
Naruto to Boruto Chronicles

This is pretty much naruto and boruto but with fanmade arcs, some better writing and maybe a harem and yes i added a new character and made them a chinoike clan member because why not. (credits goes to Studio Pierrot, Shonen jump & Masashi Kishimoto)

LordSanctify · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Delta Arc (Naruto Shippuden)

Takashi paced back and forth in his hideout, fuming with anger. He had just received word that Pain had been defeated by Tsukasa and his friends. The news made him see red, and he knew what he had to do.

"Phantom Division, listen up!" Takashi barked, addressing his loyal followers. "We have just received word that our leader, Pain, has been defeated by the Hidden Leaf and their allies. This is unacceptable! We will not rest until we have destroyed them all!"

The members of the Phantom Division nodded in agreement, ready to carry out their leader's orders.

"Takashi-sama, I will support you no matter what," Delta said, stepping forward and placing a hand on his shoulder. "I love you, and I believe in your cause."

Takashi turned to her, a small smile forming on his face. "Thank you, Delta. Your support means everything to me."

The two shared a brief moment of intimacy before Takashi resumed his furious pacing.

"Phantom Division, prepare for battle. We will show the Hidden Leaf and their allies what it means to cross the Akatsuki!"

The members of the Phantom Division cheered, their hearts filled with a burning desire for revenge. They readied their weapons and began to make their way towards the Hidden Leaf village, ready to unleash their wrath upon their enemies.

Tsunade: "Team Samui has brought us important intel from the Hidden Cloud Village. The Raikage has requested our assistance in dealing with a dangerous organization called the Akatsuki, specifically a group known as the Phantom Division."

Tsukasa: "The Phantom Division? I've never heard of them before."

Sakura: "Neither have I, but it sounds like they could be a serious threat."

Tsunade: "That's why I'm splitting you all into groups of three. You will work together to gather more information on the Phantom Division and report back to us. Here are your assignments."

Tsunade hands out slips of paper to each team, and they quickly form their groups.

Naruto: "I'm with Hinata and Sai? Alright, let's go kick some Akatsuki butt!"

Sasuke: "I'll be with Karin and Fū. We'll handle this mission efficiently."

Konan: "I'm with Taiku and Rin. Let's make sure we gather all the information we can."

Tsukasa: "I'm with Ino and Tenten. We'll do our best to uncover any leads on the Phantom Division."

Tsunade: "Remember, this is a dangerous mission. Be careful out there and report back as soon as possible. Dismissed."

As Tsukasa, Ino, and Tenten were scouring the area for any leads on the phantom division, they suddenly heard the sound of battle in the distance. Naruto, Hinata, and Sai were tracking the phantom division from a distance, while Konan, Rin, and Taiku were using their jutsu to try and detect them, but nothing seemed to be working.

All of a sudden, three phantom division members appeared in front of Sasuke, Karin, and Fū. The three of them prepared to strike, but Karin and Fū managed to fend them off with their taijutsu. Sasuke then stepped in and used his Chidori to defeat the three phantom division members.

However, as Sasuke was about to question them about the whereabouts of the phantom division, the curse mark on his neck suddenly began to form, causing him immense pain. The three members, realizing they were defeated, used the last of their strength to tell Sasuke about a secret hideout of the phantom division before succumbing to their wounds.

As Takashi and Delta continued their rampage through the hidden sound village, Tsukasa, Tenten, and Ino arrived at the scene. They quickly spotted the two figures and the devastation they were causing. Tsukasa activated his Ketsuryūgan and surveyed the area for any signs of the phantom division. Suddenly, they heard a scream coming from one of the nearby buildings.

They rushed over to the source of the noise and found Tayuya, a former member of Orochimaru's Sound Four, being held captive by two members of the phantom division. The two members were about to deliver the final blow when Tsukasa intervened, blocking the attack with his own blade.

"Tayuya, are you okay?" Tsukasa asked as he helped her to her feet.

Tayuya blushed, grateful for the assistance. "Yeah, thanks to you."

