
Izumi's Betrayal

Miyuki's mind raced with ideas to get Izumi and Itachi together as she made her way back to the academy. She found Izumi sitting on a bench, looking a bit worn out but still cheerful. "Izumi! Come on, we're going to the training grounds," Miyuki called out, waving her hand.

Izumi looked up, surprised but pleased. "Miyuki, I'm not like you and Itachi. The academy training was really hard for me," she said, her voice soft. "I don't think I have it in me to train any more today."

Miyuki shook her head, smiling. "You don't have to train. Just come and watch. Itachi and I will be sparring today, and you can learn a lot just by observing. Plus, if you open your sharingan while watching, you may be able to copy some of it and progress fast." Miyuki pulled her up and continued. "If you progress fast enough then you and I can beat up- I mean convince everyone at school that we're the best in this generation."

Izumi hesitated for a moment but then nodded. "Alright, I'll come with you."

As they walked back to the training grounds, Miyuki chatted animatedly about her plans for taking over the school. "So first I think we should target the clan kids. They're prideful and have yet to learn the might of the Uchiha!" She explained while looking at the hesitant look in Izumi's eyes. 'She doesn't understand my master plan. Nobody does. I'm all alone and holding up the sky in this world.' Miyuki thought to herself with a sigh.

'Whatever, who cares if she understands or not? If I can make the brats in the academy fear the Uchiha then that'll be fewer ninja willing to come after us when we defect. We Uchiha are not scared of them, but it would be annoying to kill them all.'

When they arrived, Itachi was already warming up, his movements fluid, attracting the attention of Izumi. Miyuki joined him, warming up before their spar. "Izumi, you can join us to warm up! It's not hard and it's good to stretch a bit." Miyuki called out as she began.

Izumi sat on a nearby rock, her eyes following their every move. "I don't think I have the ability to match your 'warm up'. Look at Itachi, he's already run a few laps around the training ground! That's training, you can't fool me."

Miyuki felt baffled at her words. 'Itachi is clearly just jogging a few laps to get his body moving, what does she mean training?' As she stretched, she looked at Itachi and then back at Izumi with a peculiar look. "What do you mean? He's just doing a quick warm up while jogging, no?"

Izumi was even more baffled than her and spoke in a low voice. "What a couple of monsters. I definitely shouldn't train with these two or I'll die of exhaustion."

The sun, high in the sky, cast a warm light over the training grounds. Itachi and Miyuki, standing apart from each other were ready to begin their spar. "Count us in, Izumi." Miyuki declared as she watched her opponent intently.

"Alright!" She replied before beginning her count down. "3..2.." However, before she could finish her count down, Miyuki began her attack by throwing a dozen shuriken which quickly surrounded Itachi. 

"Wait what! I didn't finish!" Izumi yelled as she backed away.

"Ninja don't get count downs for their fights." Itachi spoke cooly as he deflected a shuriken with his kunai.

Miyuki didn't relent in her assault however and followed it up quickly. "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" she yelled as a large fireball appeared, covering Itachi's vision.

Not expecting the fireball to do anything more than serve as a distraction, as it usually does, Miyuki formed hand signs again. In a puff of smoke, a shadow clone appeared next to her as her real body dived into the adjacent forest.

However, when she entered the forest, she was quickly pushed out of it again by a swarm of shuriken and kunai. "Dammit Itachi! You put a shadow clone in the forest while warming up!" Miyuki yelled in frustration towards her opponent.

"A ninja's battle never has a count down." Itachi repeated with a smug smile.

Being put on the defensive due to the shadow clone taking her by surprise, Miyuki worked to dodge and deflect the incoming weapons. But she always tried to keep an eye on Itachi's main body.

'What's he doing?' She thought as she deflected another kunai. 'He's been letting his shadow clone do all the attacking while he's just been defending against my own and watching almost as if he's... waiting!' Miyuki suddenly exclaimed realizing that there's likely a trap in the direction she's dodging into.

'The trajectory of these attacks look improvised, but they're all leading me in one direction. I need to get out of here fast!' She thought to herself as she reluctantly took her eyes off Itachi to focus on a way out.

Not seeing an opportunity to run due to the sheer number of weapons being thrown at her, Miyuki chose to break through forcefully. Weaving seals while trying to dodge proved difficult however as a shuriken managed to scrape past her cheek. 'Alright, that's it!' She thought as her eyes turned into the crimson sharingan.

Now being able to accurately see and dodge the attacks, Miyuki weaved hand seals without difficulty. "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" She exclaimed, using the ever-trustworthy great fireball jutsu. With the attacks stopping as the shadow clone deals with the fireball, Miyuki ran back into the middle of the field.

