
Naruto: Train Tsunade to be your wife since childhood

After reincarnation, he became a member of the Uchiha clan. He punched Orochimaru and kicked Jiraiya. He flirted with the undeveloped Tsunade. With his own instruction manual and system, he became the strongest of his generation. What Rinnegan? What fairy technique? What forbidden technique? Aren't these distributed for free by the system? What? Kaguya Otsutsuki is resurrected? Why are you looking at me? Naruto, Sasuke! Where did they die? He is regarded as the boss by the three ninjas because of his extraordinary strength, but he only wants to work hard to avoid being silenced. He was hiding, and one day he found himself standing in front of the final boss without knowing it... So I am the child of prophecy? Only tells the story in Shippuden,

Xchen · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 22 Dance, the boy in the thunder

"I never thought that one day I would have the chance to kill a legendary figure like you.

This is really... wonderful!"

As hundreds of voices rang out around, the converging voices startled the birds in the entire forest.

The echoes and the cries of hundreds of birds gave Jinjiao a headache, and he subconsciously isolated all the noisy sounds.

A trace of a grim smile appeared on his face again, and he shouted loudly:

"The little brat of the Uchiha family, do you think you can scare me with just this little illusion?

Although I am not good at illusion, but..."

As he spoke, he was already forming a seal with one hand.


With a roar, the hundreds of Kagura around him suddenly disappeared.

But the real scene in front of him shocked him again.

There were five Kagura standing in front of him, but what surprised him was not the number of clones of his opponent, but his form.

At this time, Kagura had turned into the form of the tailed beast coat of the one-tailed beast.

Unlike Kinkaku's chakra that exudes bloodthirsty and violent, the tailed beast coat on Kagura's body at this time is a milky white form.

It really seems like he is just wearing a translucent raincoat, and a tail is swinging behind him.

The breath of the tailed beast coat is peaceful and warm, without a trace of the crazy breath of the tailed beast.

In addition, the most noticeable thing is his eyes.

At this time, the double magatama in his eyes is rotating rapidly, and there are even traces of blood and tears in the corners of his eyes.

It is obvious that he has pushed Kotoamatsukami to the extreme.

Seeing this, Kinkaku's face showed a serious expression for the first time.

He asked Kagura directly:

"Kid, is this your tailed beast coat?

No, there is no breath of the tailed beast.

But why do you have the same power as the tailed beast.

And your weird Sharingan..."

Facing Kinkaku's question, Kagura did not make any answer.

At this time, his previously broken right hand has been restored to its original state under the healing enhancement of the tailed beast coat.

The five "Kagura" slowly drew out their shurikens from their waists at the same time, and with a teleportation, they flashed in front of Kinkaku at the same time.

At this time, Kagura's physical skills, pupil skills, and chakra have all been greatly enhanced by the strengthening of the tailed beast coat.

If it must be quantified, he has the strength of a jonin at this time, and it is the kind of jonin strength close to the level of Kage.

Facing Kagura's attack, Kinkaku smiled contemptuously.

However, just as he made a move, Kagura's unique Sharingan flashed in his eyes.

The action of raising his hand to counterattack was suddenly stunned, and it stopped for half a second.

For the battle of ninjas, a delay of half a second can determine many things.


The five Kagura's shurikens accurately pierced Kinkaku's chest, but there was a sound of metal collision.

"Tsk, it's not that simple!"

Kagura muttered, but his body did not stop. The five Kagura kicked Kinkaku at the same time.


Kinkaku was kicked backwards by this neat kick, breaking several trees along the way and stirring up a cloud of dust.

The "Kaguras" did not chase, but stopped where they were, staring at the cloud of dust intently.

Slowly, Kinkaku's huge body gradually emerged from the gray fog.

A trace of lightning flashed across his body, and it was obvious that he had used lightning escape to strengthen his body.

This was also the reason why Kagura's shuriken could not pierce his body just now.

With a hideous smile on his face, he looked at Kagura and said:

"Little devil, you want to kill me.

I'm afraid you can't do it with such strength!"

The figures of both parties were illusory, and they chose to rush towards each other at the same time.

Unexpectedly, in the next battle, both of them chose close combat.

On the one hand, relying on the enhancement of the tailed beast, the harassment of the shadow clone and Kotoamatsukami was carried out guerrilla warfare.

On the one hand, he relied on his strong body, excellent lightning enhancement, and his bottomless chakra to fight hard.

From time to time, huge trees fell in the forest, and the sound of flesh and weapons colliding could be heard from time to time.

The two sides fought back and forth for a while, presenting a stalemate.

However, it was this stalemate that made Kagura more certain of his previous guess.

Kinkaku's state was indeed very wrong!

He had a clear judgment of his own strength at this time.

Although he had the strength of a jonin, he should be far from a ninja of Kinkaku's level.

On the one hand, the battle strategy that Kinkaku adopted against everyone at the beginning did not fit his character.

According to the plot, Kinkaku's character should be one of being indifferent and impatient.

