
Naruto to Boruto Chronicles

This is pretty much naruto and boruto but with fanmade arcs, some better writing and maybe a harem and yes i added a new character and made them a chinoike clan member because why not. (credits goes to Studio Pierrot, Shonen jump & Masashi Kishimoto)

LordSanctify · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Bounty Arc (Naruto Shippuden)

As Tsukasa, Neji, Hinata, and Hanabi were training, they heard the voices of their friends approaching. Soon, they saw Tenten, Kaida, Koharu, and Taiku walking towards them.

"Hey, guys! Mind if we join in?" Tenten asked, a smile on her face.

"Of course not!" Tsukasa replied with a grin.

As they trained together, Ino, Sakura, Karin, Fū, Sena, and Konan arrived, all eager to join in as well. They all helped each other improve their skills, and Tsukasa couldn't help but feel grateful for such supportive friends.

Suddenly, they heard a loud explosion from a distance, and they all turned their heads to see smoke rising in the distance.

"What's that?" Kaida asked, her eyes wide with concern.

Tsukasa's group of friends decided to investigate the source of the explosion, and as they approached, they saw a group of shinobi attacking a nearby village.

"We have to stop them!" Tsukasa declared, and his friends nodded in agreement.

They quickly made their way to the village and engaged in battle with the attackers. Tsukasa and his friends fought valiantly, and despite being outnumbered, they managed to defeat the enemy.

As they walked back to the village, they were hailed as heroes by the grateful villagers. Tsukasa felt a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, knowing that he had helped those in need.

As they walked back to their training grounds, Tsukasa felt a poke on his cheek, and he turned to see Hanabi grinning mischievously.

"What was that for?" Tsukasa asked, smiling.

"Just reminding you that you're like a brother to me," Hanabi replied, and they all laughed.

From that day on, Tsukasa and his friends continued to train together and improve their skills, always ready to help those in need.

---Moving Forward within the Day---

Lady Tsunade briefs Tsukasa, Hinata, and Takashi about their mission in Hachō Village. She tells them that bandits have been reported in the area, and they have reason to believe that the bandits were responsible for the deaths of two Hidden Leaf Jonins, Ohta and Koji.

She hands them a scroll containing more information about the bandits and instructs them to be careful and discreet during their investigation. She warns them that the bandits are dangerous and should not be underestimated.

Tsukasa and Hinata exchange a nod, showing their understanding of the seriousness of the mission. Takashi, on the other hand, looks nervous and unsure, but he tries to hide it as he doesn't want to disappoint Hinata.

Lady Tsunade dismisses them, and the team sets off towards Hachō Village.

As the two hundred bandits and the rogue sound ninja appeared in the Hachō Village, Tsukasa and his team were caught off guard. However, just in time, their friends from the training scene arrived to help. Tenten, Sakura, Ino, Karin, Sena, Konan, Kaida, Koharu, Taiku, Rin, Fū, Sasuke, Naruto, Neji, Hanabi, Sai, Kiba, Shikamaru, Rock Lee, Choji, and Shino all fought against the bandits with all their might.

Tsukasa and his team were struggling to fight the incomplete kyuubi clone, but they knew they couldn't give up. Hinata used her Byakugan to locate the weak points of the clone, while Tsukasa and Takashi attacked with their combined jutsus. After a long and grueling battle, they finally managed to defeat the clone.

As they caught their breaths and took in the aftermath of the fight, they realized that the rogue ninja had already fled. Lady Tsunade praised them for their quick thinking and bravery, but also scolded them for letting the ninja escape.

Despite the victory, Tsukasa couldn't help but feel uneasy. Who was the rogue ninja, and why did they summon the incomplete kyuubi clone? He knew that they had to investigate further and find out the truth.

----After the Kyuubi Clone attacked Tsukasa off screen----

As Tsukasa slowly opened his eyes, he found himself lying on a hospital bed. The first thing he noticed was the throbbing pain in his chest. He looked around and saw that his friends were there, sitting around his bed.

"Guys, what happened?" Tsukasa asked groggily.

"You were attacked, Tsukasa," Tenten replied, her voice filled with concern.

Tsukasa's eyes widened in surprise. "Attacked? By who?"

"We don't know," Neji said, frowning. "You were stabbed in the chest, and whoever did it managed to flee the scene."

