
Naruto: Train Tsunade to be your wife since childhood

After reincarnation, he became a member of the Uchiha clan. He punched Orochimaru and kicked Jiraiya. He flirted with the undeveloped Tsunade. With his own instruction manual and system, he became the strongest of his generation. What Rinnegan? What fairy technique? What forbidden technique? Aren't these distributed for free by the system? What? Kaguya Otsutsuki is resurrected? Why are you looking at me? Naruto, Sasuke! Where did they die? He is regarded as the boss by the three ninjas because of his extraordinary strength, but he only wants to work hard to avoid being silenced. He was hiding, and one day he found himself standing in front of the final boss without knowing it... So I am the child of prophecy? Only tells the story in Shippuden,

Xchen · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 12 The World Outside the Village

After carefully reading the mission description on the scroll, Uchiha Kagura frowned.

The mission content is very simple, which is to protect a wealthy businessman to the Land of Whirlpools.

In terms of the reward and difficulty of the mission, there is indeed no problem as a B-level mission.

The question is why Sarutobi Hiruzen personally led the team.

Even if he didn't need to ask specifically, he knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen would officially take the position of the third generation Hokage soon.

At such a critical period, a B-level mission is worthy of a Hokage to personally perform?

Even if it is for the sake of taking care of his students, it is not justified.

Handing the mission scroll that has been read to the three people behind, Kagura did not hide his doubts at all, and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen in front of him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen understood Kagura's doubts at a glance.

He said directly:

"I will officially announce that I will become the Hokage next week, and the reason why I am going to the Land of Whirlpools with you this time is precisely for this reason."

Going to the Land of Whirlpools is because I am about to become the Hokage?

After a little thought, Kagura instantly understood what Sarutobi teacher meant.

During the period of Hashirama Senju, the Land of Whirlpools was a loyal ally of the Land of Fire.

Among them, the Uzumaki clan and the Senju clan have cooperated many times since the Warring States Period.

When Hashirama Senju captured the tailed beasts, it was also the great elder of the Uzumaki clan who helped him seal the tailed beasts he captured.

Otherwise, how could Hashirama Senju sell this unstable power to the major ninja villages smoothly later.

Later, in order to better control the Nine-Tails, Uzumaki Mito, the wife of the first generation Hokage, took the initiative to dedicate herself to become the first generation of the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

Now, it is a natural move for Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is about to become the Hokage, to go to the Land of Whirlpools.

This is just like the Blue Planet where Kagura originally lived. Generally, the newly appointed national leaders always need to visit friendly countries as soon as possible to show their friendly attitude.

As for why he had to go before becoming Hokage, rather than after taking office?

Unlike the era when Naruto lived, the situation in the current era is still in a state of chaos.

Although the villages have signed a ceasefire agreement, there are still undercurrents underneath.

If there is a chance to kill a Kage, I believe many people will choose to try.

The second generation Tobirama also died for this reason.

So going to the Whirlpool Country as a Hokage and going to the Whirlpool Country as Sarutobi Hiruzen himself have completely different meanings.

To put it bluntly, even if Sarutobi Hiruzen died on the way, it would not be a big blow to Konoha's morale.

Looking at Kagura's instantly clear expression, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with relief.

Tsunade and Orochimaru behind him also understood the meaning after watching the mission and hesitating a little.

Only Jiraiya, scratching the back of his head with one hand, said naively:

"Teacher, what does being a Hokage have to do with carrying out missions with us?"

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he said confidently:

"I understand, you are worried that after becoming a Hokage, you will never be able to go out with us again.

So this time, you specially accompanied us to carry out the last field work before taking up your position, right!"

After saying that, he looked at the teacher complacently, as if he was looking forward to the teacher's praise.

Sarutobi Hiruzen pulled the corner of his mouth, and finally took back the words he wanted to curse.

He turned his head and looked to one side and told everyone:

"Okay, you guys go back and pack up quickly, and gather at the village gate at noon.

