
Naruto: Time Traveler

MC reincarnates in the world of Naruto with ability to control time and travel back in time, that will help him survive but not make him strong directly. To climb to the top MC have to rely on his own capabilities and build up his own strength himself, as he don’t have any bloodline or exceptional talent to rely on. Story starts slow and MC will not become OP any time soon but he will work all the way up to the top eventually. If you prefer novels where MC is strong from the start – you won’t find it here. --- There will not be any harem and probably there will be no romance either, or maybe not, let’s see how story would progress. But definitely no harem! I will focus on the realism, darkness and cruelty of the shinobi world, so there will be some violence, gore and occasional unfairness, and story might be a hardcore one compared to most of the Naruto fanfics. Also, I have to admit that early chapters are bad, like first 20 chapters or so written quite poorly, but I’m improving as time goes. So, you are warned, don’t read this fanfic if it’s a problem for you. --- Updates: 5-7 chapters a week, no fixed schedule. Chapters in advance on patreon /SycoreNovels.

Sycore_w · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

4 months in, academy classes starts to become useful

[AN: Extra chapter for today.]


As more days passes Yuta start to realize that fuinjutsu theory is very complicated and he will not be able to do anything practical with it anytime soon. It's just that complicated, if Yuta puts all his time and efforts in it, he still will need at least a year or so to getting started.

Understanding this Yuta decide to split his time for learning in two - half of the time in the library he will spend on learning fuinjutsu, and the other half he will spend on learning other topics. He will start from the genjutsu theory, there is no practical implication in the library on it, but Yuta still can get the better understanding of how the genjutsu works.

After genjutsu theory Yuta will start learning other things like poisons and medicine, or anything that he finds useful. Eventually with time he determined to learn all that is in there anyway.

After two months after the academy started, one day after the classes ended Yuta went to the teacher's office to collect his ration bars and allowance as per usual.

When Yuta enters the office and comes closer to the teacher's desk he said,

"Sensei, I'm here for collecting the allowance for the month and ration bars for the week."

Mamoru Ikeda, the teacher that is responsible for A-1 class, around 40 years old Chunin, looks at Yuta with thoughtful expression, "Yuta, come, here is your allowance and rations", Mamoru placed the money and the small bag with ration bars on the table.

As Yuta collected the stuff, said "Thanks" and started leaving the office, Mamoru suddenly spoke to him, "Hey Yuta, you spend a lot of time in the library every day I was told, what exactly you are trying to find there?"

'Well, this question is expected, after all, most of the time library is desolate, most of the time I'm is the only person in there.'

"I'm not looking for anything in particular in there, sensei, I just like to learn new things." Yuta replied calmly as he turns around and faced the teacher once again.

"That's a good thing for a shinobi to have a curious mind. And what are you learning all this time?" Mamoru continue questioning Yuta.

'He will not leave me alone without getting an answer, don't he?'

"I'm reading about chakra theory and genjutsu theory all this time. I'm very curious about how chakra works, and I also interested in learning genjutsu." Yuta answered.

'There is no reason in telling him that I'm trying to learn fuinjutsu yet. The topic is to complex, and with that Mamoru will think that I'm wasting my time with it and will think low about me because of it.'

"That is very admirable of you Yuta, to show initiative with learning about chakra and genjutsu on your own. You should continue to work hard in the future as well, dismissed." Mamoru said with a slight smile on his face.

"Thanks sensei, I will do my best." Yuta replied with a slight bow and leaves the office.

'Well with that small chat, my interest in the genjutsu field should be noted in my personal record, that might turns out good for me in the future, maybe I will be able to get some genjutsu training later on.'

'It's been two months since the start of the academy already. Classes are still just about some useless history and a lot of propaganda, nothing changes so far.'

'Well, at least I'm not bothered by Danzo and not questioned on my abnormal ability to use chakra and sensory technique despite being a civilian orphan with no external shinobi help. So I can't really complain about my current status.'

Yuta was not aware of it, but some time ago Hiruzen performed some background checks on multiple kids that enrolled the academy this year. And among them Yuta case is also checked as well.

That is just a routine checks to find spies. It's normal for other shinobi villages to try to plant spies in the academy, and with a good background check on every student that is slightly suspicious or interesting, is usually allows finding a few spies every year.

After spies are found and confirmed, the decision have to be made for the extermination or using those spies. Hiruzen usually just keeps those spies in mind to isolate them from the important and critical information of the village and feed them some disinformation instead. And sometimes he can use those spies to catch some bigger fish just by placing them under surveillance.

After reading the report on Yuta, Hiruzen learned that in the orphanage Yuta was grieving very hard for two months after losing his mother, and after that he changed completely, he started to do exercises, and his entire attitude changed to somewhat calm, mature and cold with others.

