
Naruto: Train Tsunade to be your wife since childhood

After reincarnation, he became a member of the Uchiha clan. He punched Orochimaru and kicked Jiraiya. He flirted with the undeveloped Tsunade. With his own instruction manual and system, he became the strongest of his generation. What Rinnegan? What fairy technique? What forbidden technique? Aren't these distributed for free by the system? What? Kaguya Otsutsuki is resurrected? Why are you looking at me? Naruto, Sasuke! Where did they die? He is regarded as the boss by the three ninjas because of his extraordinary strength, but he only wants to work hard to avoid being silenced. He was hiding, and one day he found himself standing in front of the final boss without knowing it... So I am the child of prophecy? Only tells the story in Shippuden,

Xchen · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 25 Have you ever considered human experiments?

"I will be your team leader in the future."

A low, hoarse male voice sounded from behind them.

Everyone turned their heads and looked back. They didn't know when a young man with a rather gloomy temperament stood behind them.

Although the man had an X-shaped scar on his chin, it still couldn't cover up his handsome appearance.

It was just that the gloomy temperament made people feel a little uncomfortable.

Seeing the person in front of him, although Kagura's face was normal, he was already surprised in his heart.

Although it was the first time they met, he had recognized the identity of the person in front of him.

It was the leader of the "Root" organization who had sent people to monitor him before - Danzo.

Is he the team leader of Team 7 from now on?

When Kagura heard clearly what Danzo said, he felt that his future life seemed to have been shrouded in a shadow.

Who is Danzo?

If there is really a villain in Konoha, then Danzo must be the first choice.

Even compared to Orochimaru, Danzo makes a lot of Naruto fans feel angry.

Perhaps he has always insisted on his own "justice", but there is no doubt that many tragedies in the whole plot are caused by him.

Even if the Uchiha clan extermination incident is inseparable from his instigation, Orochimaru's deterioration is also due to him.

In order to study the cells of the first generation of Hokage Senju Hashirama and get the android with the chakra of the Hashirama.

It was he who bewitched Orochimaru to plunder humans from the surrounding villages for experiments.

It can be said that Orochimaru's earliest human experiments were carried out because of his support.

Thinking of this, Kagura couldn't help but look at Orochimaru who looked innocent next to him.

"Well, this time I will definitely change your fate."

Unlike Kagura who was worried, after seeing Danzo, Tsunade and the other two were slightly stunned, but smiled at the same time.

Tsunade greeted him respectfully, which was rare:


Danzo and the others knew that as one of the six guards of the second generation Tobirama, Danzo had not yet retired to the background and had a high reputation in Konoha.

Although it would be better to have Sarutobi-sensei leading the team, it would not be a bad thing if he was replaced.

Ignoring the gazes of others, Danzo stared at Kagura silently, observing his reaction.

But the calm Kagura did not show much expression.

Seeing this, Danzo spoke again:

"Speaking of which, you did a good job in the battle a few days ago."

Hearing Danzo's praise, Jiraiya, Orochimaru and others lowered their heads in guilt.

In that battle, they did not make any contribution at all, and it can be said that they withdrew as soon as the battle started.

At least Kagura fought with Kinkaku for a few moves, but they were almost crushed.

Seeing the expressions of the crowd, it seems that they are not good at making similar expressions. Danzo forced a smile and said:

"You don't need to be ashamed. It is normal to lose in the face of a powerful enemy.

What is important is not the present, but the growth in the future."

After saying this, he looked at Kagura again, as if he was referring to something:

"Speaking of which, we also checked the scene and Kinkaku's body afterwards.

From the scene, Kinkaku should have been killed by someone using a long-distance accelerated lightning ninjutsu.

But the strange thing is that the size of the wound on his chest is smaller than we thought."

At this point, he looked at Kagura with a gleam in his eyes, and then continued:

"It's as if... it's the size of a child's palm."

Facing Danzo's aggressive gaze, Kagura said calmly:

"Well, it's really strange.

But I'm sorry, a few of us fainted at the beginning and didn't know what kind of ninjutsu it was.

I think you should ask the Hokage about this question directly, after all, he killed the enemy with his own hands.

I don't think he would mind explaining the specific situation to you. "

Looking at the watertight Kagura, Danzo nodded slightly, and stopped talking, just looking up at Sarutobi Hiruzen above again.

Vaguely feeling that the atmosphere was wrong, the other three looked at the two in confusion.

But because they didn't know the whole story, they could only remain silent in the end.