Tsunade, Anko, and Shizune then entered the room, and Tsukasa felt a sense of relief knowing that the best medical team in the village was there to take care of him.

"Tsunade-sama," Tsukasa said weakly, "I can't remember who attacked me. It was dark, and I didn't see their face."

Tsunade nodded understandingly. "It's okay, Tsukasa. We'll conduct an investigation and find out who did this to you."

Tsukasa felt grateful for the support of his friends and the Hokage. He knew that he would recover soon and be back on his feet to continue his duties as a shinobi.

--Forward to when tsukasa was in the hospital--

As Tsukasa lay in his hospital bed, he was surrounded by his friends. They had all come to visit him, bringing gifts and well wishes for his recovery. Tenten brought him a new set of kunai, Sakura brought him some flowers, Ino brought him a book, and Karin brought him some snacks. They chatted and caught up on the latest news, sharing stories of their recent missions.

After his friends left, Tsukasa was left alone with his thoughts. He thought back to all the adventures and missions he had been on, from his early days as a academy students to his recent battles as a full fledged shinobi of the leaf. He was proud of how far he had come and the friends he had made along the way.

Suddenly, Shizune walked into the room, checking on his wound and making sure he was comfortable. Tsunade followed shortly after, expressing her concern for Tsukasa's safety and reminding him to be more careful in the future. Tsukasa reassured her that he would.

Anko also came to visit him, asking about his recovery and making sure he was doing okay. Tsukasa appreciated her concern and thanked her for her help in the past.

As Tsukasa was lying there, lost in thought, Fujishi appeared before him. Tsukasa was overjoyed to see her and asked if she was okay. Fujishi assured him that she was fine but warned him that she was running low on chakra and may not be able to stay in this world for much longer.

Tsukasa was stunned by her words and ran out of the hospital, determined to find her. Despite his injuries, he couldn't bear the thought of losing Fujishi. The next day, when his friends came to visit, they found that he was missing and went out to search for him.

Meanwhile, Tsukasa stumbled upon a wounded kunoichi named Ayane, a Hidden Sound Ninja. He also found a beaten and injured Fujishi. As he summoned two ninja clones to take them to the Hidden Leaf Gates, Tsukasa noticed a mysterious figure watching them from the shadows.

When Sakura and two shinobi found Fujishi and Ayane lying injured outside the gates, Tsukasa was nowhere to be found. They quickly took them to the hospital and tended to their wounds.

Tsukasa eventually returned to the hospital, beaten and battered. His friends were shocked to see him in such a state and demanded to know what had happened. Tsukasa explained that he had been attacked by a mysterious new shinobi, who had come out of nowhere and caught him off guard. He didn't remember much else about the attacker, but he knew that he needed to be careful in the future.

As Tsukasa lay in his hospital bed, recovering from his injuries, he thought back to his memories of the past. He remembered his early days as a genin, training under his sensei and struggling to keep up with his more talented teammates. He remembered the battles he had fought and the friends he had made, and he knew that he would never forget the adventures that had brought him here.

Tsukasa's friends were not happy with his reckless actions and scolded him for putting himself in danger. "Do you realize how much we care about you, Tsukasa? We don't want to lose you!" Ino exclaimed.

Karin added, "You can't keep doing this to yourself. We know you're strong, but you're not invincible."

Tsukasa hung his head in shame, realizing the error of his ways. "I'm sorry, guys. I just wanted to make sure Fujishi and Ayane were safe."

Tsunade, Shizune, and Anko walked into the room and joined in on the scolding. Tsunade hit Tsukasa on the head lightly, but firmly. "Rest, Tsukasa. We care about you, too. We can't have you running around like this and risking your life."

Tsukasa nodded, a bit scared of Tsunade's temper. "I promise I'll rest, Tsunade-sama."

Tsunade let out a sigh and said, "Good. And by the way, Fujishi and Ayane are both okay. They've healed nicely."

The scene then pans to Takashi, Reina, and Rikako being ambushed by rogue ninjas. Yukimura tries to protect them, but he is eliminated by a powerful rogue shinobi named Ryoka and her hench-women Hebiichigo and Buntan.

Takashi notices Reina and Rikako passing out due to a genjutsu and is then punched by Ryoka. He collapses and is taken along with Reina and Rikako to the hidden snow village.

