
Naruto: Uchiha's Genjutsu Demon

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lazarus898 · Anime & Comics
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400 Chs

The First Test

To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón


Link in the synopsis as well.


Name : Gaara of the Sand.

Age: 13

Best Jutsu: complete control over sand.

mission record: 5 D-rank

7 C-rank

12 B-rank

4 A-rank

"H-how is this even possible?" Kiba asked as he looked at Gaara who was sitting with his eyes closed.

"This must be some kind of a joke...isn't it?" Sakura asked as she looked at Kabuto.

"Genins aren't given missions above C-rank unless there is some special circumstance. How can he do so many B and A ranked missions when he is only genin?" Sasuke asked. He doubted whether this information was true or not.

Kabuto shrugged and said "That is the case but Gaara and his teammates are the children of the 4th Kazekage Rasa so it isn't hard for them to get a mission they want."

Yami who was at the side had a frown on his face as he looked at the card.

'In the canon, his mission record wasn't this impressive. Looks like my meeting him last year made him grind more and do all these missions. I still don't have an effective way to counter his sand.'

"So, is there anyone else whose card you guys want to see?" Kabuto asked looking at the 3 konoha genin teams. They all shook their head as they didn't know many of their opponents. Just when kabuto was about to put the deck back in his pocket, Shikamaru came forward.

"There is someone whose card I want to see." he said.

Kabuto raised his eyebrow as he heard this and asked "Sure sure...tell me. Whose card do you want to see?"

Shikamaru looked at Sasuke and then at Kabuto and said "Yami Uchiha."

"Huh, Shikamaru why do you want to know about Yami?" Ino asked with a confused expression. Yami and Sasuke acted as if they didn't hear Shikamaru.

Shikamaru looked at the blonde and said "Ino don't forget that in this exam Yami is our opponent. If we can get any information on him then that will benefit us in the future."

Ino wasn't convinced by what Shikamaru said but she decided not to ask further. She knew Shikamaru liked to observe and evaluate the mindset of others and Yami was the only one he couldn't evaluate. Ino herself was excited to see what shows up in Yami's card.

Name: Yami Uchiha

Age: 9 years old

proficient in: Genjutsu, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu.

Best jutsu: Unknown.

Missions: 10 D-rank

05 C-rank

10 B-rank

07 A-rank

01 S-rank

"Wow" Ino was the first to express her surprise. This is the first time she had seen a genin with so many missions. Everyone else was shocked as well as they subconsciously turned toward Yami who was looking elsewhere. Even Sasuke turned to look at his brother. Yami had told him about a few B-rank missions which had been upgraded due to the circumstance but A-rank missions and S-rank mission was totally out of his calculation. Sasuke wouldn't have believed this if Yami wasn't his own brother.

Yami who was observing all this thought 'This list isn't from someone who collects info randomly. He must have gotten this from Danzo or someone else in the higher-ups. These A and S rank missions were actually B rank missions where I did some things solo while Neji and Lee were oblivious to it.'

Neji who was also observing this wondered 'Seems like killing those Shinobis before the battle in the land of waves wasn't the first time Yami ventured out solo. The village even counted it as a mission.'

"Why is his best jutsu unknown?" Sakura asked. Everyone looked at Kabuto for the answer. They wanted to know what Yami's strongest jutsu was.

Kabuto shrugged and said "Except his teammates and Sensei no one knows his strongest jutsu. I am not even sure whether even they know or not."

Hearing this the group looked at Neji and lee. Lee couldn't hear all this commotion so he was busy looking at the foreign shinobis. Neji who sensed all those eyes on him looked at the group of genins and shook his head in denial.

Kabuto looked at it and said "Seems like even his teammates don't know what his strongest jutsu is."

"What about his other jutsus?" Shikamaru asked.

"I don't know. There are many who fought against Yami during his missions and they all have experienced multiple jutsus from him but none of them lived to tell the tale. So what he did during those fights is still a mystery." Kabuto said and then he heard the sound of heavy footsteps entering the room. As he looked toward the door he saw a well-built man with 2 cuts over his face and a Konoha headband on his forehead.

The man looked at the genins and said "I am Ibiki Morino. The commanding officer of the Konoha torture and Interrogation force. I will also be the proctor of your first exam." He then divided the students into 2 different classes.

After a few minutes when everyone settled down in their respective classes Ibiki explained the rules and distributed the question and answer papers. Yami was thankful that this part didn't change. He knew he could pass this exam without writing a single word on it just like Naruto. Things continued as they did in the canon. Eventually, it came time for the tenth question where many kids left the exam, and then came Naruto's outburst and things ended pretty smoothly.

(The first exam scene was quite boring for me so skipped it right away.)

After the first exam was finished Ibiki told them that the next exam will be held tomorrow but he didn't tell them where. Yami felt that the forest of death wouldn't have been so scary if it wasn't for Orochimaru's untimely visit.

"Are you going home or to train?" Sasuke asked Yami who was walking with his squad lost in thought.

"Neither...I am going to old grandpa Jiro. What about you?" Yami asked.

Sasuke waved his hand and said "You go ahead. Kakashi sensei has called us so I will meet you later. I hope he teaches me some new jutsu." Sasuke had a little excitement in his voice.


To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón


Link in the synopsis as well.

I am also writing a novel called 'Soul Spirit Ascension' so please give it a read and shower some of those powerstones.

Discord link in synopsis