Takashi and Delta turned their attention to the newcomers and charged at them, their eyes filled with fury. The two sides clashed in a fierce battle. Takashi's crystalline jutsu proved to be a formidable opponent, but Tsukasa's Ketsuryūgan allowed him to see through the phantom division leader's attacks.

In the midst of the chaos, Takashi managed to get past Tsukasa and headed straight towards Tayuya. Tsukasa quickly reacted and intercepted the attack, but not before getting slashed in the cheek.

"Tayuya, go! We'll handle this!" Tenten yelled as she and Ino joined the fight.

Tayuya hesitated for a moment, watching the battle unfold, but ultimately decided to make a run for it. Tsukasa continued to fight fiercely, determined to protect his friends and put a stop to the phantom division's reign of terror.

The battle raged on, with Takashi unleashing his devastating Red Lightning Release. Tsukasa and his friends fought fiercely, utilizing all of their skills and abilities to counter Takashi's attacks.

As the battle continued, Laika continued to wreak havoc, taking on multiple opponents at once and emerging victorious each time. The allied shinobi were starting to become overwhelmed, and it seemed as if Takashi and his forces might emerge victorious.

Just when all hope seemed lost, a figure appeared on the battlefield - a man with long, silver hair and a single Sharingan eye. It was Kakashi Hatake, the legendary ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village.

Kakashi had been tracking the Phantom Division's movements and had arrived just in time to turn the tide of the battle. With his expertise in the Sharingan and lightning-style jutsu, Kakashi was able to hold his own against Takashi and even gain the upper hand.

Meanwhile, Tsukasa and his friends had regrouped and were fighting in sync, utilizing their unique abilities to create powerful combinations. Ino used her mind control jutsu to manipulate the movements of the Phantom Division's members, while Tenten launched a barrage of weapons at them from afar. Tsukasa continued to use his Black Lightning and Ketsuryūgan together, striking with deadly precision.

As the battle continued, the allied shinobi were starting to gain the upper hand. The Phantom Division's members were starting to fall one by one, and Takashi was becoming increasingly desperate.

Finally, with a fierce roar, Takashi unleashed a massive blast of Red Lightning Release, causing the ground to shake and sending shockwaves throughout the battlefield. But Tsukasa stood firm, determined to protect his friends and defeat Takashi once and for all.

With a final surge of strength, Tsukasa unleashed his most powerful jutsu yet - a combination of Black Lightning and Ketsuryūgan that was strong enough to counter Takashi's Red Lightning Release. The two jutsu clashed, sending sparks flying in every direction.

When the smoke cleared, Takashi was lying on the ground, defeated. Delta had fled the battlefield, and the other Phantom Division members had either been defeated or retreated.

Tsukasa and his friends stood victorious, exhausted but proud of their accomplishments. As they made their way back to the Hidden Leaf Village, they knew that they had saved countless lives and proven themselves as true heroes of the shinobi world.

As the dust settled on the battlefield, the allied shinobi from the different villages looked around in confusion. They had just defeated Takashi and Laika, or so they thought. But as they looked closer, they realized that the two Akatsuki outers had disappeared without a trace.

Tsukasa gritted his teeth in frustration. "Damn it, they got away."

Sakura walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, Tsukasa. We'll catch them next time."

Tsukasa nodded, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of defeat. He had been so close to taking down Takashi and ending the Phantom Division once and for all. But now, they had slipped through their fingers.

Meanwhile, Takashi and Laika were grinning as they watched the chaos from afar. "They fell for it," Takashi said. "They really thought those were our real bodies."

Laika chuckled. "We're too good for them."

Takashi nodded. "We'll lie low for a while and then strike when they least expect it."

Laika smiled. "Sounds like a plan."

And with that, they disappeared into the shadows, ready to plan their next move.

As Takashi, Delta, and Laika stood at the edge of the pit, Hidan struggled to escape, but his efforts were futile. Laika grinned wickedly as she raised her hand and began to draw out Hidan's life force. Hidan screamed in agony as he felt his life slipping away, and his body began to wither and age rapidly.

