
Naruto: Transmigrated as an Uchiha

An orphaned young man working a 9-5 job gets transmigrated into an Uchiha in the Naruto world. Read the story to know more ;). I guarantee this would be a fanfic that would thrill you to bits. AN : The updates are scheduled for everyday. If you are the kind who does not like slice of life and like more action. start reading from volume 2. You can support me and read chapters published ahead on my p@treon account - p@treon.com/noviceauthor777 Please rate this story for it to gain more popularity. Disclaimer : I don't own any characters in the story. All of them belong to Masashi Kishimoto, the great.

NoviceAuthor · Anime & Comics
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132 Chs

Chapter 66

AN1: New Arc of the 3rd Shinobi World War, starting now.

AN2: Check out my P@treon for extra chapters starting at 3$.

Currently, I have published 50 extra chapters. The storyline is at the stage where the Third Shinobi World War has nearly ended.



Once again, Toshiro entered the office that once belonged to Uchiha Shigeyama. Seeing Fugaku seated in the main chair, Toshiro felt a moment of confusion. He was uncertain about the purpose of this summons and whether it boded well or ill.

"I don't know what mission Fugaku-senpai has in mind for me?" Toshiro asked openly, accepting that he couldn't avoid this situation. The worst-case scenario was being sent to the battlefield. He referred to Fugaku as "senpai" out of respect but did not act servile, unlike Inahori, who constantly called Fugaku "sama" without shame.

"If I remember correctly, your summoning beast is a huge bald eagle right?" Fugaku asked.

"Yes, I don't know what that has to do with this mission!" Toshiro replied, puzzled by Fugaku's inquiry about his summoning beast.

Fugaku didn't keep him in suspense. He explained that after obtaining information about the Forgotten Island from Toshiro, he sent some clan jonins to investigate. They took a large number of blank contract scrolls and discovered many large summoned beasts, but no large flying birds. Given the island's limited capacity, no large flying birds were found.

The Uchiha clan had a batch of scarce medicines to send to the front-line station, and someone suggested using Toshiro's summoned beast for transport. This method would be convenient, fast, and save personnel resources, achieving multiple benefits at once. Frequent infiltrations and small-scale destruction by enemy ninja teams made it difficult to protect supply lines. Given the manpower constraints, Fugaku immediately called Toshiro to seek his opinion.

Toshiro had no objections. He had recently accessed valuable information from the family secret library and couldn't afford to turn his back now. "I have no problem, but has the camp been informed?" He didn't want to risk being killed by his own people due to a lack of communication.

"Don't worry, we have informed the front-line camp and made proper arrangements through the messenger hawk. There will be no accidents!" Fugaku assured him.

Fugaku was pleased with Toshiro's acceptance. Although the bald eagle couldn't transport food, it could handle valuable items like exploding tags and first aid supplies, saving a lot of trouble.

Inahori then entered with a letter from the main camp, confirming the arrangements. Fugaku glanced at it and dismissed Inahori, noting that flattery from subordinates was common and unimportant. However, Toshiro was worth the effort.

"Prepare yourself. In half an hour, the supplies will be brought to you. Make any necessary preparations," Fugaku instructed. This mission required careful planning, especially since it was the first time they were trying this method of aerial transport.

Toshiro suggested, "Given the size of the bald eagle, it's best not to overburden it on the first attempt. About one ton should be enough. Also, if the clan plans to use this mode of transport regularly, it's advisable to prepare a saddle and carrying compartments to prevent supplies from falling during transit."

Fugaku appreciated the thoughtfulness and agreed, "You've considered it very carefully."

Toshiro continued, "The loading and unloading location should be next to the cliff near the Naka River. Although the summoning beast is huge, it will find it easier to take off from the cliff."

Fugaku was impressed by Toshiro's insights, realizing this kid was truly a genius. He briefly reflected on how he hoped his own son, Itachi, would grow to be as reliable.

At the Naka River, several Uchiha guards and a massive white-headed sea eagle were preparing for the task. They decided the summoning beast would have to carry the cargo in its claws since there was no better solution for this first attempt. They compromised on the cargo weight to ensure a successful journey.

"Then, I will set off," Toshiro said, controlling the big bird and jumping off the cliff. With 500 kilograms of supplies, he embarked on Konoha's first attempt at aerial transport.

A high-pitched cry echoed through the sky above the Konoha front-line camp. A massive bald eagle descended onto the specially designated "air strip." Toshiro dismounted and approached the familiar figure waiting for him.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting, Mei-neechan!" he said.

"Toshiro, you've worked hard! Was the journey safe?" Mei asked, feeling a pang of concern for the young boy she had watched grow up. Despite being only ten years old, he was already bearing significant responsibilities for the clan and the village.

"It was fine! Yamawashi flew at a very high altitude, and there were no incidents," Toshiro reassured her. He had named his summoning beast 'Yama-washi', which simply means mountain eagle.

**Three months later**

Three months had passed since Toshiro's first airlift of supplies, and he never imagined he'd enter the battlefield in this manner. The innovative air transport method had gained widespread approval, including from the clan leader. It was remarkably efficient, reducing the journey from the village to the front line to less than half a day without needing additional security personnel.

