
Naruto : Uchiha : Chapter 37

Squad Six could have done a lot better had they pooled their resources together like we did.

-Squad Seven


He smiled seeing them checking on Orochimaru to see if he was alright and place him under the shade of a tree. Naruto sat under another tree with his teammates joining him in to have a chat.

"Well that was easy as a bell…" Sakumo remarked dryly to get a chuckle out of Naruto at the irony of the saying while Duy boomed another round of his youth.

Tsunade wriggled on Naruto's lap, her eyes flickering as her consciousness started kicking in. She let out a small yawn, only to blink at the smiling face of Naruto before she tried to remember how it was that she had gotten here.

She let her eyes narrow in on the blonde as she started to piece together everything and looked at him dangerously.

"You attacked me?" she stated more than asked and he said nothing, merely letting his lips fall down from their smile.

"Why?" she asked and he looked down with a sad gaze falling upon his eyes.

"We were given a mission by our sensei to take the bells from you two as soon as you got them. I volunteered to take you down…" he explained and got a nod from Tsunade who knew why he must have done so. She would have done the same had she been in his shoes, but that wasn't the point.

"So you used my trust on you?" she asked accusingly and he nodded shamefully, it was the truth after all. His teammates decided on doing the intelligent thing and stayed silent on the sidelines so as to not incur her wrath upon them.

"I didn't want you to get hurt…" he spoke softly, his voice wavering at the thought of her hating him for this after seeing this as only an excuse. Her eyes softened and she placed her head back on his shoulder with a small yawn.

"Don't do it again…" she mumbled sleepily, fisting her eyes off them and Naruto smiled. He gave her a squeeze for reassurance and felt happy when she cuddled up for a nap in his arms.

"I won't…" he whispered, she smiled and nodded joyfully while wrapping her arms around his chest to let her eyes droop into a small nap.

He let out a yawn himself upon feeling the breeze whiz past his hair causing the silky locks to flail with them and laid his own cheek on her head with a little smile.

"Don't wake me up…" the kunoichi mumbled to the two of them, getting a dumb nod from Duy while both drifted off into the world of dreams. Sakumo fell down on his back and crossed his arms behind his head, only to yawn as he too felt the soft breeze hit his hair and smiled.

"Are they always like this?" Duy finally asked, pointing to the cuddled up blondes with his finger and a completely baffled expression marred on his face.

Sakumo shrugged carelessly and turned his face the other way, which the boy took as a yes and decided to let his youth be refilled by taking a nap with his much too youthful and new friends.



"Oi! Where is everyone? Sensei, Orochi-teme, flat chest… YOU FORGOT TO UNTIE ME DAMN IT DIDN'T YOU…" Jiraiya shouted…still tied up to the stump and seemingly forgotten.


An imaginary breeze flew past him, while the birds cooed in unison as if to mock him and he gritted his teeth.

"I knew I shouldn't have slept through the Rope Escape Jutsu class…" he cursed his luck and pulled out the kunai stuck in his sandals and started knawing the rope by the kunai held between the soles of his feet ... quite slowly..


Hokage Office

Tobirama didn't even glance up when Sasuke flickered into his room, having already sensed the man coming from quite a long way.

"How did they do?" he asked stoically, stamping another paper loudly and putting it on the growing piles of completed paperwork.

"Squad Seven passed with flying colors…" Sasuke spoke, the pride laced in his voice not lost to Tobirama who let his stamp take a rest and finally looked up to see his old friend plop down on his couch.

His eyes narrowed in on the cigar in his mouth and he brought his fingers up near his cheek.


With a snap of his fingers, the cigar's light died down in a hiss of smoke making Sasuke frown and look at him with a look of annoyance at seeing his damp cigar.

"You should lessen up on those…" he stated in a voice as emotionless as his normal ones, yet sounded scolding to Sasuke who huffed and threw it away but didn't light another one for the time being.

"You saw it all didn't you?" Sasuke asked and Tobirama remained silent, merely crossing his fingers in front of his mouth with his eyes fixated on the senior Sarutobi's.

"Kagami taught that boy to be something else, he may very well surpass him soon if his skills at genjutsu I saw earlier were anything to go by…"

Sasuke pointed out, getting a curt nod from Tobirama having figured the same thing himself.

"How did Tsunade do?" he asked, and Sasuke frowned. He looked at the man accusingly which was met with the same dead eyes of our ever stoic Senju…he sighed in relent.

"She passed too, her strength is scary…" he mumbled with a shiver running down his spine, remembering the state of the ground she had punched with her bare fist and how much she could improve on that.

This time Tobirama let a ghost of a smirk appear on his face.

She really would be a menace to all the boys who would dare to approach her when she grew up, he would have to do a lot of paperwork for those beaten up guys…after beating them up himself.

"You know they included included Duy in their group too…" Sasuke spoke in a warm tone, remembering the bonding he had seen between the three.

It made him swell in pride that an orphaned boy with handicaps such as his was so readily accepted by his peers as if he were their long lost friend.

"I chose his team, considering that. The boy was ready last year, but each squad would have rejected his positives and merely focused on his handicaps to belittle him.

It would have hurt his dignity, teamwork can be built upon with time, but mutual respect and bonds are the things that this village was envisioned to have when we built the foundation of three man squads for genins."

Tobirama pointed out and Sasuke plopped back with a smile, this was why he respected his friend as a Hokage.

Never one to back off from taking the harsh decisions, but much too mindful when it came down to the little things that no one ever bothered to see so closely.

"You thought it out quite thoroughly huh?" the brown haired man asked and Tobirama nodded, standing up and looking past the window with his hands behind his back to see the village he had sworn to protect with his life.

"Teams are an important part of a shinobi's life. Each member must complement the other and hide his weaknesses and try and bring about his strength when it is needed.

No one shinobi is perfect, this is why I had the system of teams put in the first place.

If Duy were to work alone, he would not survive a day in the shinobi world as he is, but with friends and squad members to back him up, I envision his potential to be quite a lot, just as much as his two teammates." he spoke calmly, getting a nod from Sasuke who got up and cracked his neck to go home for the day.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow then, let's see them take on missions and let their team be bonded completely before they are ready to go all out in the world on their own."

Sasuke flickered out, leaving a silent Tobirama behind who was smiling while thinking of the new shinobi just added to his forces.

He had a hunch these two teams would be quite a sight to behold in the incoming future.


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