Back at the hospital, Tsukasa's friends continued to scold him for his recklessness, reminding him that they all care about him and want him to be safe. Tsunade was still feeling a bit angry, but she knew that Tsukasa was only trying to do the right thing.

Tsukasa promised to rest and take care of himself from then on, and his friends all hugged him before leaving the hospital. Tsukasa was left alone to think about everything that had happened and how he needed to be more careful in the future.

    -----Before Tsukasa Left the Hospital-----

As Tsukasa laid in his hospital bed, his love interests began to file in one by one. Kaida arrived first, carrying a bouquet of flowers and wearing a worried expression. She had barely said hello to Tsukasa before Koharu arrived, carrying a bag of fruit and wearing a similar expression.

"Hey, Tsukasa," Kaida said softly. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay," Tsukasa replied, smiling weakly.

"I brought you some fruit," Koharu said, holding out the bag. "It's supposed to help with your recovery."

"Thanks, Koharu," Tsukasa said, taking the bag. "That's really nice of you."

As the two girls continued to chat with Tsukasa, they suddenly noticed each other's presence. They exchanged a quick glance before turning back to Tsukasa, who remained completely oblivious.

"Hey, Koharu, I didn't know you were coming to visit Tsukasa too," Kaida said, trying to keep her voice casual.

"Yeah, I wanted to check on him too," Koharu said, forcing a smile.

Tsukasa looked back and forth between the two girls, confused. "Do you two know each other?" he asked.

Kaida and Koharu exchanged another look before Koharu spoke up. "Yeah, we're friends," she said. "We go to the same school."

Tsukasa nodded, still looking confused. "Oh, okay," he said.

The awkward silence hung in the air for a few more seconds before Kaida spoke up again. "Well, Tsukasa, we just wanted to make sure you were doing okay," she said. "We'll let you rest now."

"Yeah, get well soon," Koharu added.

As the two girls left the hospital room, they couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy towards each other. They both cared deeply for Tsukasa and were determined to win his heart, but they couldn't deny the growing competition between them.

------Going Back to When Tsukasa Left the Hospital------

The group headed towards the Hidden Snow Village as per Lady Tsunade's orders, determined to rescue their friends. As they arrived at the village, they were suddenly ambushed by the rogue ninja army sent by Ryoka. Tsukasa, being his stubborn self, charged directly towards the enemies, ignoring the others' warnings.

The rogue ninja army unleashed their kekkei genkai, making it even harder for the group to fight. However, Tsukasa managed to take on each enemy one by one using his taijutsu skills. The others could only sigh and roll their eyes as they watched Tsukasa's reckless behavior.

Eventually, the group managed to find Team 23 on the ground, knocked out but still alive. As they tried to revive their friends, Tsukasa got into a fight with Ryoka, who seemed to be the mastermind behind all the chaos.

The scene closed out before the actual fight, leaving everyone on edge as they wondered what would happen next. Ino, Sakura, Tenten, Fū, Konan, Temari, Sena, Kaida, Koharu, Ayane, Fujishi, and Karin all had mixed emotions, blushing towards Tsukasa but still scolding him for his stubbornness.

Tsukasa, as usual, used his Ketsuryūgan, a kekkei genkai unique to his clan. The group fought off the rogue ninja army and faced the main villains, with Tsukasa taking on Ryoka, Fujishi fighting Buntan, and Ayane facing Hebiichigo.

Tsukasa faced Ryoka with determination in his eyes. He could feel his Ketsuryūgan pulsing with power, and he knew he had to end this battle quickly. He charged towards Ryoka, using his taijutsu skills to land powerful blows on her. However, Ryoka was no ordinary kunoichi. She was quick and agile, and her kekkei gekkai allowed her to manipulate ice. 

Ryoka countered Tsukasa's attacks by creating ice walls and barriers, making it difficult for him to land a hit. Meanwhile, Fujishi and Ayane were struggling to fight against the fused form of Buntan and Hebiichigo. The two rogue ninjas had become more powerful after fusing and were overpowering Fujishi and Ayane with ease.

Tsukasa knew he couldn't waste any more time. He focused all his energy into his Ketsuryūgan and activated its special ability. His eyes glowed red as he unleashed his most powerful genjutsu on Ryoka. For a moment, Ryoka was stunned and fell to the ground, giving Tsukasa an opening to land a finishing blow. But just as he was about to strike, Ryoka revealed that she had used an ice clone, and the real Ryoka had been hiding nearby.