"What a plan Itachi! I almost fell for it." Miyuki said as she dispelled her clone to regain her chakra.

"You did fall for it." Itachi spoke calmly. "You lost a lot of chakra, didn't you? I've only used weapons while you've used multiple jutsu." Itachi dispelled his clone, regaining all his chakra. "Now it will become a battle of attrition that I will win."

"Motherfu-" Miyuki tried to curse but was cut off by a kunai flying towards her. Dodging to the side, Miyuki prepared to take back the initiative by bringing him into a taijutsu battle. 'If I can get close then I won't need to worry about being at a disadvantage due to chakra.'

However, Itachi wouldn't let that happen as he was preparing to further drain Miyuki's chakra reserves.

She knew Itachi was right; she had expended a significant amount of chakra, and he was still fresh. She would lose if it was drawn out. 'I need to be smart about this,' she thought, her Sharingan eyes scanning the battlefield for any advantage.

Itachi stood calmly, his eyes never leaving Miyuki. He watched as she tried to close the distance between them, her movements swift and precise. He smiled slightly, but quickly hid it, trying to not give anything away.

Miyuki lunged forward, throwing a shuriken quickly, as her fists aimed at Itachi's midsection. He sidestepped the shuriken and countered with a swift kick that Miyuki blocked easily. The force of the blow leaving a mark on her arm, but she quickly took advantage of Itachi's posture and attacked again.

Itachi blocked each blow, his movements calm and controlled. Seeing his calmness, Miyuki became restless realizing that there was likely something more. Jumping back, Miyuki prepared to see what Itachi had in store for her before she wastes too much stamina and chakra.

After Miyuki jumped back, Itachi disappeared in a puff of smoke. 'Substitution jutsu!' She realized quickly as she looked around frantically. Not seeing Itachi anywhere, Miyuki was confused but chose to take advantage of this time to rest.

Miyuki waited for Itachi to appear. 'Come on,' she thought, as she scanned her surroundings. While looking around, Miyuki suddenly thought of something. 'I don't see him anywhere, isn't this the common situation in the show where they appear from the ground?'

Thinking of this, Miyuki realized where Itachi was most likely hiding and smirked. 'Well, if I blow up the ground what happens to him?'

"Let's hope you don't die on me!" She declared while weaving hand seals, preparing to unleash all her remaining chakra. 'I lose if he's not there, so let's hope I'm not being blinded by what happens in the show!'

When she finished the hand seals and was about to release all her chakra in a massive fireball onto the ground, she suddenly saw Itachi appear in the corner of her vision, where he stood before disappearing with the substitution.

With a look of extreme surprise on his face, Itachi stared at Miyuki. "How did you know you were under an illusion? I've never revealed I can use illusions to you."

Feeling baffled, Miyuki stared back at Itachi as she comprehended what he just said. 'Illusion? What illusion? When did he put me into an illusion?' She thought to herself in confusion. ' I looked into his eyes while attacking. He must have put me into one then. So, did I break the illusion on accident by mobilizing all my chakra?'

Feeling embarrassed, Miyuki chose to hide what she was going to do and looked at Itachi with a knowing look. "Itachi, I'm too smart to fall for such lame tricks." She spoke shamelessly. "I knew you were learning illusions, and I knew you'd use them after I saw your calm face." She continued spouting nonsense with a straight face.

However, after hearing her, Itachi sighed reluctantly. "Indeed, it's hard to get anything past you. I was prepared to use illusions as my trump card to win, but I overestimated myself it seems."

'Is he so easy to convince? Well, it makes sense given that he was convinced to slaughter his family, but I need to help him not be so easy from now on. This is embarrassing as his sister.'

"Hn" she said aloud as she moved again towards Itachi to continue the fight.

"I win." Itachi suddenly spoke seeing her move in again.

"Wha-" Miyuki tried to speak but was cut off by a heavy kick to her back, sending her tumbling right into Itachi. Taking advantage of it, Itachi grabbed Miyuki and held a kunai up to her neck. "I win." He repeated calmly.

Turning back, Miyuki saw Izumi standing there, having just kicked her into Itachi with a dazed look on her face. "You put Izumi into an illusion too." Miyuki realized what happened quickly.

"Hn, I put her in one while you were busy talking." Itachi explained. "You were focused on me, preventing me from doing much, but Izumi was also focused on me which made it easy."

"I thought I would win with my genjutsu, but I really didn't think you knew about it." Itachi lamented his failure once again. "If Izumi weren't here to watch, I don't know if I could have won in the end."

Chapter thirteen, I can't think of a rhyme for thirteen~

Jade_beautycreators' thoughts