
naruto: this uchiha is a bit extreme

Uchiha is driven crazy. Time travel and become Uchiha. Watching the night of genocide getting closer and closer, he finally went to the extreme. Now that the Nine Tails Rebellion has been pinned on our heads, it will really trigger a Nine Tails Rebellion. "Uchiha Fugaku, I am not discussing with you, I am informing you that today either Uchiha will be exterminated, or Konoha's high-level people will be exterminated." Konoha suffered heavy losses, and all the major ninja villages were watching? "Cloud Shinobi Village declares war? Are you afraid of them? Declare war directly with the five major powers, no, declare war with the whole world. If you want to fight, fight them all." The internal fighting and war losses were considerable, and there was a lack of funds? "If you don't have money, let the daimyo pay. Otherwise, why keep them? If they don't give it to you, why don't you just take it yourself?" ps: The protagonist may be a little abnormal, normal people should not learn from it.

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Chapter 57: Hokagef4, Uchiha Yunduan: I Am The Hokage

Look at the honest Nine Tails.

Uchiha Yunduan is also satisfied.This old guy is quite pitiful. As long as he doesn't mess around, he doesn't mind letting him get some freedom."That's good.""Be obedient and don't hurt anyone. I will treat you the same way I treat others."Uchiha Yunduan nodded with satisfaction.Well, the way you treat people.The way he treats people is not necessarily the same.There is a difference between valuable people and worthless people.It's quite suitable to use on Nine Tails.After convincing Nine Tails, they set their sights on Namikaze Minato.Now he is already observing the situation of the Ninja Alliance.He is very knowledgeable in combat and understands the opponent's situation in advance.And they were so elusive that even the Ninja Alliance's exploration team couldn't find them.Now they have broken camp and are preparing to attack Yanyin Village in the dead of night tonight."They are already taking action.""What are your plans next?"Namikaze Minato hesitated.He roughly observed the ninja alliance this time.There are a lot of them, and there are quite a few masters.It is indeed equivalent to a great ninja war.If it was them, it would be difficult to resist. He also noticed some old opponents, such as Raikage.When he met him before, he was not Raikage, but now it seems that his strength has improved a lot."Of course I need to gather some helpers first.""First Hokage, Second Hokage, Third Hokage, plus you, me, Nine Tails.""Isn't that enough? If I think about it again, Shimura Danzō should also be able to be summoned, and...Uchiha Yunduan smiled, thinking about the people he could summon.He currently has no idea of ​​taking someone with insufficient strength to kill him.Those people are used to do chores, occupy various territories, and develop various convenient things.Still very valuable.While talking, Uchiha Yunduan formed seals.As the printing was completed, two coffin boards appeared quickly in front of him.It was he who had previously learned to control the two Hokages from Impure World Reincarnation.First Hokage Senju Hashirama, Second Hokage Senju Tobirama.In addition to the current Fourth Hokage, finding another Jōnin can also channel 27 of the Third Hokage.The Hokage version of Konoha F4 is coming together."Find a suitable place to fight."Namikaze Minato's expression is a bit complicated.This directly requires Impure World Reincarnation. Considering that there are so many people, there are some opportunities to at least break up the coalition forces.Looking at the Senju brothers who opened the coffin board and ran out, I was also very curious about the strength of these two people.I didn't see it while alive, but now that I'm dead, I have a chance to see it."Over there, there is a grand canyon thirteen kilometers away. Even if the ninja coalition passes through it, there will be a gap.""We can start attacking some people, disrupt their formation, make them confused and kill a lot of people. There is a distance from Konoha and Yanyin Village and it will not affect Yanyin Village.""But if Impure World Reincarnation only has these people, we can only block them for a while. Once they find that they can't handle us, one possibility is that they will evacuate, and the other possibility is that they will send people to attack Yanyin Village regardless of us."Namikaze Minato introduced it in detail, and changed his words when Konoha reacted.If it were him, he would definitely send people to attack Yanyin Village."Boy, if you want to attack those ninjas, you'd better pay attention. There are two tailed beasts inside."What you call Jinchūriki."Little Nine Tails added on the side.He sensed the presence of the tailed beast from a distance.And the tailed beast should have sensed him.But whether he will tell Jinchūriki is another matter."Two tailed beasts.""It's indeed a bit troublesome."Uchiha Yunduan smiled.If it was true, then he would accept it unceremoniously."Leave the tailed beast to me then.""As for them running towards Yanyin Village, it can only be said that they are seeking death.""I don't want to fight in Yanyin Village just because I don't want people in the village to die, but it doesn't mean that they have no fighting ability.As for the tailed beasts, I think they are Three Tails, Fourth Mizukage, and they may still be controlled by Obito.The other one, I don't know which village brought it.Uchiha Yunduan still has