This approach of ambush Sarutobi Hiruzen by threatening students is more like what his younger brother Ginkaku would do.

On the other hand, the absence of Ginkaku and their other four famous ninja tools was obviously problematic.

Most importantly, the option of killing Kinkaku was given in the system.

This means that the system believes that they have the possibility of killing Jinjiao.

This also shows that Jinjiao's strength at the moment is not as strong as he showed, so he used a strategy to quickly end the battle.

At this time, Jinjiao was also upset.

After experiencing the battles with Tobirama and the third generation of Thunder Ninja this year, his body has reached a very bad state.

Especially the pursuit of the third generation of Thunder Ninja Ai.

He still remembers that in that battle, his younger brother Yinjiao was ambushed by Ai and died on the spot with a blow through his heart.

And he barely escaped after paying the price of losing two ninja tools.

This time he came to the vicinity of Konoha Village, in fact, because he was chased all the way, and he had no choice but to come here.

But he didn't expect to meet Sarutobi Hiruzen and others here.

He knew that he couldn't show his weakness at this time, so the following appearance, pursuit, and ambush were all strategies he had planned in advance.

In order to quickly kill the people in front of him.

But he didn't expect that after knocking down Sarutobi, he would be held back by a little devil.

After repelling the attack from the right side of Kagura again, his heart sank.

No, if he continued to delay, Ai behind him might catch up.

Thinking of this, he pulled out the banana fan from his mouth.

Although he didn't have much chakra left now, he should be able to use it again.

Assessing in his mind, the veins on his right hand reappeared, and he was obviously ready to kill the five "Kagura" in front of him at once.

However, just as he was about to swing the fan, the pair of Sharingan flashed in front of him again.

Just as he was about to swing the fan, the right hand holding the fan was hit by two "Kagura" that flashed, and the direction of the fan was changed.

"Tsk, these troublesome eyes."

Seeing this, Kinkaku, who had regained control of his body, quickly stopped inputting chakra into the fan.

Just as he looked up again, the five "Kagura" stopped the next attack and dispersed, faintly surrounding him in the middle.

The five "Kagura" opened their mouths at the same time, and the tails behind them stood up high.

A bright light bead like the sun gradually appeared.

Jinjiao, who was also in the state of Tailed Beast Clothes, naturally knew what this was. It was preparing to attack him with the Tailed Beast Jade!

But Jinjiao was not surprised at this time, but happy. He knew the Tailed Beast Jade very well, so he also knew the shortcomings of this move.

That is, the preparation time is too long.

Without hesitation, he immediately rushed towards one of the Kagura.

The huge banana fan had been put away at some point, and his right hand was erected into a hand knife. A layer of lightning appeared on the outside of the hand knife, like a real sword.

The Kagura who saw Jinjiao rushing towards him had no panic on his face, but he immediately stopped the gathering of the Tailed Beast Jade.

Then he did not retreat but advanced, opened his arms to Jinjiao who was rushing towards him, and actually hugged him directly.

Before Jinjiao showed a puzzled expression, the four Kagura who were standing around also stopped their actions at the same time, rushed up and hugged his hands and feet respectively.

The Kagura who was hugging his body looked up at him and finally smiled:

"You don't really think that I, an 8-year-old child, can send out five tailed beast balls at the same time.

My real killer move has been prepared from the beginning."

Hearing this, Jinjiao's sight passed through the Kagura in front of him and looked at the top of a small hill in the distance.

At this time, there was a dazzling lightning flashing there, accompanied by a sound like hundreds of birds singing.

Did he just start preparing?

No, judging from the momentum accumulated from the distant attack, it must have lasted for a while.

I didn't notice it before?

This thought flashed through his mind, and Jinjiao looked at the Kagura on his chest in surprise.

Kagura smiled and helped him to clear his confusion:

"Although my Kotoamatsukami cannot make much change to your will, I can still make you temporarily ignore the light and sound in the distance."

Hearing this, Jinjiao suddenly remembered the hundreds of Kagura and the hundreds of birds that appeared at the beginning.

Yes, considering the scale of the battle between him and Sarutobi Hiruzen before, how could there be so many birds in this forest.

Before he could think about it any more, the momentum of the lightning in the distance had reached its peak.

Suddenly, the lightning turned into a lightning and rushed towards Jinjiao in a straight line!

The lightning destroyed all the obstacles in front of it with an unstoppable momentum.

Jinjiao, who sighed in his heart, was trying to break free from Kagura's restraints, but the long battle finally had sequelae at this time.

The abundant chakra in the past was gone, and Jinjiao felt that his whole body was filled with a strange sense of powerlessness.

It seemed like a long time had passed, and it seemed like only a moment.

The lightning finally arrived in front of Jinjiao!

The one holding the lightning was Kagura.

His left hand was pressing down on his right hand, and in his right palm was a ball of light made of lightning.

The light ball was constantly emitting terrifying lightning, and there was a sound like a thousand birds chirping.

It was the Lightning Release. Chidori!

At this time, the right hand had passed through Jinjiao's heart and came out from behind him!

Jinjiao, fallen!