
Naruto: Uchiha's Genjutsu Demon

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lazarus898 · Anime & Comics
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398 Chs

Time to Train Part 2

"Oh, you mean my control over the wind?" Yami asked to which Bora nodded and said "You control the wind with your bare hands and that is really good progress for someone who has never been taught before but I want you to feel the wind over your entire body."

"What good will that do to me?" Yami asked but before Bora could say anything, Yami waved his hand and said "Fine I'll do it. I think I know where you are going with this."

Yami then spread out his hands and started to feel the wind touching his hands. He controlled it slightly to brush on his skin. He remembered how the wind felt and then tried to feel the same on his entire body.

At first, Yami didn't feel anything so he controlled some wind to hit the skin on his body. Bora was amused as he saw Yami doing this. Little by little Yami started to familiarize himself with the feeling. "I got it." Yami said as he opened his eyes only to see it being middle of the night.

Bora who was hanging from the branch peeked his head out and said "Take some rest now. You still have a lot to do."

The next day Yami started doing his regular exercise but instead of watching it quietly like every day, Bora would remind Yami to feel the air around him. He would also switch his position from time to time making Yami search for him by looking all around.

Things kept going the same way for the next two days. Yami didn't know why Bora wasn't telling him the next step. Whenever he asked Bora about it, Bora would say "You aren't ready for it."

On the third day, as Yami was tired and changing his shirt, he looked back and was about to ask when Bora said "You are finally ready."

An expression of confusion spread across Yami's face as he heard that.

"What happened to you all of a sudden? Every time I ask you, you say I ain't ready but today you are saying it of your own accord."

Bora smirked and said "It's because every time you would have to search for me and then talk but today you looked directly at me."

Yami raised his eyebrows as he heard that and realized that Bora was telling the truth. Every time he had to search for Bora around him but this time it was as if he already knew that Bora was behind him.

"Whenever I change my position, the air present there doesn't get replaced but gets pushed in all directions and this change in wind is easily noticed because of your wind mastery. Your skin has now learned to identify the specific amount of air dispersed to be a human and has narrowed it down to me based on my size and weight."

Yami was ecstatic as he heard this. He thought that it was going to take a few more days just to find Bora's location.

As a test of this step, Bora decided to use the method they used on the first day of training. Bora will change his position and Yami will find where he is. If Yami isn't able to find him more than 3 times out of 15 then he will fail the test.

"Remember Kid you miss to sense my exact position more than 3 times, you lose. You will have a blindfold on you so don't even think about using your sharingan or enhanced senses to locate my voice." Bora warns him and starts the test.

He changes his position after a fixed interval and asks Yami where am I? Yami having sensed the air displacement occurred due to Bora's movement quickly points out. Bora increases his speed little by little in the upcoming intervals making the displacement harder and harder to spot.

Then came a time when Yami couldn't spot the displacement at all.

"Where am I?"

"I don't know...I couldn't sense the displacement of air on my skin." Yami said. He knew that he had passed the test because this was the 15th interval and Yami had only missed this one. He was able to guess Bora's position every other time.

Yami removed his blindfold and was confused for a minute. Seeing Yami's expression Bora chuckled and said "There was no displacement to sense as I didn't even change my position.

"What the heck?" Yami muttered as he wanted to curse the red-furred bat.

"Now that you know how to sense a person using this stealth technique I will show you how to use it. It isn't anything much but only displacing as less air as you can. This indirectly reduces the chakra ripples had caused around you. Though your chakra core will shine brightly if someone like that monster or someone with a byakugan tries to find you." Bora said.

For the next month, Yami would do his regular exercises in the morning and then Bora would teach him the stealth skill in the afternoon. In the evening, Bora would make Yami do bizarre exercises like balancing something on your head while jumping on vertically installed stumps.

Yami noticed that day by day the rigidness that his new body had was lowering at a steady pace. He also felt that he didn't need to pump chakra in his legs to get a boost in speed. Just doing it normally would increase his speed and every cell in his body would be nourished with chakra. This would reduce the fatigue he felt after going through some tough exercises.

As the month ended, Yami had gained some level of mastery over the stealth skill. A day earlier Bora had told him to exercise without him that day as he had to go and meet with the big bat.

BIG BAT's CAVE______________________

"So why are you here in just 2 months?" the big bat asked.

Bora ran his claws through the red furr and said "Hehe...I didn't think the kid would be talented enough to master the stealth skill so fast."

"I told you he is a prodigy, didn't I?" the big bat said with a proud expression.

"Or maybe I am such a good teacher." Bora said making the big bat chuckle at his statement.

"So now how long do you wish to delay the inevitable?" The big bat asked. He meant to ask Bora that the time to hesitate is passing by swiftly and the time to teach Yami Sage mode has arrived.

"I still don't feel good about signing off my and everyone's life away to a kid but I guess we don't have any solution now do we? By the way, the news about the outside world, you got it didn't you?" Bora asked to which the big bat nodded and said "Yes I did...Take it...give it to the kid as well. Let him know what's going on...The threat doesn't seem to be looming over the hidden leaf in the short run or else I would have personally given him the news." the big bat threw a scroll which looked extremely small in his hands toward Bora.

Bora nodded and took the scroll. He left the big bat's cave and went to Yami. As he reached the tree he sleeps on, Bora saw Yami flickering from one place to another without making any noise or even making the leaves under his legs move. That's how much mastery Yami had achieved in the past few days.

Now his task was to do the same thing on water without causing any ripples. But he knew that this wasn't going to be a simple thing as normal shinobis create ripples even when they stand on water. At first, when Bora gave Yami this task, he thought that Bora was just pulling his leg but Bora showed him the practical which made Yami believe that it really was possible.

Seeing the scroll in Bora's hands, Yami immediately recognized it to be the scroll used for sending letters. He immediately pointed at the scroll and asked "Do you have a letter for me from the Hokage or my brother?"

Bora threw the letter at Yami and said "None... it's about the news that has been going on in the outside world."

'Oh...so it's from the big bat. Guess he wants me to feel the pressure from what is happening outside. In this time of the time skip I don't know many things that happened but the Akatsuki must have definitely made some moves. The hidden stone must have also done something to take revenge for the hidden mist and the hidden leaf. I hope I haven't messed up things to an extent where they cannot be reversed.' Thoughts kept going on inside Yami's head as he was opening the scroll.

1) Mysterious Organization : Ataksuki (Priority: Medium)

Known Members: Kisame Hoshigaki, Deidara, Itachi Uchiha (dead), Orochimaru.

Base: Unknown

Aim: Unknown

2) Joint force: Hidden Mist & Hidden Cloud (Priority: Extremely High)

Aim: A team of 20 Joinins with 10 from mist and 10 from cloud have founded a joint force to track the movements of the monster.

3) Hidden mist village: Mei Terumi is chosen as the New Mizukage. The old man has stepped down from the clan leader's position and became her advisor. (Priority: Low)

4) Hidden Rain: All the spy bats sent inside the hidden rain village lost contact the moment rain touched their body. (Priority: Low)

(We have our entries of Sasuke and Naruto back and they are ready to test each other's strength. Chapters regarding this are posted in my P@treon)


To read 16 extra chapters go to my Patreón


Link in the synopsis as well.