The inauguration ceremony of the Hokage did not last long. After Sarutobi Hiruzen gave a speech in front of everyone, the carnival ended.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and Danzo told everyone the place and time for tomorrow's gathering, and then left.

Then, Jiraiya also said goodbye to everyone.

Speaking of which, he has been a little busy since he was discharged from the hospital.

Later, after Tsunade explained, Kagura realized that he was busy sorting books.

Jiraiya's luck was pretty good. Before he was attacked by Kinkaku, he had put away the books he brought from the Land of Whirlpools under a tree.

Then the battle that could be called the destruction of the world actually perfectly avoided the tree where he hid his books.

After being discharged from the hospital the day before yesterday, he immediately returned to the scene and retrieved his precious books.

So he has been busy recording and classifying those books these two days.

Looking at Jiraiya's figure going away, Tsunade curled her lips and muttered:

"I always feel that Jiraiya has changed a lot after graduation..."

Orochimaru on the side responded gently:

"Jiraiya has found something he likes, and we should be happy for him."

In the end, the three people who had nothing to do chose to stroll together on the street.

As they walked, Tsunade's eyes lit up when she saw a queue not far away.

That was a new fruit drink in the village recently.

Because of its unique flavor, it is quite popular among young people, and there is always a long queue in front of the store.

After excitedly asking her two companions and getting negative answers from Kagura and Orochimaru, Tsunade planned to go alone to buy one.

Looking at Tsunade's figure queuing in the distance, Kagura and Orochimaru sat on a bench on the street and waited.

Not long after sitting down, Orochimaru suddenly asked:

"Kagura, in that battle... were you really unconscious?"

Hearing this, Kagura turned his head and looked at Orochimaru on the side, and saw his serious eyes.

Obviously, unlike the other two who were thick-skinned, the smart Orochimaru seemed to have inferred some facts from Danzo's words just now.

Kagura pondered for a while, and then chose to confess:

"No, I didn't.

But unlike what you think, the main force of the battle was not me, and it was mainly due to the credit of Sarutobi teacher.

I... I was just lucky to have ambushed a wave."

Hearing Kagura's confession, Orochimaru was slightly stunned.

He didn't expect Kagura to tell him the truth directly.

In fact, this was not a sudden impulse or something that Kagura wanted to show off to his companions.

It was a choice he made after thinking about it.

After that battle, in addition to Orochimaru, Tsunade and Jiraiya were all a little depressed.

Although they were suppressed by Kagura all the way, they were praised as geniuses, but in fact they did not encounter too much setbacks.

But in this battle, the opponent defeated them with just one blow, which was actually a big blow to them.

In such a mood, Danzo came to Orochimaru again, and Kagura couldn't help but start to worry about Orochimaru's blackening in advance.

Thinking of all these, he decided to confess to Orochimaru.

After all, with Orochimaru's wisdom, even if he didn't confess, he would easily find out the truth in the future.

At that time, would he have any negative emotions or something because of his concealment...

As a blue star who has watched many bloody plots, Kagura thinks this is a very likely development.

After digesting the meaning of Kagura's words, Orochimaru lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then he looked up at Kagura as if he had made up his mind and said:

"Kagura, can you teach me how to practice?"

? ? ?

Kagura was also stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that the arrogant Orochimaru would ask him such a request.

After shaking his head slightly, he said to Orochimaru:

"Orochimaru, you don't need to be so anxious.

It's not that I don't want to, but because my path is not suitable for you.

I think you can refer to Jiraiya's experience, and you will definitely find your own opportunities."

This is not a perfunctory answer to Orochimaru.

Although it is not specifically explained in the plot, Kagura knows that there is also a snake fairy and a fairyland similar to Myoboku Mountain in this world.

In fact, the "Three Ninjas" of Konoha are the opportunity holders of the three paradises.

Although Kagura didn't know how Orochimaru finally entered the blessed land belonging to snakes, it was not difficult to guess it by referring to Jiraiya's experience.

Hearing Kagura's words of comfort, Orochimaru did not feel disappointed, but tilted his head and thought about it.

Looking at Orochimaru who was thinking, Kagura thought for a while and spoke again:

"Orochimaru, are you still insisting on studying ninjutsu now?"

Hearing the word "ninjutsu", Orochimaru's eyes suddenly lit up.

He nodded hurriedly, and then looked at Kagura with expectation, as if waiting for him to say something.

After hesitating for a while, Kagura said something that shocked Orochimaru.

"Have you ever considered human experiments?