the pure anguish in her cries.

The way she clutched his chest like a lifeline, and the way she pushed her face in his neck to let out all her inner turmoil almost made him go berserk while his eyes glowed in the dark recesses of the night like shining crimson rubies.

They shone unlike anything they had done ever before.


"Narutooo…." she wailed out loud and clutched his shirt tightly in her fists, whimpering in anguish and he gently started rocking her back and forth like a little infant to sooth her pain.

Placing soft kisses on top of her puffy cheeks every now and then, while he merely stayed silent and cooed soft whispers to let her cry it all out once and for all.

Unlike anyone else who might have consoled her that it was alright, or that everything would be fine.

He stayed silent.

It wasn't alright. Her parents were dead. They were never coming back. The hole that had been created in her heart would never be filled, ever.

Just like the one in his heart had never been filled…

Their chakra swirled in tendrils around each other, making a small and dazzling show for the spectating owls in sight whose hooting had ceased at seeing the strange phenomenon in pure curiosity.

The bright golden swirls dancing along with the menacing purple in perfect harmony.

The sight almost seemed majestic…

Like Yin and Yang dazzling together in unshaped circles.

Her agonized wails and loud whimpers gently started dying down into little sniffles while both their chakras receded back within their bodies after a few minutes.

Tsunade laid her puffy cheek on his shoulder with a tired plop, sniffling every now and then while enjoying the gentle fingers that were coursing in her hair on instincts alone right now.

Naruto himself felt quite drained, but blamed it all on the emotional toll this day had been taking on him.

And for some stupid reason, he felt like he had absorbed a part of her pain within himself.

"Naruto…" her voice sounded so weak, so frail. His eyes traveled a bit to the side to gaze sadly upon the fragile looking girl in his arms. It pained his heart to see her chirpy face like this, it didn't suit her in the slightest.

"Hmm…" he hummed softly, placing yet another soft kiss on her head while she snuggled childishly in his arms when another cold breeze flew past them.

Quite frankly, he didn't have much energy left within him right now to waste it on words any further than he needed to…

"Why did they have to die?" her soft voice asked in a tired whisper, his own Sharingan eyes glancing into her half lidded eyes sadly.

There was only one thought that came to his mind after a small dark flashback in his vision of the sight that was etched in his memory for all eternity.

"It's war Tsunade." his answer was simple, and he knew as blunt and insensitive as he might have sounded…

It was the only truth.

Though he did hug her even more tightly when her eyes started filling up with even more unshed tears as soon as his words registered in her mind.

His words struck a cord in her heart too. So what if it was war? Why did they have to kill them for absolutely no reason, whatsoever.

"But they were simple medics Naru, they were doctors. They helped people…" she whispered in a small tired argument, letting her eyes droop sleepily with a small yawn escaping her lips involuntarily on it's own.

Her words did make him think of the truth behind them. And as much as he was loathe to admit it…she was right.

"I don't know." his words and voice were absolutely honest.

He really didn't know what to sat to that and she fisted her eyes off her renewing tears, almost on the verge of falling asleep any passing moment now.

"Why did they have to kill them? They were nice people…" her tired voice trailed off in between her words and she let the sweet nothingness of slumber consume her mind mid sentence.

Naruto cradled the back of her head with his palm tenderly, pulling her face closer in his neck to hide her from the cold while feeling her soft sniffles on his sensitive skin every second.

"I don't know princess, I just don't know…" he whispered to no one in particular, sitting there numbly with a half asleep girl in his arms for a while.

To let her fall into a deep sleep lest he be the reason to disturb her peaceful face like this.

He loved to watch her sleep ever since he had first seen it. She looked so innocent and adorable like this, with no care of the world whatsoever whenever she slept.

No matter what, she always slept like a log in his arms…

He scooped the girl up in his arms bridal style when he felt her breaths evening out completely and disappeared into the darkness of the night. He needed to take her to his house and tuck her in a comfortable bed.

He too needed some sleep, and would most probably skip out dinner tonight…


Meanwhile at the Konoha Hospital

"What's the status?" a shinobi asked, his face covered with a white surgical mask while his hands held a pair of scissors and tongs in each of them respectively.

He was wearing a pure white overcoat covering his chunin dress underneath, but upon realizing the situation he let out a weary sigh of exhaustion.

"We've done all that we could. Lord Tobirama is stable for now, but the rest is out of our abilities…" a nurse answered him tiredly herself. The chief medic looked on defeated at the two patients lying on the stretchers in front of him.

The most high profile ones he had ever had the privilege of treating in his short career mind you…

"We must make haste. Where is Mito-sama? Isn't she here yet?" he asked the small medical team circled around the two in haste and impatience, but got no response from any of them.

As if on queue to his words, the doors to the operating chambers opened all of a sudden. The Uzumaki heiress, still clad in her ceremonial black robes walked in with tired bloodshot eyes and her face lacked every ounce of it's usual charm or glowing gracing it usually held, like everyone was used to seeing each time.

Her soft steps being the only sounds in the awfully quiet chambers apart from the small beeping the machines were letting out, attached to almost every part of the two patients lying lifelessly on their operating beds.

"Mito-sama…" a nurse gasped softly seeing the condition the woman was in. She looked ready to drop unconscious with those eyes that were currently resembling her hair, and her face had lost most of it's color as if she were the one who was sick in the first place.

Not one of them had the heart to call her out on her appearance, it was only natural for a woman to look that way, one who had just been to the burial of her children merely hours ago.

"How are they?" Mito's voice was strict as usual, but the hints of tiredness were apparent to almost everyone surrounding her.

A clipboard made it's way into her palms, courtesy of a nurse standing nervously by her side.

Just the presence of the regal aura the woman usually held around others was enough to make any lesser person who she didn't consider close to herself to be in such a condition no matter who they were.

Her violet orbs danced around the scribbled medical notations expertly, almost fluidly taking in each and every point worth noting and discarding the useless information almost instantly.

The corner of her lips twitched upwards in a little smile as soon as she reached it's end, at least not everything today had been a venture in darkness…

"Tobirama is alright, I'm glad…" she whispered in relief, the last part to herself but it was audible to everyone besides her pertaining to the silence that had enveloped the room with her noble presence. Her aura affecting it as soon as she had step foot in these chambers.

"Yes…" the chief medic spoke pushing his glasses up and he nodded proudly. They had been able to nurse their Kage out of his life threatening injuries after all.

"What about Sasuke?" she asked, looking at the man who had dozens more machines still strapped onto him with a ventilator and life support systems keeping him breathing, almost forcefully in fact.


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