
Naruto: Time Control

Reborn as Kakashi's older brother with the power to control time. I do this translation just for pleasure https://www.patreon.com/inferno303

inferno303 · Anime & Comics
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525 Chs

Chapter 423: Unbreakable

Under a clear, cloudless sky.

The bright rays of the sun illuminated the remaining half of Kaido's body.

There were no drops of blood or torn flesh.

Kaido's remains were more like a broken statue, like an extraordinary work of art, incomprehensible to an ordinary person.

The eyes of all the surrounding people were empty.

Orochi and Queen were terrified, and Kyoshiro and the others still could not fully comprehend what exactly had happened.

This scene swept away all their thoughts and forced them into a trance.

It was as if what had happened was from a simple dream.

Time passed.

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

Seeing Yeruashi slowly lower his fist, people finally began to come to their senses, as if waking up from a dream.

In the next moment, loud cries echoed throughout the flower capital, seemingly able to reach the borders of Wano Country.


Shogun Orochi took the form of Yamato no Orochi with a panicked cry.

The eyes of the eight-headed Yamato no Orochi were filled with fear and terror.

Queen's eyes threatened to pop out of their sockets, and his tongue protruded from his open mouth, stretching out like dough.

Kyoshiro and Fukurokuju couldn't keep their cool either.

Their mouths were wide open and their lower jaws almost reached the floor.

What the hell...

What just happened?!!

The shock caused by what happened was still roaring in people's heads, not allowing them to fully recover.

By itself, this blow, which destroyed everything in its path, was not so surprising, because the mighty samurai can also cut through huge mountains with a swing of their sword.

But the problem is...

There was a Kaido Beast standing in front of Yeruashi!!!!

How can Kaido be killed in this way?!!

This scene seemed simply unreal!

"Kai... Kaido boss..."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey... this can't be happening.... it just can't be!"

Many of the Beast Pirates began to groan convulsively and fell to the ground. Their clothes were completely drenched in cold sweat and their pupils lost focus.

Queen's eyes were still trying to bulge out of their sockets and his tongue protruded from his open mouth, but after a while his body began to tremble and his eyes filled with horror.

At this point, of all those present, only he was able to partially regain his sanity, but this sanity was repeatedly shattered by waves of increasingly stronger shock and horror.

Can the Closest Man to God be compared to the strongest person?

What nonsense is this?!!

The power of the Closest Man to God has reached an incredible level!!!!

The gap between the Traveler and Kaido was bigger than the gap between him and Kaido!!!!

This is already beyond the power that a person can possess....

Such a power must be possessed by God or.... the devil!

Looking at Yeruashi at that moment, Queen felt a shiver run down his back.

It was as if he had done something as a child and saw his mother, who was going to beat him with a wet rag.


Among all those who witnessed this scene, only Robin could keep her cool.

But even she felt a little bewildered.

Only one thought crossed her mind.

"That's it?"

It was only after a few seconds that Robin took a deep breath, beginning to come to her senses.

Although she knew that Yeruashi should be stronger than Whitebeard, and his overall strength is very close to a God, but this was all just a guess.

Although it is very likely, but it is still an assumption.

But now the incident finally confirmed Robin's assumption.

Now she knew for sure that Yeruashi's strength had reached an incredible level, inaccessible to any ordinary mortal!

First, he takes a heavy blow from the Kaido Beast, receiving no damage, and then killing him with a retaliatory punch....

Such power, without exaggeration, can be called divine!

If there are legendary people in the expanses of the sea, Yeruashi should be called a myth that completely surpasses any legend!

The moment Yeruashi neither dodged nor tried to block Kaido's attack aimed directly at her head, Robin involuntarily felt uncomfortable.

But it turned out that even she could not realize Yeruashi's true power.

Because his power goes beyond the imagination of a normal person.

Thinking about this, Robin couldn't help but think that she was incredibly lucky.

Not only did she meet that person, but she was even recognized by him.

Perhaps this is the main success of her whole life...

If this had not happened, she would most likely have continued to cling desperately to life alone.

Accompanied by many looks of incomprehension and fear, Yeruashi took a step forward and reached out his hand, slowly taking the remaining half of the mace from Kaido's hands.

"You really stand out among all living beings, but daring to provoke me when I wasn't in the mood, ah.... I don't think you can become some kind of king after this."

"But I recognized Whitebeard and I'm a bit impressed by your strength as the strongest Being."

Yeruashi said slowly, looking at the remaining half of Kaido's body, at the same time, he weighed the remains of the mace in his hand and opened his palm.


Half of the mace fell to the ground with a clatter, raising clouds of dust.

Yeruashi turned to Robin and said with a smile, "Come on, Robin."


Robin nodded.

Yeruashi took a leisurely step into the distance, and Robin followed.

Soon, their figures disappeared.

In the middle of the open space, only half of Kaido's body remained.

He did not fall, but continued to stand in place like a statue.

The massive, muscular half of the Kaido Beast's body, which continued to remain motionless in place, seemed to retain the remnants of an unbreakable will and an indomitable fighting spirit.

Even after death, it did not fall!

Even after death, he did not give up!

As a mortal who resolutely defied God!


The death of the Kaido Beast caused the strongest storm in the Wano Country.

Everyone was in shock and couldn't believe what had happened when they received this news!

Although Kozuki Oden fell, there were still quite a few brave samurai left in Wano Country, such as Ashura Doji, Denjiro and many others who remained loyal to him and waited for a good opportunity to rebel against Shogun Orochi.

Behind Orochi were the Beast Pirates, who had overwhelming power, so he could not be afraid of the samurai at all, and the samurai themselves knew this very well.

It's impossible to overthrow Orochi without defeating Kaido!

But now...

Kaido is dead.

Orochi has lost his boss and support, and the huge mountain that has been pressing on the samurai's shoulders all this time is gone!

In such a situation, people like Ashura Doji and Denjiro should have immediately contacted the Mink Tribe and then launched a full-scale attack on Orochi Castle to put an end to their rule.

But this has not happened yet.

Because the person who killed the Kaido Beast was still in Wano Country.

No, it would be inappropriate to call Yeruashi, who has exorbitant strength enough to completely suppress Kaido, a person....

Perhaps he is a god or a demon who has descended to this world!

Now Yeruashi's will was the key to everything.

The future of Wano Country depended on him!