
Naruto: Uchiha's Genjutsu Demon

For early access of chapters subscribe to my Patreon patreon.com/lazarus898 Wattapad link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/315878306-naruto-uchiha%27s-genjutsu-demon YOutube link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB_BYV1R9DpNaJ2S3lM7Tfg/videos *NO HAREM* The Mc of this novel has transmigrated to the AU naruto world as the younger brother of Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha. He is neither a pacifist like his brother Itachi nor vengeful like Sasuke. He is cold and calculated about every move he makes and every decision he takes. In this novel, the mc will be proficient in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu but his true power lies in Kenjutsu and Genjutsu. Most of the Fan-fics I read completely ignore something as op as Genjutsu which is why the MC will be using it the most. All the photos used in this fan-fic are not owned by me.

lazarus898 · Anime & Comics
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400 Chs

Into Seclusion

I am writing a novel called 'Soul Spirit Ascension' on Webnovel. Give it a read and let me know if you like it.


After Kakashi left Yami went back to his room and took out another empty scroll. He wrote something on it for a few seconds and then rolled it and stored it in his clothes. Seeing that nobody is at the house Kakashi left and walked to the Uchiha compound entrance. There is used to the usual signal he makes to arrange a meeting with Mako. He then went inside the woods where he and Mako would usually talk and shoved the scroll near one of its branches. He kept it in such a way that the scroll would be blocked from a person's line of sight unless the person comes inside the dense forest. The scroll had a shiny golden border which made it so that the sunlight would reflect off it and Mako would instantly detect it.

Yami didn't want to waste more time and go into seclusion. He hadn't told Sasuke that he would be going before he even comes but he was sure that Sasuke would understand. Yami went near the shrine and was about to open it when he noticed something off with the village's barrier which was a couple of hundred meters ahead. He went toward it and after a few seconds realized why he felt that way. The barrier had claw marks on it. The claws had tore the barriers from many places and the barrier was now healing but the surprising fact was how could an animal's claws do this and why is the barrier healing so slow?

'I can't tell this to anyone or else the village will send people here and Danzo could use that as a cover to spy on me and Sasuke. It's better to leave it like this. It doesn't look like the animal which made these was able to come in. That's why he came through the barrier near the forest of death. Is the barrier near the forest of death not as strong as the one here?' Yami thought and many questions started arising in his mind including the one where he couldn't understand what is such a big animal doing in the shinobi world. And what it wanted in the hidden leaf or was it chasing Yami?

Yami decided to ignore all that. Stuff like these is what motivated him to become strong in the first place. He can't afford to be mediocre at times when things are changing so rapidly. He went back to the shrine and opened it. He then walked down and the shrine closed by itself. As he went down he lit all the torches on the way and also in the main hall making the entire shrine brightly lit. He then walked toward the shelves and proceeded to take out 3 scrolls.

He brought those 3 scrolls where he usually sat and opened all three of them. The smell of blood became thick instantly but Yami was more than used to it. The first scroll contained plenty of corpses. These corpses belonged to the ones killed in the land of waves and some were even shinobi capable of using chakra. The second scroll opened but nothing came out but words and drawings appeared on it. This was a scroll made by Pakura where she gave a detailed explanation on everything related to Scorch Release Kekkai Genkai.

This was something that Yami felt he could master and take a step ahead of Pakura. It was well known that Kekkai Genkais were dependent on bloodline but Yami felt that this wasn't the case every time. No one from Pakura's clan was able to use Scorch Release before her or after her. She was the one and only person who was able to do that. A smile appeared on Yami's face when he imagined the faces of the hidden sand higher-ups when they see him use scorch release.

'I am already dreaming before even learning scorch release.' Yami thought as he smacked himself lightly. Yami then opened the third scroll and a couple of jars with liquid and numerous Sharingan's came before him. At first, Yami stored the Sharingan without any care but then while talking to Mako once he asked him to find out what liquid Danzo was using to store the Sharingans. He knew that Danzo must have definitely taken a few eyes from the Uchihas who were dead for a long time. He is someone who didn't spare taking cells from the first Hokage's body, then why will he spare the Uchihas who he hated to his very core?

Mako later told him the formula for the liquid and even brought some in a small container to compare. Danzo had people keep an eye on each and everything inside the root base. After getting the arm of Sharingans stolen, this became even stricter. Yami hadn't devoured these eyes before for a specific reason. He didn't know what changes will happen in his body and since he is young, he might not be able to handle it and could harm himself due to taking too much. But now after fighting Lee he realized that his body was way sturdier than normal people. Maybe even more than jonins and due to his chakra core, Yami felt confident to take whatever energy he gains from the eyes.

'For now, I will only devour the eyes. The arm made of Hashirama cells and the Sharingans on it are not in this. I remember the Hashirama cells killed many people who tried to tinker with it and I am not sure I can stop whatever I have absorbed and these Sharingans in front of me are more than enough. If these aren't sufficient then I will use the ones connected to the arm.' Yami thought as he opened the jars containing the eyes. He didn't need to take the eyes out to devour them. He just spread the tattoo all over his hand and wisps of black energy started coming out of his fingertips and moving toward the Sharingans.


To read 10 extra chapters go to my Patreón


Link in the synopsis as well.