
Naruto: Time Traveler

MC reincarnates in the world of Naruto with ability to control time and travel back in time, that will help him survive but not make him strong directly. To climb to the top MC have to rely on his own capabilities and build up his own strength himself, as he don’t have any bloodline or exceptional talent to rely on. Story starts slow and MC will not become OP any time soon but he will work all the way up to the top eventually. If you prefer novels where MC is strong from the start – you won’t find it here. --- There will not be any harem and probably there will be no romance either, or maybe not, let’s see how story would progress. But definitely no harem! I will focus on the realism, darkness and cruelty of the shinobi world, so there will be some violence, gore and occasional unfairness, and story might be a hardcore one compared to most of the Naruto fanfics. Also, I have to admit that early chapters are bad, like first 20 chapters or so written quite poorly, but I’m improving as time goes. So, you are warned, don’t read this fanfic if it’s a problem for you. --- Updates: 5-7 chapters a week, no fixed schedule. Chapters in advance on patreon /SycoreNovels.

Sycore_w · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

First days at the academy, prt2

Classes eventually come to an end at 6pm. Yuta is tired sitting all day and listening to…

'What it even was? A lecture about the history of the village? Maybe, but just on the surface. Of what can be considered the useful information - the teacher only told us about how great Hashirama Senju was and how he established the Konohagakure village 51 years ago.'

'That's it! There was literally not a single useful piece of information at all after that! The rest of the lectures was about how great Konoha is, how much we should value and protect it, and the rest is about 'will of fire' and 'self-sacrifice' crap. Damn! I was so excited for nothing!'

'When will they teach us some important stuff like 3 basic academy techniques, taijutsu, shurikenjutsu and all that kind of things?'

'Well instilling loyalty to the future shinobi is important I guess, but shouldn't it be more subtle and between the lines and not that open and blatant?'

'That is just a huge waste of time for me. I don't give a damn about loyalty to the village and self-sacrifice! All I care about is my own well-being!'

'It's not like I won't protect the village if I can, I will act as a Konoha shinobi, for the foreseeable future at least. But if there at some point my life would be on the line, and I wouldn't have the means to resolve the situation, then I don't mind going rogue.'

'The Konoha village is just a good environment for me to build up my strength. I don't mind helping and protecting it, but I definitely won't throw my life for its well-being.'

As lectures ended and everyone started to leave the class, Yuta stood up and went for the exit. He decided that if teachers will not teach them useful things, he might as well go visit the academy's library and see what he could find there.

As Yuta went out of the class and started going through corridors, he was confronted with the blond Yamanaka guy from before. The blond guy has annoyed expression and is a little taller than Yuta.

"Hey, I'm Yamanaka Hideto. What's your name?" Hideto asked with slight annoyance in his tone.

"My name is Yuta." Yuta calmly replied.

"Well Yuta-kun, you shouldn't use sensory technique without a good reason, it's bad manners! And who taught it to you? Your sensory technique is crude and rough! When you use sensory technique, it's should be subtle and gentle, so it will not be sensed by others, but you use it rough and forcefully, that way even non-sensor shinobi will feel it!" Hideto spoke loudly, almost yelling.

'Hmm… That's a good advice actually, I have to make my sensory technique more subtle and gentle. What a nice guy he is! On the surface he looks annoyed and even a little angry but in reality, he is helping me to improve, is he a tsundere type or something?'

"Thank you for the advice, Yamanaka-senpai." Yuta replied calmly, "As for your question about my sensory technique teacher – there is none, I learned it on my own."

Hideto is a bit shocked by Yuta's reply. He was taught in the clan by experienced sensors clan members, and learning the sensory technique is not that easy, Hideto spent months of hard work to learn it while mentored by experienced clan members, and he has a talent in it too.

And now Yuta, who doesn't have any signs of any clan, telling him that he learned sensory technique on his own? How old is Yuta, five, six?

"That is surprising that you learned sensory technique on your own. You don't have to be that formal with me, just call me Hideto." Hideto said in a calmer tone, losing his annoyed expression.

"Well, Hideto-kun, if that's all then I see you tomorrow." Yuta replied with a slight smile on his face, genuinely a little surprised by the Hideto sudden change of hearth.

"Yea, see you tomorrow, bye." Hideto replied with a smile and left.

'Hmm… Is he really that impressed with me learning sensory technique by myself? That must be it, after all sensory techniques are one of the specialties of the Yamanaka clan. Well, it's time to check out the academy's library.'

With that thought Yuta went straight to the library. At the entrance there was an old guy in the shinobi attire behind the counter. To enter the library Yuta had to check-in with that old guy before he was allowed to enter.

"Library works from 8am to 10pm every day. You can make copies of the materials inside for yourself, but you are not allowed to take the scrolls or books out of the library, or share the information from the library to anyone who has the lower clearance level than you and that is anyone who is not Konoha shinobi or academy student." Library worker said with a stern face before allowing Yuta to enter.

The library comes out as a big and long room with shelves along the walls, containing a lot of books and scrolls, with tables and chairs in the center. There are electric lamps above the tables but the whole room does not have a single window. The whole library is empty, there is not a single person inside.