The "shelf" on the Mountain Eagle had undergone several upgrades. Now equipped with a huge "carrying bag" secured with strong cables and covered in strengthening seals, it could carry up to three tons of supplies. This system included the famous Light and Heavy Rock Technique from Iwagakure, which Toshiro used to reduce the cargo's weight, significantly increasing the load capacity.

Toshiro oversaw the unloading of goods and removed the special "carrying bag" from Yamawashi, intending to perform maintenance. The eagle, acknowledging his nod, promptly returned to the Forgotten Island. Since starting his aerial missions, Toshiro has been training the bird, which now displays basic intelligence.

In the ninja world, large flying summoning beasts like Yamawashi were rare, partly due to their significant size and carnivorous nature, which required substantial daily consumption. This scarcity allowed Toshiro to travel freely between Konoha and the front line.

"How are things, Neechan? Is there any news about Akihiro-niisan?" Toshiro asked as they walked into the camp. Having rested in the village the previous night, he was eager for updates on his brother-in-law.

Since beginning his frequent trips to the camp, Toshiro has taken on material transport duties and assisted Mei in the hospital with minor injuries. Although Konoha had a unified medical system, each clan dispatched its medical ninjas to prioritize their clan ninjas, a practice that even the Hokage couldn't change. This situation led to increased support for Tsunade and efforts to train more medical ninjas for the front lines.

Toshiro was grateful for his relatively safe and easy position in the medical staff, thanks to Mei's influence. A leading figure in the clan's medical field, she was renowned even in the village. Konoha ninjas carried three special medicines developed by Mei: a blood coagulation potion, an anti-infection cream, and a secret medicine to boost chakra in critical moments. These life-saving medicines were highly valued, with sky-high prices on the black market. Even other villages recognized Mei's contributions.

Despite plans to develop affordable products with accessible raw materials, the current war environment makes immediate implementation challenging.

"Send these medicines to the rear hospital and give them to Tsunade-sama," Mei instructed her assistant as they walked.

This front-line hospital provided preliminary treatment to battlefield casualties. Those with minor injuries were treated on the spot and given medication for recovery. However, those with serious injuries, such as broken bones, received emergency care before being transferred to the rear hospital. This latest batch of supplies would significantly reduce the pressure on the rear hospital.

In wartime, medicine was always scarce. Given her connections, Mei did not hesitate to contribute her strength.

Hearing this, Toshiro couldn't help but think of Tsunade. He remembered her as a strikingly beautiful woman. Sadly, Tsunade's boyfriend, Kato Dan, had died in the last Ninja World War. He wondered how she was coping and whether her hemophobia had surfaced. Since she was still working at the rear hospital, he assumed her condition wasn't as severe as it would later become. Mental illnesses like that took time to develop, and at this stage, she could likely manage it.

"Mei-Neechan, have you submitted the report I summarized to the clan leader?" Toshiro asked.

"Yes, it's been given to Clan Leader Shigeyama and discussed with the elders. Everyone is taking it very seriously," Mei replied. "The clan is increasing investment in medical care and planning to train suitable candidates from within the clan."

The report, compiled by Toshiro in his spare time, analyzed the causes of death of clan members treated at the frontline hospital. It revealed that a significant number of deaths—41%—were due to insufficient medical resources. With better treatment, many lives could have been saved. Shigeyama was shocked by these findings and decided to train more medical ninjas.

The high death rate wasn't due to negligence by Mei or her assistants. The battlefield was chaotic, and large-scale ninja battles often erupted, leading to a surge in casualties. The medical staff was simply overwhelmed.

Shigeyama had a vague understanding of the situation but didn't realize its severity until he saw Toshiro's detailed data. This prompted him to initiate changes to improve medical support.

The current front line was still outside the Land of Fire in the River Country. The Wind Country had initially gained an advantage through a surprise attack, crossing the buffer zone and invading the Fire Country. The fierce battle near Kikyo Pass saw Konoha finally stabilize its position. The two sides were now in a tug-of-war around the Kikyo Pass defense line.

Konoha's strategic disadvantage was its geographical position. The Sand Ninja Village's actions had stirred up unrest in the Lands of Earth, Lightning, and Water, forcing Konoha to deploy troops along its borders to prevent further surprise attacks. This caused a severe shortage of troops at the Kikyo Pass front line. Facing the aggressive Sand Ninja army, Konoha could only muster 4,000 troops against Sand Ninja's force of over 8,000, which included Academy students conscripted into the army.

Konoha's advantages in logistics, geography, and edge over Wind Ninjutsu were crucial in holding the line. Toshiro reflected on the heavy casualties Konoha would suffer in the Third Ninja World War, fighting against Sand Village, Rock Village, and later Kumogakure and Kirigakure. Despite having the upper hand, Konoha was forced to sign a disadvantageous peace agreement with Rock Village because of the multiple fronts.

Putting these concerns aside, Toshiro returned to his tent, created two shadow clones, and began training. Thanks to his summoning beast, his status as a genius, and being part of the medical staff, he had his own tent, avoiding the inconvenience of sharing with others. This preferential treatment was also due to Mei's influence.

AN: Check out my P@treon for extra chapters starting at 3$.

Currently, I have published 50 extra chapters. The storyline is at the stage where the Third Shinobi World War has nearly ended.


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