Then Hiruzen learned that Yuta was leaving orphanage for two hours every day to go to the training grounds. At the academy entrance test Yuta showed himself as calm and not competitive person, getting score at the middle of the group, not trying to compete for the best results despite having the capability to do so.

At the test Yuta is also was spotted using the sensory technique, and that catches attention of Hiruzen, after all, learning sensory technique is not an easy task. But reading further on the report Hiruzen takes a note that Yuta's sensory technique is very crude and have many flaws. All of that are points at the fact, that Yuta learned the sensory technique on his own, and that showed his talent in it.

After reading Yuta's report, Hiruzen concluded that this kid have some good talent and decided to check up on his progress in a couple years. After that Hiruzen started to read other reports, there is many of them, and among them Yuta's case is not looks that special or important, just another somewhat interesting student among many others, nothing more.

And while Yuta was thought that he would be questioned on how he learned to use chakra or how he learned to use sensory technique, to Hiruzen and others he doesn't looks that special. Somewhat talented? Yes. But definitely not that special.

Thinking about especially talented kids Hiruzen start thinking about Itachi Uchiha, the bright star of the Uchiha clan, this is how a true talent looks like! And he will be entering the academy next year.

The other thing that Yuta is not aware of, is that some of the academy students from other classes have been recruited in to the Root, and almost all of them are civilians.

But Hiruzen has forbid Danzo from recruiting top class students and because of that, Yuta is safe for now from being recruited in to the Root.

Hiruzen is still angry and disappointed in Danzo, after Danzo's stupid and unsuccessful attempt on assassinating Hiruzen a year ago. Luckily Kakashi Hatake betrayed Danzo and allowed Hiruzen to deal with this assassination attempt without any problems or damages to all parties.

While Yuta's initial intention was to score in the middle in the entrance test and blend in with other kids in some average class. But luckily for him, he made some mistakes during it, like being detected while using sensory technique, or displaying his good stamina during the test, and because all of that he was spotted and labeled as a talented kid and placed in the top class.

And being in the top class he is safe from the Root recruitment for the time being.

After two more months, it's been 4 months since academy started. Classes stared with something unexpected for Yuta - the teacher announced that today he will conduct exams for the class.

'Well that is something new today! But conduct exams, really? On what topics? You didn't teach us anything useful! Or maybe you want us to write down all those things about 'will of fire' and 'self-sacrifice'? That should be it.'

As exam started Yuta read the questions with difficult expression on his face.

'It is what I thought! They want to check how good their brainwashing works so far! Almost all the questions about the propaganda topics. Well it's somewhat disgusting, but answering all this questions in way that are expected from us will be easy.'

'I just need to turn off my brain and write about how great Konoha is, and that's it. That should cover the most of the questions already. This exams… What a joke!'


After completing multiple exams during the day, classes ended and Yuta continues his normal routine.

On the next day teacher announced their score for the exams, everyone in the class gets a good scores, Yuta included.

'As if some other result is possible in these circumstances! Only braindead person who wants to rebel against the system will score bad in this!'

After the scores are announced, teacher told the class to follow him to the academy training ground. As Yuta follows the group he thought, 'Finally some changes! It's been 4 months already since the academy started, and all they do all this time is constantly spraying the propaganda on us!'

When the group reached the training grounds, everyone starts performing physical exercises on teacher's guidance. The physical training lasted the whole day with some rest breaks in between. Some of the Yuta's classmates were very exhausted at the end of it, but despite that, everyone lasted the whole day. 

For Yuta this training day was nothing difficult. He usually trains for only 2 hours a day, and his training only includes the basic exercises, but the intensity of his usual training routine is higher of what they performed here at the academy. So Yuta is only a little bit tired after that, it'll take a much more to fully exhaust him.

All the clan kids is not exhausted either, looks like they are trained within their clans all this time. But among the civilian kids only those three that displayed D-rank jutsu at the entrance test is not very tired. The other six of them is mostly very exhausted at the end of the training session.

'Well, just the physical training is not what I wanted, but at least I'm finally getting something useful from the classes. I hope they start teach us the jutsus soon!'



[AN: I didn't describe the current MC's progress on his chakra and skills yet, just because there will be a series of time skips and getting in too much detail of MC's progress every time will be not very interesting and will be just a word-count farming, so I will make a summary of MC's progress and skills later on, when it becomes important.

For now just know that MC progresses with time, his physical and spiritual energy and chakra is growing, his sensory technique is improving, and he also learning some good stuff in the library.

Thanks to khalid_etefa, KILLSECURED, Hiago_Lauran, Lanewy_Jaren, No_Body_5950, Jeyden_Hyuga, PolTosiK, Yionfhj, and Herbivore for the power stones!

Some extra chapters ahead of schedule release on webnovel on my pa treon /SycoreNovels 

Any support will be appreciated!]