
Naruto: Transmigrated into Naruto as naruto( Dropped)

MC died in an accident and got 5 wishes and one anime world to choose He Transmigrated into Naruto with the knowledge of future and the help of system what is going to happened in the world

Kartikeya_Verma · Action
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32 Chs

027: Puppets and Tenchi bridge.


In the sand village:

Sakura is done with Kankuro's treatment and was not happy after hearing that Naruto left them behind and went to save Gaara alone.

Baki brings the elders of the sand village in the hospital to meet Kankuro and leaf shinobis.

Lady Chiyo attacks Kakashi for mistaking him as white fang of the leaf but stopped by his brother who tell her that he is not the white fang.

Chiyo: You have to tell me Kankuro is it true that you fight Sasori

Kankuro: Lady Chiyo, Ye..yea I fought Sasori of the red sand he told me his name himself.

Chiyo: So it's true .

Kakashi: Did you know about the member of akatsuki will you tell us.

Sakura: Kakashi sensei can we use your hounds to track them.

Kakashi: It's not needed Naruto was already there and he gave me these tags to use when we are ready to move.

Temari: So what are we waiting for Let's go.

Baki: Sorry temari but you are going to petrol the border.

Temari: But I have to save Gaara.

Baki: Sorry Temari orders from above.

Chiyo: If a sand shinobi is needed then I am going.

Baki: But Lady Chiyo your are retired.

Chiyo: I am retired that's why I can do what I want.

Baki: But ....

Chiyo: No I am going.

Chiyo pack her bag and come near team Kakashi.

Kakashi: Time to leave.

Kakashi gives teleportation tags to Sakura and Chiyo who supply some of their chakra to activate the tag , as they start to supply the chakra they vanish from the sand village and appear in front of the team guy.

Guy: Kakashi, what are you guys doing here and where is Naruto.

Kakashi:Yo , we use Naruto's tags to come here and Naruto is already there.

Kakashi points his finger towards the cave and everyone starts moving towards the cave.

Both teams enter the cave with lady Chiyo and found out that Naruto was sitting on a throne playing with a ring and Daidara was under his foot and Gaara was sleeping on a wooden bed created by Naruto.

Naruto: You guys are thirty two hours late .

Kakashi : Sorry for that we are not as fast as you.

Naruto: Oh hello lady Chiyo you come here to meet your grandson I suppose.

Chiyo: Yes you are right where is Sasori.

Naruto: He is there inside his scorpion doll.

Sasori: This is my defensive puppet not a doll.

Naruto : Ya ya whatever you say .

Naruto stands up and moves toward gaara after sealing the body of Daidara and his throne dissolves into the ground.

Naruto picks Gaara and moves towards Kakashi and Sakura.

Naruto: Sakura keeps an eye on sasori and if needed help Granny Chiyo and Tenten with you.

Kakashi sensei we have to talk.

Sakura and Kakashi nodded and Naruto moves towards Team guy.

Naruto: Bushibrow sensei come with me , Neji and Lee keep an eye on them only help if needed let them fight.

They nodded and Naruto left the cave with both sensei.

Kakashi: You want to talk about something.

Naruto: Yes it's about your friend Obito.

Kakashi: What about him Naruto he die during Third great ninja war.

Naruto: Well the thing is One of the Akatsuki members has his right eye or Somebody saved Obito and brainwashed him and turned him into Tobi, a brainless but deadly enemy.

Kakashi : Are you sure about that Naruto.

Naruto: well i am positive about the first part but the second part looks too much of a story.

If I tell him , Obito is alive he will go into depression and I don't want that- Naruto thought.

Kakashi: We have to report this to lady hokage.

Naruto: And Gramps too, hey sensei can you use you mangekyo sharingan.

Kakashi: Yes but for a short time.

Naruto: It's ok just send my shadow clone into the kamui dimension.

Kakashi actives his mangekyo sharingan and uses kamui on Naruto's clone.

Naruto's clone enters the dimension and looks around then dispels himself.

Outer world:

Naruto: Damn that place is dark and weird.

Kakashi: Anything else you want to tell me .

Naruto: Nothing for now let's wait here.

Guy: But they are fighting inside.

Naruto: Let them fight and get some experience from fighting A rank missing ninja.

Guy: Ok, What are we going to do with Gaara.

Naruto: Let him sleep he already goes through a lot.


30 minutes later:

Naruto Kakashi ans Guy go inside the cave after the voices calm down .

Cave was destroyed and Sasori was killed by Sakura Chiyo and Tenten, both Lee and Neji was sitting on a rock and looking at fight but not take part in it.

Naruto go towards and the sasori's body which he turn into puppet and take ring from his thumb and wear it .

Naruto: Two down eight to go.

