
Naruto: Time Control

Reborn as Kakashi's older brother with the power to control time. I do this translation just for pleasure https://www.patreon.com/inferno303

inferno303 · Anime & Comics
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525 Chs

Chapter 58: Leave it to me.

"Ah, we almost suffocated. It's really not easy to avoid Byakugan detection... We had to hide deep underground like rats for so long."

The Iwagakure ninja who appeared through the crack showed a grim smile.

Honku, restraining Orochimaru, chuckled: "You really are very strong and fully deserve the title of the legendary Sannin, but without sufficient support, you may die here, Orochimaru!"

To carry out this attack, the Iwagakure ninja went to great lengths.

First, they deliberately leaked the information of the advance force to Konoha, rushed to the Grass Country from the front, let Konoha roughly understand the overall combat effectiveness of the Iwagakure advance force, and waited for the corresponding forces to arrive.

At the same time, in Iwagakure, about thirty elite ninja took several missions and left the village without too much noise, after completing the missions, they all immediately headed for the border of the Fire Country.

Because they were sent in small groups and had a mission as a cover, even if Konoha's scouts noticed, they did not attach importance to the movement of several teams and did not report it to Konoha.

When these teams joined together, a massive elite group was formed, almost half Jounins, and even four Elite Jounins in their ranks!

The main task of this group is to completely destroy Konoha's advanced group!

And gain an advantage at the start of the war!


Orochimaru quickly assessed the situation.

Approximately thirty elite ninja from Iwagakure and about half of them are Jounins, the movement of an elite group cannot be ignored, yet Konoha did not receive any information about it!

This suggests that Iwagakure made a great effort to create this situation.

Wosh! Wosh! Wosh!!!!

In the next moment, three Elite Jounins appeared next to Orochimaru.

Counting Honku and the other Iwagakure ninjas, now Orochimaru was surrounded by five Elite Jounins, although this still can't threaten him, but it's enough to hold him back!

"Hmm I see. "

In Orochimaru's eyes flashed coldness, in the voice there was a hint of cruelty, "Who will die here, it's still hard to tell."

In fact, he had guessed from the beginning that Iwagakure might set up an ambush, because everything was going too well for Konoha Under normal circumstances, he would not have rushed to join the battle.

However, he chose to attack.

The reason for this is quite simple.

Iwagakure also does not have complete information about the strength of Konoha's squadron! After all, in their ranks is Might Duy, who has the fighting power to suppress any unexpected situation!

That's why, even guessing that the other side prepared an ambush, Orochimaru still dared to launch an attack!

"Unfortunately, you're the one who's going to die!"

Honku responded coolly and charged, and the others nearby also attacked together to besiege Orochimaru.

At the same time.

The ninja of Konoha were in a very difficult situation.

With the addition of thirty elites from Iwagakure, half of whom are Jounins. The sudden addition of this kind of force is enough to completely reverse the combat power situation of both sides.

"Lord Orochimaru!"

Someone shouted, trying to attract Orochimaru's attention.

If the battle continues, they will only be completely defeated, it is necessary to retreat as soon as possible!

There was no order to retreat, and Orochimaru continued to fight several of Iwagakure's elite Jounins, as if he was going to fight to the end.

Hyuga Setsuna, leading an intense battle with two of Iwagakure's Jounins, looked at Orochimaru doubtfully.

"Lord Orochimaru?"

In such a situation, obviously, it's not worth fighting anymore!

With Orochimaru's judgment, it is impossible not to understand this, but the order to retreat was still not given. This situation caused a misunderstanding on the part of most of the ninja in Konoha.

And just at this moment.

Might Duy, who was fighting alongside other Konoha ninja, suddenly shouted furiously, his figure was shrouded in a green glow, with very powerful and violent chakra fluctuations.

"Hachimon Tonko, Sixth Gate, Gate of Joy, open!"

After opening the sixth gate, Might Duy's speed and strength increased dramatically, and with a single blow, he threw the elite Chuunin like a rag doll, causing him to fly and spit blood.

This scene shocked Morino Ibime and the others, they could not have expected Might Duy, the "Eternal Genin" to actually have such power!

Only at this moment did they begin to understand. .

It is not surprising that Lord Hokage included Might Duy in the front line group, any ninja with Jounin level strength is qualified for this!

Although Might Duy's strength exceeded his expectations, but this was not enough to change the situation on a battlefield, Konoha's forces were still under enormous pressure.

Orochimaru still did not give the order to retreat.

Morino Ibime and the others could only grit their teeth and continue fighting.

"The sixth gate is not enough, these Iwagakure ninja are really very strong, it looks like it's time to open the seventh gate... maybe even the eighth..."

The opening of the sixth gate allowed Might Duy to kill a Chuunin and suppress a Jounin, but this is still not enough to reverse the situation.

Judging from the current situation on the battlefield, even if he opens the seventh gate and kills some Jounin, it will still prove difficult to change the situation. I'm afraid he will have to open the eighth gate!

The eighth gate...

Might Duy took a deep breath. He wasn't too afraid of death. For the sake of things he always sought to protect. He would do this for Konoha and the fiery power of youth!

But as he was about to open the seventh gate, and then the eighth, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Don't keep opening the door, Major Duy."

Yeruashi came out from behind Duy, clutching the white light chakra sword in his hand. The Iwagakure ninja's figure froze next to him, then split in two from the center, and the corpse fell to the ground splattering blood.

The ability to reverse the flow of time cannot be used on other people, so if Might Duy opens the Eighth Gate, it will inevitably lead to death.

When it comes down to it, Yeruashi decided to take the blame.


Might Duy was dumbfounded.

Yeruashi calmly stepped forward and performed seals with his left hand, the white light chakra sword was wrapped in many lightning arcs, and the sound of birds chirping resounded in the battlefield.

Chidori blade!

He continued to advance slowly.

After another step, a silvery glow shone and enveloped Yeruashi's figure.

This was due to the fact that he used Lightning element chakra to open the door, which caused them to scatter and run madly all over his body.

The chakra is not blue like the third Raikage, nor greenish like when opening the third gate, but has a silvery-white hue.

"Gate of Life - Thunder Mode."

This is Yeruashi's name for this state.

The lightning element causes much more damage to the body than normal chakra, the side effects increase many times, even death is possible, but Yeruashi, who has the ability to reverse the flow of time, can ignore this completely.

After receiving the ability to reverse the flow of time, Yeruashi developed a technique that best suits his skill set and qualities, the speed in this state is much higher than opening a door normally.

Last but not least, the Chidori Sword can be kept in this state for much longer.

It is worth adding that the silver chakra of the Lightning element, which completely envelops Yeruashi's figure, partially prevents visual capture and recognition of the rapid movements of his body.

"Don't use it in this situation, major."

"Leave it to me."

Yeruashi, bathed in silver light, calmly walked over to Might Duy and slowly raised his hand that was grasping the white light chakra sword, bringing a trail of electric arcs intertwined in the void