
Naruto : Transmigrate as Indra Ōtsutsuki

Akira traveled through world, and he was reincarnated into the world of naruto by a cheating system, and he also gave Akira a body, and this body is the ancestor of Uchiha, Indra Otsutsuki. And he is in non other than in sengoku era when Uchiha Madara and Senju Hasirama is Alive.

Kazuma_trash · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 20 Weapon Information

Indra looked at the item of the System package and nodded with satisfaction. Among them, the higher the level of the ninja he will kill, the higher the points he get, and the maximum hatred point can be 20 points.( he mean by killing ninja, not saved points)

And for to advance in Mangekyō Sharingan requires 100 hatred points, and to advanced in Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is also 100 hatred points, but for Indra, it doesn't matter if it is 'Eternal' or not.

When Indra looked down to see Rinnegan.

He was startled suddenly.

"1000 hatred points? 10 times higher than Mangekyō? That is to say, even if I can get 20 points by killing a powerful high-level ninja, then I have to kill 50 high-level ninjas." Indra calculated secretly.

High-level ninja, what is that concept? With his current strength, it is estimated that it is still very far and difficult to kill a single high-level ninja, not to mention killing 50, he is not immortal, if he doesn't act cautiously, there is still a chance of being counter-killed.

"I take back what I said, this system is still a very bad system." Indra complained, however, there is nothing that Indra can do. For another person with Uchiha Bloodline he needs to see the death of his close someone or some kind of tragic event that will stimulate his emotion to awaken Mangekyō Sharingan.

He came to this Naruto world not long ago, where did he come from, and no matter what, as for the opening of Mangekyō Sharingan, he had to get it from the System.

As for Rinnegan, that's a bit of a loss, Indra has not yet decided how to collect more hatred points by the least dangerous way.

A few weeks later:--

During this period of time, Indra has developed dozens of ninjutsu by himself, and of course, his physical skills have become much stronger. Many unskilled ninjutsu have also been practiced very well.

Over the past few weeks, Uzumaki Mito has come and gone many times, and the relationship between them has improved a lot, and now she has regarded Indra as a friend.


The branches trembled a few times.

"You're here?" Indra turned around and said calmly.

A dark shadow flashed across the sky, and Uzumaki Mito landed smoothly on the ground.

"Oh, you found out again." Uzumaki Mito smiled slightly.

"It's hard not to notice if the movement is so big." Indra chuckled and said directly.

"Nonsense, this time I obviously made less noise than the last time." Uzumaki Mito defended.

Indra nodded and said, "Well, yes, it's a little bit better than last time, but, in my eyes, it's still unqualified."

Uzumaki Mito pouted, it seemed that it would be difficult for him to get Indra's praise.

"Okay, next time, I will definitely not be caught by you, and then suddenly appear behind you, and will scare you to death." Uzumaki Mito said.

"Well, you will avoid my perception?, and then suddenly appear behind my back, well, how should I say, it can really scare me to death." Indra laughed softly.

Uzumaki Mito naturally understand what Indra meant, basically denying that he could never quietly appear behind him. If she did appear, it would mean that his strength was soaring overnight, and it would really scare him to death.

"You're making fun of me, then I can't agree to your last tume request you made to me, so you can find it elsewhere." Uzumaki Mito was slightly annoyed, and put his hands on his chest.

Indra smiled wryly: "Don't, I'm just joking. Have you already found it for me?"

Uzumaki Mito nodded: "Of course. Is there anything I want to do but can't do??"

"Does that count just now?" Indra whispered towards Uzumaki Mito.

"You..." Uzumaki Mito frowned, thinking how hard it was to get a compliment from Indra.

If Uzumaki Mito hadn't been this weak in front of Indra, then, she really would have give him a good lesson at this moment.

Sadly, she is no match for Indra.

"Forget it, I don't care about you anymore." Uzumaki Mito pouted, and then continued: "You said about to find a certain type 'Weapon' last time right?"

Indra nodded and said, "Well, if there is, if not, there is no way to get things done."

Just last time, Indra asked about Uzumaki Mito weapons and things like that, It's not that he can't find weapons or didn't think about finding weapons on the battlefield, but finding weapons on the battlefield is just too difficult to find, and most of the weapons on the battlefield are long swords or kunai.

"Yes, the kind of weapon you described, we really have it there, but the owner of the blacksmith shop, he may not sell it." Uzumaki Mito said softly.

"Not for sale?" Indra asked suspiciously.

Uzumaki Mito nodded.

"I heard from others that, that weapon has a back story to him." Uzumaki Mito laughed.


Thank you for reading this story.

if there is any mistake please comment on that paragraph and 2 more chapters are coming.


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