
Naruto: Timeless Rinnegan Eye

Jingyi traveled to the Naruto world with the legendary golden prop Samsara Eye from the game and became a member of the Hyuga branch family. After fusing with the Samsara Eye, the caged bird curse was broken and it was no longer under the control of the main family. Byakugan degeneration?    Do you guys understand the value of the Samsara Eye?    Super control of gravity and repulsion, change the orbit of planets, and control meteorite attacks.    Make puppets and give them life.    When the Akatsuki organization released 100,000 White Zetsu, they were crushed by the puppet army.    When Madara was about to start dancing on the battlefield, the meteorite that fell from the sky was cut in half.    Looking at the moon in the sky split in two, Yili and Jingyi on the battlefield said: “You know nothing about the value of the Samsara Eye.”   

Dill_Doe · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

7. Are we deceiving Kushina

"Grandma, are we deceiving Kushina by doing this?"

What about being in a bad mood after being taught a lesson, what about being unable to fulfill the agreement is all bullshit, it's all a trap!

A trap to let Kushina take the initiative to take the task and go to complete the agreement.

Tsunade felt that this was a bit immoral, after all, Kushina is still young.

"Then do you have a better way to let Kushina let go of the grief in her heart, let go of her vigilance against the village, and integrate into the village?"

Uzumaki Mito glared at her granddaughter unhappily.

If you can do it, do you need an old woman like me to interfere?

"Uh..." What you said makes sense.

Tsunade shrank her neck and shut up decisively. She didn't dare to talk back to Uzumaki Mito.

"But aren't you afraid of what might happen? What if Kushina was deceived?"

"Do you think that Hinata Shizuka is unreliable?"

Uzumaki Mito leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes.

Tsunade couldn't help but roll her eyes, but she was afraid that her grandmother would catch her and scold her, saying that she didn't look like a girl at all.

Tsunade was most afraid of being nagged and educated by her grandmother. As for whether Jingyi was reliable...

Are you kidding? That person was brought up by this mother. Who am I?


The eldest granddaughter of the first Hokage, the princess of Konoha!

How could me Tsunade be wrong? Absolutely impossible!


"Knock, knock, knock!"

"The door is not locked, please come in."

Jingyi, who was resting on the sofa, heard a knock on the door.

The door was slowly pushed open, and Kushina walked in with a bag with great effort. At this time, her forehead was full of sweat, and she looked very tired.

"Jingyi-kun, Tsunade-sama has something to do today, so I bought something for her. Because I don't know what you like to eat, I bought a little more."

Putting the bag on the ground, Kushina happily showed off her achievements.

"...." Jingyi stood up from the sofa and was silent for a while.

Although he couldn't see it with his eyes, he could tell by his senses how much Kushina bought.

It was a big bag, bulging, and even a violent loli like Kushina had difficulty carrying it, which showed how heavy the bag was.

Jingyi felt that he shouldn't let down Kushina's kindness, so he smiled and asked: "You've worked so hard, Kushina, can you tell me what you bought?"

"Hehe, no need to thank me, I don't feel tired, on the contrary, I feel great and interesting."

Kushina wiped the sweat from her head, and it can be seen that she was in a good mood. Although this was her first time to go to the market to buy vegetables, she made a lot of timepass in the middle, but fortunately the task was completed.

"Potatoes, and beef, the uncle selling beef said that if you buy more, you can get a cheaper price."

Kushina felt that she was very smart and bought a lot of beef at a low price.


No matter what you buy, as long as the quantity is large, it can be cheaper. After all, buying vegetables is not buying luxury goods, and others want you to pack them all away.

Opening his mouth, Jingyi felt that it was better not to say this.

After all, Kushina is kind-hearted and dumb for sure.

"How about we eat barbecue?"


Kushina clapped her hands happily, but she was worried about Jingyi's eyes.

"Why not? Grandma Mito said it's not right. You can't see anything with your eyes and it's inconvenient to move."

"Then let's do it together. I'll not be in charge and you'll be in charge."

At Jingyi's invitation, Kushina hesitated for a moment, but still agreed obediently. She didn't want to disappoint Jingyi, and she was itching in her heart.

The food she made by herself must be delicious.