Ryoka swiftly attacked Tsukasa, knocking him off his feet. Fujishi and Ayane were still struggling against the fused form of Buntan and Hebiichigo, and they were unable to come to Tsukasa's aid. Ryoka stood over Tsukasa, ready to deliver the final blow.

Suddenly, the sky turned dark, and a powerful gust of wind blew through the battlefield. Everyone turned to see a figure descending from the sky. It was Sasuke Uchiha, who had been on a mission in the Land of Iron and had sensed the disturbance in chakra levels.

Sasuke engaged Ryoka in battle, and together with Tsukasa, they were able to defeat her. The fused form of Buntan and Hebiichigo dissipated, and Fujishi and Ayane were finally able to stand up. The rest of the rogue ninjas were quickly defeated by the combined efforts of Tenten, Sakura, Ino, Karin, Sena, Temari, Konan, Kaida, Koharu, Fū, Naruto, Neji, Hinata, Hanabi, Sai, Kiba, Shikamaru, Rock Lee, Choji, and Shino.

Tsukasa, Fujishi, and Ayane emerged from the battle victorious, but they were battered and bruised. Tenten, Sakura, Ino, Karin, Sena, Temari, Konan, Kaida, Koharu, Fū, Sasuke, Naruto, Neji, Hinata, Hanabi, Sai, Kiba, Shikamaru, Rock Lee, Choji, and Shino rushed to their side to check on them.

Tsukasa, still a bit dazed, looked up at the group and smiled weakly. "Thanks, everyone. We couldn't have done it without you," he said.

Tenten, Sakura, Ino, Karin, Sena, Temari, Konan, Kaida, Koharu, Fū, and the rest of the group blushed at Tsukasa's words, but they also scolded him for being too reckless. Despite his denseness, they couldn't help but admire his strength and bravery.

The battle between Tsukasa and Ryoka continued to escalate as both of them exchanged powerful jutsus. Tsukasa's Ketsuryūgan glowed as he channeled all his chakra into a dark-colored blood-like Kirin, which struck Ryoka's fused form with immense force, sending her flying across the battlefield.

As Ryoka fell to the ground, her fused form began to break apart, and the bodies of Hebiichigo and Buntan emerged from the cloud of dust. Tsukasa collapsed to the ground, drained of chakra and barely conscious. The rest of the team rushed to his side, with Tenten, Sakura, Ino, Karin, Sena, Temari, Konan, Kaida, Koharu, Fū, Sasuke, Naruto, Neji, Hinata, Hanabi, Sai, Kiba, Shikamaru, Rock Lee, Choji, and Shino all gathered around him, expressing their concern.

As the group checked on Tsukasa, they noticed that Takashi, Reina, Rikako, Ayane, and Fujishi were already several meters away, with Ayane and Fujishi flirting with Tsukasa and making the other girls jealous. The team couldn't help but roll their eyes at the antics of their friends.

As they began to head back to the Hidden Leaf Village, Ayane and Fujishi decided to transfer as Jonin and follow the team. The girls tried to come up with a game to win Tsukasa's heart, but Tsukasa simply laughed it off, grateful for their friendship.

However, the scene took a somber turn as Takashi, Reina, and Rikako began to mourn the loss of their sensei, Yukimaru, who had been killed by the rogue ninjas. The group took a moment to reflect on their fallen comrade, with tears streaming down their faces.

Suddenly, Tsukasa heard a female voice speaking to him in his dreams, warning him that the end was near for him and his friends. He shook off the feeling and returned his focus to his team, determined to protect them no matter what.

The scene ended with the team continuing on their journey back to the Hidden Leaf Village, with a sense of newfound determination and unity. Despite the challenges they had faced, they knew that they could rely on each other and their unbreakable bonds.

(((smoking on that Yukimaru pack)))

Disclaimer: The Voice that speaks to tsukasa is not canon at all so um time travel arc not canon so don't read and skip over it since it's my worst arc in this harem (worse than the bount arc in the bleach anime and worse than the war arc in the naruto anime) after the bounty arc go to the assassin arc.

(((the voice that speaks to tsukasa appears in the boruto era... just to let you know.)))