'Well with that security measures that is taken here, I probably can find something of value here, hehe. I have less than 4 hours of time for exploring the library today, let's see what we have here.'

With that thought Yuta starts to methodically read the titles of the all books and scrolls present, slowly going along the shelves without missing out on a single scroll or book.

He was doing it for more than 3 hours straight and only managed to clear out all the shelfs along one wall and that is half of the materials in the library.

After doing so much Yuta feels exhausted and somewhat disappointed.

'Among all the books and scrolls I checked, there is not a single shinobi technique at all! I thought I would find some jutsu here, at least some D-ranks or something, but there isn't any at all. I will check the other half of the library tomorrow; maybe there I can find something.'

'Among the materials I checked, the most of them is about the history of Konoha and other shinobi villages, the history of the clans, about the geography, mathematics, nations, politics, previous wars and stuff like that.'

'There is literally nothing that I can use to improve my own strength at all!'

'Well, let's not jump in to conclusions just yet, I have to check the other half of the library first.'

'Anyway, I still want to read all that is there. My knowledge of this world is not that great. I only remember what was shown in the anime, and I don't even remember all of that, only the parts that I found interesting back then. But I have a feeling that this world is much bigger and more complex than in the anime. So even if it's boring history and theoretical knowledge, I don't see any reason to not to learn all of it.'

'With my time travel I will have all the time I need to learn everything that is in the library eventually, who knows when I might need that knowledge later on.'

With those thoughts Yuta went home, had a meal, practiced his sensory technique trying to apply Hideto's advice to it and went to sleep after that.

On the next day classes started at 8am with no delay like the previous day with the Hokage speech. Upon entering the class, Yuta and Hideto said hi to each other and Yuta went to his seat at the back of the class.

The classes this day did not go any better than the previous day. There was a history lessons but in reality, there not so much history as just straight propaganda. Classes lasted up until 4pm this time, and the closer it was to an end, the bigger the headache Yuta had.

'Are they kidding me? What type of the academy curriculum it is? Today teachers lectured about the first shinobi war against other great shinobi villages that ended 35 years ago with Konoha as a winner.'

'Of course, Konoha was a winner of the war. With how it goes for the second day straight, I highly doubt there will be a single negative word about Konoha in the whole next 6 years of the academy!'

'From what it seems like, if some other shinobi village will attack and destroy half of Konoha, in the academy they still will say that Konoha fought well and was victorious!'

'With how they say things about how great and powerful Konoha is, it is very surprising that Konoha has not destroyed all other great shinobi villages yet. With how they exaggerate things Konoha should conquer the whole world multiple times already!'

'Hey, why are you so bold with this propaganda? At this point anyone with at least half a brain will see through it or at least will find that something isn't right, right?'

As Yuta thought about it, he starts observing his classmates and what he saw was creepy and terrifying to him! Almost everyone in the class paid great attention to the teacher and most of Yuta's classmates have fire and pride in their eyes.

'Well, I understand it now! Why would they make this propaganda more subtle, smart and less fishy? There is no reason for that if what they do right now is working so great…'

With that thought Yuta starts changing his own expression over time to better match the expressions on his classmates faces to not draw any unwanted attention to himself.

'I'm getting the feeling that I'm in some sort of a religious cult again… Now it's understandable why the majority of the shinobi will throw their lives for the sake of the village without the second thought, and why they follow the Hokage's orders unconditionally without any questions.'

'They are just all brainwashed beyond reason! And even if there are some of the smart shinobi left, they will not have any choice but to act like everyone else and show their unconditional loyalty, at least on the surface.'

'I don't know if this propaganda system is good or bad, I can't judge it. I don't know if Shinobi village can survive without it. But what I know is that this propaganda system is disgusting to me! Kids that go through it will not know any better than to follow orders of their superiors and happily throw their lives for the Konoha well-beings.'

'This selfless behavior of zealots will be the only and natural thing for them. Even later on when they will grow up and grow some brains, they will not find any wrongs with this behavior. That is just scary to me.'

'In the anime it looks all fun and normal, with some hardships on the way for the anime characters to eventually go through them. But here in the reality, the way things are now, how kids are openly brainwashed, it's just feels wrong and disgusting to me.'

'I guess after seeing all that, I will never become truly loyal to Konoha, not with how underhanded their methods are.'



[AN: Well, here some hardcore and darkness of the shinobi world for you. Any shinobi technique that can make shinobi stronger – will not be placed in the library for free to learn for the students but be a guarded secret of the village.

 Also brainwashing kids openly at the academy is a norm for the majority of the shinobi villages, not just Konoha. Konoha placed even more importance on propaganda at the academy than letting kids to learn shinobi basics to a high degree.

So there you go, becoming stronger and learning new techniques will not be easy for MC. As I said before in the description – I want make my story somewhat hardcore, MC will eventually become strong and OP but not anytime soon. Hope you will like it this way, I definitely do.


Some extra chapters ahead of schedule release on webnovel on my patreon /Sycorenovels 

Any support will be appreciated! ]