Naruto takes out one sealing scroll and seals Sasori with his puppets in it and walks towards lady Chiyo.

Naruto: Granny here in this scroll i seal both sasori and his puppets you can give him a funeral if you want and please let him rest near his parents.

He became like this because he lost his parents, he is not a bad guy he is just a broken and lost child.

Chiyo: Thank you Naruto.

Chiyo was upset because of Sasori but now she is relaxed after having the body of Sasori .

Naruto and others come out of the cave and move towards the direction of the sand village where they found Temari with other sand shinobis.

Temari: Is he ... alright.

Naruto: He is alright just sleeping, Temari would you like to wake him up.

Temari: Fine.

Temari goes near Gaara and pinches his cheeks to wake him.

Gaara: Where am I .

Naruto: In heaven you dumbass.

Gaara: Naruto you also die like me.

Naruto: Damn that dude really needs to learn some sense of humour, You are not dead gaara wait a minute..

Gaara: I got you there.

Naruto: Haha..., That was a good one, I have some news for you Lord kazekage.

First two members of Akatsuki were dead, Second Shukaku is out of your body so you are not a jinchuriki any more.

Gaara nodded and somehow he looked relieved about the situation.

Naruto : Well let me teleport all of you back to sand village.

Naruto charges up his chakra and everyone creates a circle around him and he teleports everyone at the gate of Sand village.

Every shinobi in the sand village is waiting for their kage to arrive at the gate and everyone looks happy after seeing Gaara with both rescue teams.

Baki comes running towards the gate to look at Gaara and the rescue teams.


At night:

Zetsu and Tobi come back in the cave to look for ring which they never find even after using all the tricks they use.

Zetsu(White): Is it possible to destroy the ring .

Zetsu(black): it's impossible, those rings are created by pain by using the creation of all things.

Tobi: Mr. zetsu did you find the ring.

Zetsu: No, now shut up.

Tobi: Mr zetsu is mean to Tobi, Tobi just want to a member of Akatsuki.

Zetsu(black): Let's get out of here and tell pain that rings are disappear.

Zetsu(white): We are three rings short now.


Next day:

Everything starts to become normal in the Sand village after Gaara takes back his position of Kazekage.

Naruto goes to sleep for the whole day and nobody bothers him after they see what he did with Deidara.

At the kazekage office:

Gaara: So you want to go back to your village.

Kakashi: Before Naruto leaves us here and goes for Akatsuki hunting again we want to go back.

Gaara: Ok you can leave but tell the lady hokage that I say thank you for your help.

Kakashi : Sure no problem.

At the gate of the sand village:

Everyone comes to the gate to say goodbye to the team of Kakashi and Gai .

Naruto: At this time people shake hands but I am not...

Naruto was saying that suddenly Gaara forwarded his hand and Naruto looked at it.

Naruto shook his hand and was ready to leave then he turned toward Lady Chiyo.

Naruto: Granny don't be hard on yourself, you did what is right.

Chiyo didn't say anything just nodded in agreement.

Naruto: Oh, Gaara and siblings start your training and get stronger because a storm is coming.

Naruto said and teleported both of them at the gate Leaf village.

Naruto : Kakashi sensei you and I are going to meet granny, Sakura and tenten both of you go to the hospital for a checkup, other than them it depends on you Bushibrow sensei.

Gai: Ok Naruto .

Naruto: Bye.

Naruto says and teleports Kakashi and himself in the Hokage tower.


Hokage office:

Naruto enters the office with Kakashi and sees Shizune was there with a pile of paper work.

Naruto: Hey Big sis Shizune how are you, Good to see you too granny.

Tsunade: You are back Naruto how is your mission.

Naruto: Complete our mission save both Gaara and Kankuro's Asses and kill two Akatsuki members in it.

Tsunade: Good anything else you want to tell me .

Naruto: There are a few things which i want to tell both you and Gramps.

Tsunade: Is it that serious Naruto.

Naruto: Yes it's kinda serious because Sasori tells sakura that he is going to meet some spy of his on the Tenchi bridge in ten days which is nine days from now and sakura wants to go there so she meets sasuke after two years and I agree with her on this.

Tsunade: Fine by me but you have to find a third team mate for this mission .

Naruto: Cool I can ask my friends if they are free they can come with us.

Naruto uses body flicker and leaves the office.

Tsunade: So how did Naruto perform.

Kakashi: He saves Gaara and kills Deidara by himself .

Tsunade: And you let him go.

Kakashi: Yes because if I don't Gaara was dead by the time we reach there.

Tsunade: Is he ready for upcoming troubles for him.

Kakashi: He is more than ready.


Author's Note: Read review and comment, if you like the chapter drop power stones.