
Naruto: Tobirama Senju

How will Tobirama cope in this new ninja world? note: Naruto is not mine and this fanfic is also not mine The Naruto anime and manga series were created by Masashi Kishimoto. The manga was first published in 1999 and the anime adaptation followed in 2002. The Naruto franchise is owned by the Japanese company Shueisha, which publishes the manga, and the animation studio Pierrot, which produced the anime. The series has been licensed and distributed worldwide by various companies, including Viz Media and Crunchyroll. Naruto: I was reincarnated into the dirty land Tobirama 火影:我转生了秽土扉间 https://ko-fi.com/ilovefanfics

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28 Chs

Chapter 7 Removing Hokage

Today holds special significance for all the residents of Konoha.

A figure usually confined to the Hokage Monument has returned: Senju Tobirama, the Second Hokage.

"Did you hear? The Second Hokage is back!" A Konoha ninja exclaimed excitedly to those around him.

"Yeah, he saved me from a Sand Ninja attack using the Flying Thunder God Technique!" Another ninja chimed in.

"Does this mean the Second Hokage is going to reclaim the position of Hokage from the Third Hokage, who's getting up there in age?" someone speculated.

"Shh! We shouldn't talk about that kind of thing!"


A conference room in the Hokage Building of Konoha

All the village's Jonin, clan leaders, the Hokage, and the Hokage's advisors gathered here. A white-haired figure sat in the main seat, while the current Hokage sat below him.

"Sensei, I never imagined you'd truly return." When the three Hokage advisors learned of Senju Tobirama's resurrection, they initially dismissed it as a misunderstanding. It wasn't until they saw him in person that they believed it.

Especially Danzo, whose eyes widened in shock beneath his bandages when he laid eyes on Senju Tobirama, looking somewhat unnerved.

"Koharu, my, how you've aged... Are you already serving as a consultant to the Hokage?" Tobirama glanced at the elderly woman standing beside him in surprise.

In the past, Team Tobirama It was comprised of himself, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Homura Mitokado, and Koharu Utatane but on occasion during the First Shinobi World War, they teamed up with Danzō Shimura, Kagami Uchiha and Torifu Akimichi to carry out a mission as the Second Hokage's elite Escort Unit.

As a person who's familiar with the plot, He was well aware of Danzo's actions, including the murder of Uchiha Kagami. The Sharingan beneath Danzo's bandage belonged to Kagami.

"Sensei, Hiruzen was your chosen successor, but he allowed his disciple Orochimaru to delve into forbidden research. Even when faced with Orochimaru's betrayal, he showed mercy, and this led to the disasters Konoha faced. I propose that Hiruzen to step down as Hokage!" Danzo's voice cut through the tension, surprising everyone.

Hiruzen shot Danzo a cold glance but remained silent.

Koharu and Homura, caught off guard by Danzo's sudden accusation, exchanged glances and eventually nodded in agreement.

When the clan leaders saw the Hokage's advisors all condemning the third hokage simultaneously, they were bewildered. They remained silent, unwilling to interfere.

"Danzo, where were your root when Konoha was under attack?" Senju Tobirama questioned Danzo, ignoring the advisor's proposal.

"Sensei, The root prioritize the preservation of Konoha's strength. We must protect our village's resources to ensure our survival after the war," Danzo replied, his words carrying an air of righteousness, portraying him as a strategic thinker.

Of course, Danzo's true intentions were far from noble. He had hoped Orochimaru would kill Hiruzen, or at least leave him seriously injured, paving the way for his own ascension to the position of Hokage.

But his plans were disrupted by his sensei's unexpected return.

"Cursed you Orochimaru, using forbidden jutsu he can't control, and even unleashing Tobirama-sensei..." Danzo cursed under his breath.

"The old fox is as shameless as ever," someone murmured from the crowd.

Tobirama nodded in agreement, silently acknowledging the sentiment.

As for Hiruzen Sarutobi stepping down, Tobirama was naturally in favor, especially since the system had assigned him another mission.


Mission: Reclaim your position as the Hokage

Reward: Wood Release


Wood Release! As the younger brother of Senju Hashirama, it was only fitting for Tobirama to inherit the unique bloodline technique of the Senju clan.

After quelling the emotions stirring within him, Tobirama spoke up:

"Everyone, my student Hiruzen Sarutobi has failed in his duties. He must bear responsibility for the damage suffered by Konoha. Therefore, I declare that the Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi is relieved of his duties as Hokage."

"All in favor, raise your hands. All opposed voice your concerns"