Takashi watched with a satisfied smile as Hidan's body collapsed into a heap on the ground. "Well done, Laika," he said, his voice filled with admiration. "You have truly proven your worth to the Phantom Division."

Delta nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with excitement. "We're going to take down the Hidden Leaf and all of their allies," she said, her voice filled with malice. "No one can stop us now."

Laika grinned eagerly, her eyes glowing with a fierce intensity. "I'm ready for anything," she said, her voice ringing with confidence. "Let's show them what we're made of."

With those words, the three of them turned and disappeared into the shadows, leaving behind a trail of destruction and chaos. The Phantom Division was stronger than ever, and nothing would stand in their way.

As Takashi, Delta, and Laika found themselves surrounded by Tsukasa and his friends, the tension in the air was palpable. The two sides eyed each other warily, ready for anything.

Without warning, Tsukasa launched himself at Takashi, and the two engaged in an intense taijutsu fight. Tsukasa was quick and agile, but Takashi's strength and speed were unmatched.

Meanwhile, Laika began to pick off some of Tsukasa's friends, leaving only a handful left standing. Delta saw an opportunity to strike and lunged at Naruto, aiming to end his life. But Rin got in the way, taking the fatal blow instead.

Taiku was furious at the sight of her fallen comrade and attacked Delta with all her might. But in her rage, she was reckless and was ultimately killed by Delta as well.

Tsukasa watched in horror as his friends, Rin and Taiku, were killed before his eyes. His grief and anger surged within him, and he closed his eyes to focus.

He then tapped into his Snake Sage powers and unleashed his Ketsuryūgan jutsu: Exploding Human Technique on Laika and Delta. The two imploded in a violent explosion, and the ground shook beneath their feet.

Tsukasa was left standing amidst the rubble, his chakra spent and his body exhausted. He couldn't help but feel a profound sadness for his fallen friends, but he knew that he had done what he had to do to protect them and honor their memory.

The scene was a somber one, filled with intense emotion and raw power. The loss of life was tragic, but Tsukasa's heroism was a beacon of light in the darkness.

Takashi was caught off guard by the sudden chakra burst that emanated from Tsukasa. He immediately stopped his attack and backed away, trying to assess the situation.

"What the hell was that?" Takashi muttered under his breath, his eyes focused on Tsukasa.

Tsukasa stood there, panting heavily, his body covered in sweat. His eyes were closed, and he was clearly in a state of exhaustion.

"Tsukasa, are you alright?" Tenten asked, moving closer to him.

Tsukasa slowly opened his eyes, looking at his friends. "I'm fine," he said weakly. "I just used a powerful jutsu that drained most of my chakra."

Takashi's eyes narrowed. "What kind of jutsu was that?"

"It's a Ketsuryūgan jutsu," Tsukasa replied, still catching his breath. "I used the Exploding Human Technique to defeat Laika and Delta."

Takashi gritted his teeth, his fists clenched. "You killed them," he said through gritted teeth. "You'll pay for that, Tsukasa."

Tsukasa stood his ground, ready to face Takashi once again. "I'm ready for you," he said, his voice filled with determination.

The two opponents stared at each other, a sense of tension building between them. The battle was far from over, and the outcome was still uncertain.

As Takashi was about to strike Tenten with his katana, Tsukasa's chakra burst startled him, causing him to hesitate for a moment. This gave Tsukasa the opportunity to quickly intervene and use the Shadow of the Dancing Leaf to kick Takashi into the air. Tsukasa then followed up with another taijutsu attack, Konoha Shofu (Leaf Rising Wind), sending Takashi flying into a nearby tree.

Takashi tried to get back up, but he was visibly shaken from the attack. He looked up at Tsukasa, his eyes filled with anger and frustration.

"You're just a mere human," Takashi spat. "How dare you try to stand in my way!"

Tsukasa remained calm, his eyes focused on Takashi. "I may be human, but I'm not weak," he replied. "And I won't let you hurt my friends."

