
Chapter 47

Across the river.

Might Dai saw when Feng slashed the mud clone in half, the figure of the Jonin leader burst from the ground and attacked Feng from behind.


"It's too late..."

He wanted to rush to the other side of the river to assist Feng, but it's already too late as he currently only opened the Fifth Gate, even if opened both the Sixth and Seventh Gate simultaneously he still wouldn't make it in time.

And he seemed to also hear the other party's words. The other party was a Jonin, a Jonin from Hidden Rock Village!

At the same time.

The remaining three ninjas from Hidden Rock Village are standing on the opposite side, facing Might Dai vigilantly, ready to stop him anytime.

Their leader is a Jonin, and a powerful one at that. He's almost at the rank of upper Jonin so dealing with a Konoha brat would be easy, all they need to do is to stop Might Dai and their mission can be considered as half done!

"You're finished!"

The leader was also clear about the happenings behind him. He knew that at this distance, no matter how fast Might Dai was he still wouldn't make it. The two thorns on his sleeves would pierce Feng's head.

But at this moment.

Feng's body moved at a weird speed, which then turned into an afterimage that was almost invisible to the naked eye. From being at his back to facing the leader as he blocked the thorns with his Chakra sword!


The leader's pupils shrank sharply.

There was a glimmer of disbelief flashing in his eyes, and a horrible feeling surged in his heart, because the speed that Feng showed was not the speed an ordinary person should possess!

"What speed..."

Before he could think much, the chakra sword in Feng's hand moved, drawing several arcs in the void and slashed towards his body.

The leader was horrified and could only do his best to wave the thorns to block.

Ding ding dong dong! !

There were dense crisp sounds then suddenly the Jonin leader was forced back more than ten meters.


The three rock ninjas not far away who saw this scene couldn't help but exclaim.

They clearly see scars and injuries all over their Leaders body. Obviously, he clearly lost that brief confrontation with Feng at that instant!

How is that possible?!

Regardless of taijutsu or ninjutsu, Jonins are extremely powerful. How could it be possible that he lost the confrontation against Feng and suffered injuries in just a short span of time?!

"So this is a Jonin, he's stronger than expected."

Feng looked at his horrified enemy, and said, "Since you can block my attack. Try this..."

With the voice falling.

Feng made a hand seal with his left hand and as his chakra condensed, you can hear crackling sounding out as thunder intertwined and enveloped Feng's Chakra Sword, accompanied by music that sounded like birds chirping.

"Lightning Release! Chidori!"

After being guided by Orochimaru, Feng finished mastering Chidori in less than ten days!


The Jonin leader's face changed drastically.

Whether it is from the fluctuation of Chakra or just from the sight of it, he knew that this technique is dangerous!

With Feng's mysterious speed, coupled with this extremely lethal Ninjutsu, he should not allow Feng to be near him!

"Earth Release! Mountain Jutsu!"

The leader quickly formed hand seals and shouted.

This is one of the highest levels of ninjutsu he has mastered and also his strongest ninjutsu, combining and blocking at the same time.


Just in the next moment.

The earth suddenly burst and Feng's movement stopped as his legs were latched by the ground, and the ground on his sides both stood up, forming into two huge masses wanting to crush Feng in between.


"Hold on!"

When Might Dai saw this scene, his face changed once again and immediately opened the Sixth Gate as his whole person rushed directly to the other side of the river.

When the three Rock ninjas that were waiting for a long time saw Might Dai rushing over, they simultaneously threw different kinds of weapons: shurikens, large shurikens, kanai's and also kunai with paper bombs attached to them to try and stop Might Dai

However, Might Dai, who already opened the Sixth Gate just casually threw a punch and the wind from it smashed all of it away.

The three ninjas who saw this scene was shocked.

This guy's taijutsu is scary!


Might Dai who was rushing over suddenly stopped as he saw Feng who was about to be crushed still had a calm expression and did not show any signs of panic, nonchalantly raised his Chakra sword and slashed.


A visible white arc flashed by, resembling a crescent moon.

The extremely thick mass of land came to a halt, and a clear crack appeared on the center of it spreading all the way to the sides, and then finally collapsed.

It was cut in half by the sword!


Both his hands are still on the ground but there was clear shock in his eyes.

This kind of attack reminded him of somebody he had seen on records before, That 'somebody' shook the entire ninja world during the Second Ninja War, Konoha's White Fang, Hatake Sakumo!


Feng's figure rushed out of the debris carrying his Chakra Sword in hand, aiming at the Jonin leader.

After creating Chidori, his speed increased once again. At triple speed state, he no longer needs to open the Third Gate to be able to use the Crescent Slash!

The two figures intercrossed.


Feng appeared behind the leader, with his sword slowly brought down.

The Jonin leader stood rooted in place with his two thorns still in a blocking position, but a clear line of blood can be seen from the center of his eyebrows all the way to his abdomen.

"... You're…You're Konoha's White Fang?!"

There was a hint of incredulity in his eyes.

Feng slowly retracted the Ninja White Fang in his hand as he turned to look at the leader and calmly said: "That's my father."

So that's the case.

Hearing Feng's words, the leader murmured in his heart as feelings of regret and unwillingness flashed past and his consciousness finally plunged into darkness with his body falling in the ground along with the gushing of blood.