some estimates.Namikaze Minato naturally has no objection.If you really want to count it out, the most dangerous one should be Uchiha Yunduan.After all, it has been said that others will Impure World Reincarnation. When the time comes, others will be dead and resurrected as long as they are discovered.They will definitely find a way to deal with Uchiha Yunduan."Is he resurrected again?""Evil Uchiha, what are you going to do this time?"While they were talking, Senju Tobirama had regained consciousness."The descendants of Madara, really, eh."Senju Hashirama is also a little helpless. This is not the first time that the two of them have appeared.Last time Summoning came out, Senju Hashirama tried to reason, but was severely beaten once, and is still autistic.Senju Tobirama is not autistic and has a bad mouth, but he still likes to criticize him."Senju Tobirama, if you don't speak honestly, I will control you to eat shit, and then go to a ninja village to spray shit.Uchiha Yunduan looked at Senju Tobirama with a smile.This made Senju Tobirama, who was about to say something else, widen his eyes.Evil Uchiha is a bit speechless.He had never seen such a shameless person."I won't talk nonsense. This time the major ninja villages are going to attack Yanyin Village. I hope you two will do your best."Uchiha Yunduan saw Senju Tobirama shut up, and was very satisfied and spoke directly."Hmph, you are so proud of us for taking action, Uchiha..."Senju Tobirama was a little proud when he heard the news.But the pride only lasted for a moment, especially when I saw Uchiha Yunduan's evil Mangekyō Sharingan, I still calmed down a bit."I just don't want to waste time controlling you. I want you to exert more combat effectiveness. It doesn't mean that I can't control you. You know this technique well.""Don't think about solving the Impure World Reincarnation. If any of you mess around, it doesn't matter if you die, your good granddaughter Tsunade is still alive.Uchiha Yunduan stared directly at Senju Tobirama."The dead should die peacefully and don't cause trouble to their descendants.""Damn, evil Uchiha, who can't die a good death? It's not you who summoned us, and you still dislike us for causing trouble to your granddaughter.Senju Tobirama was so angry that he would have given the opponent a Water Style if the conditions hadn't allowed him to do so.Is it easy for them to be summoned and threatened even after their dead died?"Well, he just said you, I didn't. Tobirama, I still want Tsuna to be well.""Also, this technique was invented by you. I have already told you not to study such dangerous techniques."But we can't ignore the village's affairs. No matter what, it's the village that Madara and I built together. Uchiha boy, I just hope you can treat the people in the village well. The monkey did something wrong in the past. If you know it, don't do it." Make the same mistake as him.""The name of the village doesn't matter, you have to inherit the Hokage that Madara said.Senju Hashirama's dark face speaks volumes.After learning that he killed Hokage last time, his attitude was obviously not like this."Stupid brother, shut up."Senju Tobirama was furious.When will this stupid brother grow a brain?He didn't even think about it anymore. Anyone who wanted it would be taken away."Tsk, don't try to reason with me, I am the Hokage now.""It would be better if the dead served the living well."Uchiha Yunduan was very disdainful."Tell them about the situation, and I'll find someone to summon Sarutobi Hiruzen.Pointing to Namikaze Minato next to him, the golden retriever who was still a little dazed also gained some sense of existence."Ah, this is it?"Senju Hashirama looked at the other party, this newcomer."Well, I am Fourth Hokage, Fourth Generation."My name is Namikaze Minato."Looking at the two Hokage seniors, Namikaze Minato still smiled and was polite.In other words, he would be very polite to everyone in Konoha."Fourth Hokage? Didn't the monkey die just a short time ago?""Were you killed by him too?"Senju Tobirama thought of what the other party said last time.It was supposed to kill the monkey, and then this evil Uchiha inherited the Hokage's position and changed their Konoha name.It even declared independence and stopped playing with the Fire Country.He really wants to take the village to hell."Well, I died before the Third Hokage. When Nine Tails rioted, they wanted to seal Nine Tails."a ha ha ha.."While talking, Namikaze Minato smiled awkwardly.Because the little Nine Tails on the side looked at him with a resentful look on his face, wanting to jump up and hit him.In that incident, it was unclear who was the victim.Nine Tails, who had been manipulated for most of the process, was suddenly pulled out of his stomach and then killed.Go to the back and kill the Fourth Generation with all your might, and they will be sealed.He was totally involved.And there was Senju Hashirama at the scene, this guy was one of the culprits who caused him such misery."Nine Tails?""That thing can still kill people?"Senju Hashirama unexpectedly looked at the little Nine Tails next to him."I can't kill people, why are you sealing me?""Damn Senju Hashirama, it's all your fault."Little Nine Tails was angry and said for a while that he was too strong and wanted to seal him.Now he looked down on him again."Brother, stop talking nonsense.""Fourth Hokage, you are doing a good job for the village."Senju Tobirama is somewhat understandable.After all, not everyone is a pervert like his brother."Sorry sorry."a ha ha ha."Looking at the