We will set off at noon today."

The dazzling sun hung in the middle of the sky. At the gate of Konoha Village, the four people who were ready had been waiting here in advance.

Kagura was wearing a combat uniform similar to that of a jonin, except that he was wearing a purple vest and a black backpack on his back.

At this time, he was hiding under the shade of a tree with the others, kicking stones with boredom.

Like him, the other three also had a backpack in their outfits.

Fortunately, they did not wait for long. After a while, the figures of Sarutobi Hiruzen and another person gradually appeared in everyone's sight.

Following behind Sarutobi teacher was the target they needed to protect this time.

The image of this man completely fits Kagura's imagination of the word "rich businessman". Wearing a purple coat made of silk that seemed not cheap, the slightly tight clothes outlined his fat figure.

At this time, he was holding a handkerchief and constantly wiping the sweat on his head. It was obvious that he was very hot.

Seeing the four people, the rich businessman was stunned for a moment.

Then he showed a kind smile and nodded to everyone.

Sarutobi Hiruzen gave a brief introduction to the client, then turned to the rich businessman and said politely:

"Mr. Tomikawa, time is urgent.

Thank you for your hard work along the way."

Then he said to everyone without waiting for Tomikawa's response:

"Let's go!"

As the team started to set off, Kagura's face showed a hint of excitement.

In addition to the fact that this was the first time he left the village since he crossed over, it was more because of the task prompt he received from the system not long ago:

"Task: Complete a B-level task.

Task reward: You can randomly draw a ninjutsu and understand it."

Since he drew the skill of Kotoamatsukami last time, he has been looking forward to what kind of heaven-defying ninjutsu he can draw from the system next time.

Like Kagura, Tsunade and others also left the village for the first time.

Along the way, they were full of curiosity about everything around them.

After walking along the established road for a long time, they finally walked out of the woods outside the village.

Some human villages gradually appeared along the way.

Unlike Konoha Village, most of these villages look very shabby.

Most of the villagers walking in the area are in tattered clothes, with numbness in their eyes, doing their work like zombies.

Seeing this, the people who seemed a little excited at the beginning gradually fell silent.

Feeling the atmosphere of the team become cold, Sarutobi Hiruzen said:

"The days of peace are too short.

Although the chaos of the Warring States Period was ended with the efforts of Lord Hashirama.

Unfortunately, this peace only lasted for about ten years.

After the outbreak of the First Ninja War, these ordinary villagers had no ability to resist, and naturally could not develop."

Kagura nodded secretly in agreement.

In fact, even among the five major ninja villages, Konoha Village is a unique existence.

After all, when the village was built, relying on the money obtained by Senju Hashirama from selling the tailed beast, Konoha Village had abundant funds from the beginning.

You don't see the environment of the Hidden Sand Village, which can only survive in a desert.

If there is a choice, who would build a village in such a place.

Traveling is always boring, especially when there are not many scenery worth appreciating along the way.

What Kagura did not expect was that the fat man named Tomikawa was not much slower than them along the way.

But after thinking carefully, he figured it out. After all, as a traveling merchant, this kind of daily travel is probably something he has long been accustomed to.

As the pace of the crowd became heavier, the sun unconsciously stopped on the distant mountain.

The afterglow shone on the crowd, pulling a long black shadow behind them.

At this time, they had passed through the village and walked into a new forest.

As they walked, Kagura, who was in the front, suddenly stopped.

If you stand in front of him, you can see that his eyes have turned into the state of Sharingan at this time.

Staring at the dark woods in front, he suddenly made a gesture behind him.

Tsunade and the other two who had followed him and stayed in place suddenly tightened their faces after seeing the gesture.

The body turned into a black shadow, and the three of them came to Fuchuan in an instant, guarding him in a triangular shape.

In the previous weeks of running-in, the four of them had already developed some gestures for easy use when performing tasks.

And the gesture that Kagura just made meant:

An enemy appeared!