
Naruto : Uchiha Clan

The story : "What if Naruto had been born into the same timeline as the legendary Sannin? Imagine if he were a member of the Uchiha clan, yet shunned by the entire village because he was Izuna Uchiha's son and Madara Uchiha's grandson. How might the story unfold as he carves his unique path, earning the village's respect and affection, ultimately ascending the ranks to achieve the unthinkable: becoming the Hokage, a feat no Uchiha had ever accomplished." Naruto X Tsunade ===================== Disclaimer : I don't own anything

sybife · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs

Naruto : Uchiha : Chapter 50

( Konoha )

Time-skip Two Days later…


The sound of metal clinking with metal rang throughout the Hokage Office, the sounds ringing off while Tobirama Senju put on his battle armor over his usual black and blue clothes.

He hadn't worn it in quite some time now, not that it made him feel any better wearing it today.

But desperate times called for desperate measures.

And he wasn't taking any chances today.

He went for his hip pouch, strapping it onto his back and rolling up the bandages upon his thigh for strapping the leg holster. Finally, his palm rested upon the blade-less hilt of the Raijin no Ken, he picked it up, looking at it sadly for but a moment before sliding it back and clicking it in it's own personal holster wound upon his hip horizontally across his back.

He wasn't a man to shy away from a challenge to a battle, not that he was careless enough to charge blindly like a headless chicken into an ambush in the first place like he was going to do today.

But the stakes he had been dealt today had been far too high, for even if the slightest chance of his children returning to safety rested within his reach, he couldn't afford to lose it no matter what.

Not today.

Not ever.

"You ready…?" a voice drawled out from behind him, making him nod curtly without ever turning back to his old friend Sasuke, who in question, had his own version of a brown battle armor donned upon him to match the Senju's blue one.

Tobirama put down his leg, turning around to face his desk again, while placing the face plate with the Leaf insignia on his forehead that matched the one Sasuke donned and both nodded to each other in unison.

Both Legendary shinobi, armed to the teeth would have been enough to have most of the people cowering before their might with mere glances alone right at that moment.

Not many possessed the gall to say they could stand before their mere presence in those outfits without feeling at least the slightest bits of intimidation from their mere presences, not when they were out to do whatever it took to get the job done.

"Let's go." Tobirama stated in his usually flat and blank tone, walking up to Sasuke and clasping his friend's shoulder within his palm.

He looked into Sasuke's questioning eyes and knew what he wanted to ask in but a moment, like always the Sarutobi clan head not needing to voice out his doubts whatsoever to his comrade in arms.

"I'll Hiraishin us to the borders of Iron Country…" upon another raised eyebrow, he elaborated further. "…we can't be going on by foot and have us getting ambushed by some stupid scheme beforehand." he explained in detail, getting a satisfied nod from Sasuke.

He knew what the Kage was trying to do without even needing to think upon the matter, his experience in battle didn't even need him to think about it.

Such were their deduction and instinctive reasoning skills after so many battles.

Saving his chakra by merely going until the borders, and then going on foot to have the necessary time to recover it back since the distance was so large and whether he would admit it or not, their primes were now long since past now.

Thus why, they always relied on experience and cunning much more these days, rather than brute force and tackles like they used to prefer in the older days of the warring eras and even those before in the First Great War.

"Let's go, we have some things to do and people to greet…" Sasuke muttered pointedly and both disappeared into thin air a moment later.


Near the borders of Iron and Fire…

A small desolate village, consisting of nothing but simple farmers laid barren, devoid of any signs of life.

It seemed as if it had been eradicated by a plague years ago.

However, that was far from the truth.

It had been evacuated a few days prior by the order of the Nidaime Raikage who had sent his best shinobi to scour out the village.

Now however, the man sat in the house belonging to the village's leader of their farming union. The Raikage, second in fact, was a buffed up man. His hair dark brown with the usual dark tanned skin his country was famous for in many of it's inhabitants, coupled with amber eyes and several scars all over his body he was quite an intimidating sight to behold.

The scars in question were worn as his pride and joy of successful battles over the years. His right shoulder donned a bright black tattoo with the Kanji for 'Black Lightning' embossed permanently upon his skin.

He sat on the large leather chair, his cheek resting lazily upon his palm with several of his best shinobi settling in, around the room in several chairs, either sharpening their blades or checking on their equipment in nervous anticipation for the upcoming events that were about to unfold.

"Do you really think he'll come?" a gruff voice asked, the tone nowhere near as polite as it should have been while talking to a man of his stature, and could have even almost been passed as plain rude by some.

But he let it slide, for today that is…

"Yeah…, even an idiot can smell out that this is a trap…" another rude voice pointed out, but he paid them no heed and kept tapping his index finger upon the table while awaiting the small envoy from Leaf, that he had no doubt whatsoever would greet him with their gracious presence this fine day while he would welcome them with open arms.

Not the arms that one would embrace a guest with, but those used as tools for destruction that is…

"He'll come…" his manly deep voice stated confidently, not an ounce of a doubt laced within his words.

The statement made all actions around the room stop momentarily, and look at him questioningly for a further elaboration upon that as each of them had their own share of doubts upon that matter."…those fools from the Leaf village are much to simple to read by anyone.

They think with their hearts and feel with their brains, they would be dust by now if not for the rarity of bloodlines that accursed Hashirama Senju amassed within his walls before his death." he growled out, clenching the paper weight within his grip and cracking it into shimmering splinters with brute strength alone of his large fist.

This was his chance to weaken that spit of a land that had reigned supreme over them in the past war and clenched the title of being the mightiest of the shinobi villages for far too long than what he could tolerate, with temper as short as his it wasn't too long…

"But Kumo will reign supreme upon the whole might of the elemental nations, and with us at the top…, no one would dare question our militaristic ways anymore.

Everything they hold precious will be ours, of that you all can be sure of." he spoke proudly while clenching the shiny dust he had just crushed out tightly to make his point.

The morale of his men increased with his each and every word and he couldn't help but smirk at seeing the fire and thirst for fight within their eyes.

He wouldn't expect anything less of them, he had nurtured his village like that for far too long than his predecessor's short tenure after having been declared deceased in the past war.

Kumo didn't coddle their shinobi anymore like those of the Leaf, they trained them like machines to be what they were born for.

To act as mere killing machines, if and when the times called for it.

There was no place for emotions over the battlefield.

Emotions were a hindrance that killed any and all shinobi in their lines of duty.

The strength of the village came first before anything.

These were the teachings his shinobi were drilled with each and very day of their lives, whether they be chunin, jounin or even genin for that matter…

"Sir the sensory barrier has picked up two very large chakra sources coming at us at a quick pace from down the border…" a man ran in with the news he had been waiting for a few days now.

The words were like an ointment to an itch within his ears and the Raikage smirked smugly, his finger stopping it's tapping motion when he saw all eyes turn to him.

Each one of them awaited their orders.

But he only had one.

"Let's go." he spoke loudly, before disappearing in a black bolt of lightning with all his men following suit with him moments later, with their own respective flickers…


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