"First, cut the beef into large pieces. Yes, this size is very suitable. Then pour the cut ingredients into the pot, and seasonings, and marinate the beef."

After marinating the beef, Kushina carried a small hoe and ran to the yard to dig mud.

She kept thinking, but couldn't figure out why mud was needed for roasting beef.

The CPU in her little head was almost dry.

"Wrap the marinated beef with lotus leaves, cover it with thick mud, and then throw it into the fire."

Looking at Jingyi's confident and very good-looking face, Kushina fell into self-doubt. Can the meat made in this way still be eaten?

When the beggar beef was freshly baked, Kushina was dumbfounded.

So cooking can be fun like this?

Mud and lotus leaves.

Although the production process is a bit strange, the taste is really good. The large piece of marinated beef is surprisingly soft and delicious.

Kushina was very happy to eat it. In addition to the fact that the beef is delicious, there is also the factor of making it by herself.

Even if the clothes are dirty, Kushina doesn't care at all.

The smile on the little face that used to be depressed never stops.

"So the clan rules of the Hyuga clan are so strict? So scary."

Kushina was deeply shocked when Jingyi talked about the Hyuga clan.

She felt that compared with the Hyuga clan, the rules of the Uzumaki clan were almost non-existent.

Not to mention the Hyuga clan, above the main family, the branch family can only protect the main family.

To put it nicely, everyone is a family, to put it bluntly, the branch family is the servant and slave of the main family.

Fortunately, there is the suppression of the village, and even if the Hyuga main family has the right to punish the branch family, it dare not go too far.

From this point of view, the third generation Hokage did something.

Because of his control and suppression, the arrogance of the Hyuga main family was suppressed a lot, and the power in his hands was also divided a lot.

Jingyi had a faint smile on his face: "Is it scary? It's okay. Now that there is the coordination of the village, the main family can't punish the people of the branch family for no reason, and it is even more impossible to kill people casually like before."

Although F4 did this for a purpose, such means of suppression did make the life of the branch family much better.

Kushina said indignantly: "These people in the main family are so hateful, they are just a group of evil people."

The more she knew, the more Kushina felt that she and Jingyi were the same kind of people.

Although Jingyi still had a family and his own people, his situation was more difficult than hers.

In addition to the existence of the caged bird curse, it was impossible for the people of the branch family to resist.


Kushina was very worried that Jingyi would be targeted by the family.

Jingyi smiled carefreely, raised his hand and patted Kushina's little head, comforting her:

"Don't worry about me, I have passed the medical ninja assessment and started working at Konoha Hospital. With Tsunade here, the people from the main family dare not trouble me casually."

"Then I feel relieved."

Kushina was afraid that the Hyuga clan would trouble Jingyi at any time, or order him in the name of the family.

Ninjas in ninja families all attach great importance to family honor.

Unfortunately, he is not one of them, because he is a time traveler.

Family honor is shit to him, not to mention the Hyuga clan, a decadent, dark and inhumane family.

After listening to Jingyi's story, Kushina also shared her story with him.

It was almost time, and Kushina knew she had to leave.

Although she had gained a certain degree of freedom, she could not be willful, because she had no capital to be willful at this time.

"Then Jingyi, I have to go back first. I will come to visit you another day."

Even though she was reluctant, Kushina still left obediently and returned to the Senju ancestral home.

Uzumaki Mito gave her a certain amount of freedom, and she had to abide by the agreement, go home on time, and not stay out too long.

"This child."

Although Jingyi was only sixteen years old, in his eyes, Kushina was young and not knowledgeable about dark truths.

Not to mention the previous life, the age difference in this life alone was a full four years.

Kushina bought too many things at once. Vegetables can still be kept for a few days, but what about meat?

If it is not processed, it will go bad soon. At this time, refrigerators and other household appliances have not yet been popularized in the ninja world.

In order to prevent the meat from going bad, Jingyi could only marinate the meat and make it into smoked beef jerky.

"Fortunately, she bought beef. If she had bought a lot of pork, it would be really difficult to handle."

Jingyi was busy.

Kushina happily returned to the Senju ancestral home.

"Mito-san, Tsunade-san, Nawaki-san, this is the beef I brought for you. It's delicious and I made it myself."

Kushina placed the beef she brought back on the table like she was presenting a treasure.

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