
Naruto: The Youthful Sage

"Allen got his ass isekai'd, and now he's in Narutovers as Rock Lee, a very YOUTHFUL shinobi. He knew that Lee would have only a low amount of chakra reserve, In a world where chakra is everything, he has no gold finger or system, but he's still trying to find his way out. He will not sit still. There are weapons to be used, traps to be set... above all else, he knows how to yell 'YOUTH.'" There won't be any Harem or romance, but he will still be a 'man of culture.' I refuse to abandon this novel because I am planning on running a fanfiction marathon after completing it. This is my first time writing fanfiction, so it will be slow and I will do my best to upload two chapters per week. Enjoy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This work of fiction is based on the Naruto universe created by Masashi Kishimoto. All characters, settings, and concepts from the Naruto series are the intellectual property of Masashi Kishimoto, Shueisha, TV Tokyo, and other respective owners. This fanfiction is a creative interpretation and adaptation of the original work, and no copyright infringement is intended. The author acknowledges the ownership of all Naruto-related rights to their respective copyright holders. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only, and no financial gain is derived from its production. Any original characters, plotlines, or concepts introduced in this fanfic are the sole creations of the author and do not claim ownership or endorsement from the original creators of Naruto. Readers are encouraged to support the official Naruto series and its creators by purchasing official merchandise and supporting authorized releases. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MasterOfLight · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Episode .6 The Twins

Well, she's in her early twenties, so I suppose she isn't asking for too much, although it is embarrassing as hell, This is probably the best deal I'll find. Plus, she's good friends with Aunt Ayame, so it's all good.lets just go with that…yeah. As I turned my head to the left, I spotted the children surrounded by an abundance of candy. It was as if they had found themselves in a haven of sweets. The sight brought a smile to my face.

As I glanced around, I noticed the two assistants diligently working at the counter while Uzume-san engaged in casual conversation with customers. My eyes widened at the sight. Turning to the table where I was seated, I observed Uzume-san chatting with Aunt and playfully interacting with the children. And yet, when I looked back at the counter, there she was again - seemingly in two places at once.

"Is this the most broken tech-....*cough* Legendary 'shadow clone jutsu'?". It was my first time witnessing someone using any kind of jutsu, and I had to remind myself that I had seen her use a 'healing' jutsu at the hospital.

"Yes and no. That's a little more advanced than 'shadow clone.' As you can see, they're all ninjas. They can tell if they're talking to a shadow clone,so that clone works exactly like a real person because that is the real me."

"So are YOU a shadow clone?"

"No I'm real too, I can exist in more places then one."

"Wow, that's so cool." It's like a wet dream for any transmigrator.

"Now, if you look closely, they aren't even paying attention to us. Can you tell why?"

"I assume this is a shop that specializes in sealing techniques? So" I ventured a guess.

"And you guessed correctly. I am indeed using a sealing technique. Now, all they see are kids playing around and unfamiliar adults conversing," she explained, offering me a brief insight into how it all works.

"Wow, that's truly remarkable," I exclaimed in awe.

Upon seeing my reaction, she felt satisfied and asked me, "When would you like to start working here?" I was eager to begin my new job immediately.

"Rock Lee reporting for duty, ma'am," I said with the seriousness of a soldier on duty. They simply chuckled at that.

"Great, that's a positive attitude. You can bring your belongings tomorrow and Reena will show you to your room." I tried to remain resolved, but the kids looked crestfallen.

"Onii-Chan, are you leaving us?" I knew this was necessary, but seeing their sadness tugged at my heartstrings. Thankfully, Uzumi-san came to the rescue.

"Would you like to come with Onii-chan?" Uzumi-san asked Aunt Ayame, seeing the twins nod like parrots. "You can let the kids play here in the garden during the day. Reena and Meena will take care of them and even help them with reading and writing. That way, you can go back to work at the restaurant. When you come back from work, take the kids home with you, and bring them back here in the morning. How does that sound?"

Ayane-san looked at the twins while considering the offer. It's not easy to find someone willing to teach the kids, especially now that they're getting older they need to study. Lee would be With them so they won't feel lonely here. With this arrangement, she would be able to free up her time and trust her kids with Uzume.

"This could work for me. If there's any problem, just let me know and I'll come right away. What do they need for their studies?" Aunt Ayame asked, wanting to ensure that they have everything they need.

"You don't need to worry about anything. I will take care of them if they need anything. Just bring them here in the morning, or Lee can bring them if you're busy. So just relax and focus on your work from now on." Aunt Ayame nodded in understanding and reminded the kids to behave.

After chatting some more with Uzumi-san, Aunt Ayame entrusted the kids to her care and headed to the restaurant. She needed to fill her husband in on everything and also get back to work.

Once Aunt Ayame had departed, I glanced over at the kids who were engaged in play with the older twins. "Hold on, when did they arrive and how long have they been entertaining the kids?" I inquired.

Amused by my question, the twins looked at each other before one of the two responded, "We've been here since the start, looking after the kids. You just didn't notice us." She retorted with a snort, and the other one just nodded in agreement.

As the children immersed themselves in their own little world of play, I took the opportunity to ask the older twins a question. "By the way, who are you guys? What are your names?" I figured that since I would be working here from now on, it would be best to introduce ourselves.

One of the twins looked at me and remarked, "It's rather impolite to ask others to introduce themselves without doing so yourself." I nodded in acknowledgement.

"My name is-...

"My name is Reena and this is Meena. We are twins, just like these kids here. We help Onee-san with tasks ranging from 'sealing scroll' to 'sealing tag' and also assist with selling at the shop."



They're really getting to me now. I felt the veins on the left side of my forehead pulsing. Renna interrupted me and introduced herself, while Meena just nodded as if it were the most ordinary thing to do.

"I'm Rock Lee, and I'll be working and training here from now on. I hope I can count on your support," I said through clenched teeth.

"We have known you since this tiny,"

"I definitely wasn't that tiny."

"So you're saying you were tiny then?"

"No human baby is really that small."

"You would definitely know, hehe..."

"Grrr... if you already know me, why did you ask?"

"Just messing up with you."


"You two are going to be insufferable, aren't you?"

"Yes" "Hmm"


“Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.”

MasterOfLightcreators' thoughts