
Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

After dying and being reincarnated into the world of Naruto with a few perks to set him apart, the young man now going by Yoriichi Uchiha decides to live his new life as a leaf ninja to the fullest. If being inserted into the story as Sasuke's older cousin didn't provide enough drama for him to deal with, he gets a little brother with a secret of his own... Benimaru reincarnated from the days of the ancient ninja sect almost one thousand years ago! Can they make the most their new lives in the Naruto world, or will new developments derail their plans completely? ...... This is a story of two brothers one Reincarnated from the era only a couple hundred years after Indra and Asura lived, having been a proud member of the Shinobi sect, how will he handle the will of fire and what is this weird flower he died with and why is it branded on his soul?! His elder brother a transmigrator born with a birth defect never to walk even breathing caused pain in his previous life, awakens too a new life in Konoha as the eldest son of Fugako 's younger brother, with his transmigrator knowledge and a few perks how will he fare now that he can experience the world? How will the brothers interact ? How does the brothers very existence change the world ? "For every action, there is a reaction positive or negative." #NoHarem (Bleach powers may be nerfed slightly too fit world scaling/ if you believe some fans scaling if not then nothing to worry about)

The_11th_Division · Anime & Comics
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sorry again

Wrapping up the end of this arc, (The Yoriichi awakening arc) and starting the journey of Benimaru arc was rougher then originally expected, especially if we wanted to keep the same quality of work, So apologies for the hold on the next chapter we're doing some edits and rewrites to tie somethings together lol. A lot of this was written a few months ago and now we so room for improvements so please be patient we are on our come back and it's going to be THE BEST YET from us be excited for the upcoming arcs, We will be checking in on Yo's teammates, unveiling Yo and the shinsengume's relationship with the most showing Beni meeting the rest of his generation, and of course Beni on politics! So look forward as we re organize/ re write / edit some of these chapters

Don't worry this break won't even last a week can probably either the next chapter or a side story out this week, then normal releases again apologies this is just my favorite project I'm working on and I want the best possible story for you guys and gals to read