eyes of the people next to him, Senju Hashirama laughed."I'd better talk about the situation here first."Namikaze Minato, under Uchiha Yunduan's instructions, explained the current situation to them in detail.And Uchiha Yunduan acted first.He found an exploration team, three teams, and two people in Tian.The leader was still Jōnin, and there were three of them, which fit his goal perfectly.Leave the Flying Thunder God kunai where you are and leave quickly."This is my Flying Thunder God."Second Generation Senju Tobirama looked at the Flying Thunder God mark and said very unhappy.It was obvious that his ninjutsu was aimed at Uchiha, but now it was directly used by Uchiha.That monkey guy is so useless.I will definitely scold him when he comes out.Uchiha Yunduan left without thinking so much.Move quickly to capture the enemy, and there will be no need to keep those under Jōnin alive.Just kill them directly.The figure is like a ghost, in this darknessThere was no movement at all.His body had already recovered, but this was the first time he acted like this."We are still about twenty kilometers away from Yanyin Village.""I didn't find anything along the way."A small team of the Ninja Alliance Army continued to deliver the message. After sending the message, they continued to set off."Slow down a little, don't be in such a hurry, Raikage-sama said, take the opportunity to draw a map. These will be the route when we come next time.Cloud Shinobi Village Jōnin Waveyoshi also reminded the team members behind him when he set off.This is why they asked to come out as investigators.Understanding their region and routes will be a good thing for them to attack the Country of Fire in the future."yes."The few Chūnin behind him were busy recording something.Although they have now penetrated deep into the Country of Fire, they do not think that the people in Yanyin Village have known the news.After all, they now have people from the Fire Nation commanding and leading the way. Even if they know it, it doesn't matter. Is it possible that they can still fight?Continue to act one after another, everything is normal, but the next time you continue to deliver information.Bo Liuji did not receive a reply, and there was no movement after Summoningmon left."careful."In the dense forest, such landscapes are everywhere, and the darkness is actually nothing. It has been revealed that the ninjas can still see many things clearly under the moonlight.But at this time, all this gloom made Bo Liuji feel shuddering.Feeling a cool breeze blowing on his right, he gathered his Chakra and wanted to make some big noise to attract attention.But the next moment, a pair of scarlet eyes appeared in the forest."Write, Sharingan..."In just an instant, the members of the small team fell asleep one after another.950 There is no way to escape this illusion.Boruji and three Chūnin fell down immediately.Uchiha Yunduan just walked out of the woods."These are useless."Glancing at a few Chūnin, Uchiha Yunduan gave them a pleasant surprise.Let them die in the illusion.Bo Liuji was taken away directly. Beside him, there were two Jōnin and a Chūnin.Along the way, he also thought of some people he could summon and who he was prepared for.In addition to Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō, he also added Uchiha Itachi.As for this member of the Ninja Alliance exploration team, he was specially prepared to summon him and give the Ninja Alliance another gift.Bring a sack of people back to where Namikaze Minato and the others are.The fast Flying Thunder God arrives here.At this time, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama already knew what was going on."What are you going to do again?"Senju Tobirama looked at so many living people.Is this going to summon so many dead people?"Just watch."Uchiha Yunduan did not hide it and directly took out the cells of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō.Summon these two brothers in front of Senju Tobirama, a good master."Tobirama."Senju Hashirama looked at this scene with the soul wailing.He glared at Senju Tobirama again.all because of you."Brother, this is not my fault.""I just created the ninjutsu."And this is to deal with the evil Uchiha, Senju Tobirama gives himself an excuse.He soon saw the awakening of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō in front of him.And this is just the beginning, we can see the recovery of Uchiha Itachi later.And Bo Liuji, who died just now, was summoned again.Bo Liuji also looked around with a blank expression.Why is all this so strange?Wasn't he controlled by Sharingan just now?When I was thinking about it, I saw Sharingan by Uchiha Yunduan, and something suddenly occurred to me.And this body, I also know that I am dead."Let me control you."Uchiha Yunduan didn't let this ninja think too much.He directly controlled the opponent and planned to send it to the Ninja Alliance as a gift later.After all, their exploration team in one direction has disappeared, so they should be very anxious.And several others.Uchiha Yunduan. ""Teacher, First Hokage-sama."Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō looked at each other.I already felt something was wrong.They were all dead and now they are alive again.And Uchiha Itachi is looking at Uchiha Yunduan with a complicated expression.What the hell is this guy doing?"Monkey, you disappoint me so much."Senju Tobirama looked at the monkey a little dissatisfied.The village actually fell into Uchiha's hands.They're all dead. It's just a hammer game, but they lost so ugly.