Takashi growled and charged at Tsukasa with his katana, but Tsukasa was ready for him. He dodged Takashi's attack with ease and landed a solid punch to his stomach. Takashi stumbled back, but quickly regained his composure and swung his katana again.

The two continued their intense taijutsu battle, exchanging blows and dodging attacks. Tsukasa's movements were fluid and precise, while Takashi's were more wild and aggressive.

As they fought, Tsukasa noticed that Takashi's movements were becoming slower and more predictable. It was clear that Takashi was starting to tire.

Tsukasa saw an opportunity and struck Takashi with a series of powerful kicks, sending him flying back into a nearby tree. Takashi slumped to the ground, unconscious.

Tsukasa walked over to Takashi and retrieved his katana. He looked down at the fallen Akatsuki member, his expression softening slightly.

"You may have been strong, but you were using your strength for the wrong reasons," Tsukasa said quietly. "I hope you find peace in the next life."

With that, Tsukasa turned and walked back to his friends, ready to continue their journey.

As Tsukasa turned around, he realized that the Takashi he had just defeated was nothing but a mere clone. He looked up to see the real Takashi standing by the tree, smirking at him.

Tsukasa gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He knew that this was it, the final battle between him and Takashi. Without uttering a single word, they both dashed towards the Valley of the End, leaving behind the rest of their friends.

As they ran, Tsukasa couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. He was both scared and excited, nervous and determined. This was the moment he had been waiting for, the chance to finally put an end to Takashi's evil plans.

When they arrived at the Valley of the End, they both stopped and faced each other, their eyes locked in a fierce stare. Tsukasa knew that this would be the toughest fight of his life, but he was ready.

"Let's finish this," Takashi said, his voice cold and calculating.

Tsukasa simply nodded, his eyes blazing with determination. With that, they both charged at each other, ready to fight until the bitter end.

The fight between Takashi and Tsukasa was intense, with both of them using all their abilities to overpower the other. They fought as children, as teens, and as enemies, with every strike and counterattack carrying the weight of their complicated history.

Takashi was driven by his anger, fueled by the memory of all those he had lost because of his own selfishness. He swung his sword with ferocity, determined to end Tsukasa and prove his own superiority. But Tsukasa was equally determined, fueled by a sense of justice and a desire to protect those he loved.

Their final clash was devastating, with lightning and crystal shattering the very earth around them. But in the end, it was Tsukasa who emerged victorious. He landed the final blow on Takashi, sending him crashing to the ground.

As Takashi lay dying, Tsukasa stood over him, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and resolve. "I'm sorry, my friend," he said. "But for the sake of everyone you've hurt, I have to end this."

And with those words, Tsukasa unleashed the full power of his Ketsuryūgan, engulfing Takashi in a genjutsu that would bring an end to his life. As Takashi breathed his last, the Akatsuki and Phantom Division were no more, their legacy forever tied to the tragedy of their actions.

Tsukasa stood there for a moment, looking down at the fallen figure of his former friend. Then he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and turned to leave. It was time to move on, to start the next chapter of his life and honor the memory of those he had lost.

After the intense battle with Takashi, Tsukasa felt his arm grow numb, and he stumbled to the ground. Tenten and the others rushed to his aid, catching him before he hit the ground. They helped him to the nearest medical facility in the Hidden Leaf Village, where he was examined by the best medical ninja.

The examination revealed that Tsukasa had suffered severe chakra depletion from the intense battle, and he needed immediate medical attention. The medical ninja rushed to stabilize him and began the treatment, while Tenten and the others waited anxiously outside.

After several hours of waiting, the medical ninja emerged from the room, signaling that Tsukasa was stabilized but needed to be monitored closely for the next few days. Tenten and the others breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that their friend was going to be okay.

As they made their way back to their respective homes, Tenten and the others discussed the events of the battle and how they could have lost their lives. They agreed that they needed to train harder and become stronger to protect their village and loved ones.

Tsukasa was discharged from the hospital a few days later and was greeted by his friends, who were happy to see him back on his feet. They spent the next few weeks recovering and training, determined to become stronger and better prepared for whatever challenges awaited them in the future.

----END OF ARC----