
Naruto : Uchiha Clan

The story : "What if Naruto had been born into the same timeline as the legendary Sannin? Imagine if he were a member of the Uchiha clan, yet shunned by the entire village because he was Izuna Uchiha's son and Madara Uchiha's grandson. How might the story unfold as he carves his unique path, earning the village's respect and affection, ultimately ascending the ranks to achieve the unthinkable: becoming the Hokage, a feat no Uchiha had ever accomplished." Naruto X Tsunade ===================== Disclaimer : I don't own anything

sybife · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Naruto : Uchiha : Chapter 39

"So you have a plan then Duy?" Naruto asked hopefully and smiled seeing him give him a thumbs up with a nice guy pose.

"Of course not…" he boomed and the blonde fell comically on his face.

"That's what we have Sakumo for." he boomed and this time the silver haired one fell on his face.


Sakumo sighed and ran fingers through his hair, racking his mind while looking at the large warehouse calculatingly.

"Naruto you have ninja wire right?" he asked, rubbing his chin in thought and Naruto nodded. "Yeah I always keep it with me you know it already."

The boy answered matter of factedly and Sakumo nodded, thinking of taking advantage of his teammate's shurikenjutsu now. His eyes turned to a lone crate to the side and he turned to Duy.

"Duy will you kick it please?" he asked in a voice that meant business and Duy hit the crate with a strengthened kick making it skid quite a far away.

Sakumo nodded to himself and looked up at all the roped heavily tying the crates together that they had to open and smiled. Naruto and Duy smiled themselves knowing he had a plan and Sakumo finally nodded.

"Alright here's what we'll do. Naruto you start building some zip-ways with your ninja wires and line them up straight to the carts over there…" Sakumo pointed to the three carts and Naruto nodded seeing no problem with it.

"I'll cut off all the ropes with my sword and free the crates of their bindings before Duy takes over and kicks them all on to the zip-ways you create to make them slide straight to the carts." he said and Duy nodded with a smile himself,seeing no problem with it.

"Finally Naruto can calculate how to arrange them perfectly and I'll do the documenting and then we'll all three pull the carts together." he said and all three nodded in unison and scattered without a word to get on their jobs.

Naruto smirked activating his Sharingan and pulling out a roll of high grade wire before putting it's end between his teeth.


He pulled it down and started to get it into his kunais before darting them all around the room in a spider web like pattern with the utmost precision that would look like a mismatched pattern to most but to discerning eyes like his own it was the finest way possible for what Sakumo had in mind.

Sakumo pulled out his sword and looked up at the several piles of crates tied with thick roped all around them and jumped up, cleaving through the bindings expertly and blurring through his swings to do it as quickly as possible

Duy smirked and tightened his leg warmers and weights hidden under them before smirking and looking at the beelines Naruto had gotten ready while he was building layers upon layers more to accommodate them all while marking his kicking points with shurikens.

"YOSH…" he boomed and his sole made contact with a crate that was now completely free before it slung down on the wire and straight down the net of wire.

Sakumo came in, expecting them to be cursing about their backs while hauling crates only for his cigar to drop from his mouth in shock when he saw crates coming down left and right on metallic thin wires straight onto the carts while three blurs were going about all around the room.

"Sensei move it…" the three shouted and he side stepped when they raced past him while pulling the hand carts loaded with crates behind them and ran back to the village.

He smiled a moment later and decided to just let them be for now since they didn't seem like needing his help. It was a three day job but in truth but Tobirama had only given them to test their resolves and see how quickly they could get it done. Looks like he was in for a surprise.


Back in the village

The guards at the gate rose an eyebrow seeing the three genin with large carts filled to the brim being pulled behind them while they whisked past them and straight to the village's storage warehouses in a jiffy.

The three genin pulled their carts over at the warehouse and started putting crates back in their places and opened up their lids to count the number of sacks in them.

"9 wheat here Sakumo…" Naruto shouted and Sakumo jotted it down in a scroll.

"8 rice here my friend…" Duy shouted from his place and the boy jotted it down with them continuing the cycle for all the crates before pulling back their crates hurriedly towards the warehouse where their sensei was waiting and looking after for.


A couple of hours after sun down…

"7 soy here Sakumo…" Naruto called out with a heavy breath, wiping off his forehead with his sleeve.

"8 sugar here…" Duy panted, sweat dripping off his nose and his hands put over his knees. Sakumo nodded, rubbing his tired eyes before jotting it all down in the scroll that was nearing it's limit as to what more he could write in it.

"Alright next?" he asked out loud and watched both his teammates look around them.

"I'm done, all documented and done here…" Naruto spoke with a wave of his hands.

"Me too Sakumo, it's all done here too…" Duy waved and Sakumo smiled a tired smile and nodded, putting a full stop with the three of them signing it's end and going out.

Sasuke sat outside on a cement pipe, and lit up another cigar to see his three genin coming to them, and took in their appearances that were in the moonlight now. Each of their clothes had several tatters along with scratches and little splintered scratches all over them.

Their eyes were red, no doubt tired and he could see their shaking hands from pure exhaustion. They looked as if someone had dropped a small house on them.

"Sensei mission completed." Sakumo spoke up, handing him the scroll for documentation of supplies that Sasuke took and knew the three were on their last legs now.

"Alright well done, take a breather here. Sit down." he spoke and the three were more than happy to oblige. Sasuke waited for the inevitable and smiled when they leaned on each other and started dozing off.

He created three clones and picked the boys up ordering them to take them home before flickering away himself.


Hokage Office

Tobirama sipped his cup of tea, waiting for the last team to report back before he went home and looked up when Sasuke came into his office. Though he did raise an eyebrow when the smoking man put a small scroll on his desk.

"Mission completed, Squad Seven reporting in." he spoke in his business voice and Tobirama's eyes widened momentarily.

"You can't be serious?" he asked incredulously, only to meet the serious eyes of his close friend and he looked on at the scroll in front of him in surprise.

His hands flicked it open expertly and scanned it quickly, to find it all done neatly and precisely just like he liked it and looked up.

"Did you help them?" he asked, trying to make sense of the situation and got a shake of the head from his friend.

"Nope it was all them, you should have seen them. Never seen someone use the shinobi arts to haul crates like they did, it was like a mass production factory there.

Only instead of machines there were three blurs of golden, silver and green." Sasuke chuckled over his own words and Tobirama leaned forward in interest, pulling out two saucer cups and a bottle of Sake.

"Have a seat, this is something I have to hear to believe." he spoke

, offering the man a chair who was more than happy for it and Tobirama poured in the liquid as Sasuke started his tale.

Needless to say, Tobirama was impressed and decided to add in a bonus, a good chunk at that from the village to get it done so quickly and efficiently.

His hunch didn't seem too far off now that he thought about it.


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