
Naruto : The Wind Calamity

The MC transmigrates into Narutoverse in the body of a civilian orphan. Luckily for him, the transmigration results in chakra being unlocked. Follow the story of the MC as he grows in power and stabilizes himself into the world of ninjas and trains to be the strongest.  Warning :  1. The MC won't be op for a long time. All his power would be gained via hard work and training over years (so if u want an op mc right from the word go, this one ain't for you) 2. No harem (probably no romance either) 3. There will be a lot of killing (maybe gore too, not sure if I can do gore right though) 4. The story will start slow. Quite a few of initial chapters will be around training, orphanage and academy life, instead of directly becoming a Genin. 5. MC is a careful person, he won't put his life at risk unless there is no other choice. 6. I haven't read (nor will be reading) Baruto. So Baruto plotline won't be considered much in here. What to expect : 1. Smart and consistent MC  2. Lots of training 3. MC manipulating the plot to his advantage 4. A lot of original arcs.  5. Plot will mostly stay the same (at least till Shippuden), but I won't repeat any scenes/dialogues that took place in the manga (as I'm assuming you've already read it). Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the original characters I create). The image used in the cover isn't mine and belongs to R. J PS : It's my first fanfic, I'm hoping it turns out good. All reviews and constructive criticisms are welcome. Grammar and English should be fine, but I'm not sure how good the dialogues and scenarios will be. Hopefully I'll improve as this fanfic progresses forward.

Devil_Hex · Fantasy
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719 Chs

Chapter 630 : Training Plan

'Why do nearly all my students have an affinity to water?' Among the 5 orphans he was training, 4 had an affinity to water. Thankfully, an equal number of them had an affinity to wind as well.

Now, Karin had an affinity to water manipulation as well. He thought, 'Then again, it isn't a bad thing. Nearly everyone I recruited from Tanigakure have an affinity to water. I can dump her elemental training on Shigeki.'

Karin looked at the wet chakra paper and asked, "Why did it get wet, sensei?"

Fujin's clone explained, "That is a chakra paper. It identifies your nature affinity. Since it became wet, it shows that you have an affinity for water manipulation."

Karin asked, "What does that mean?"

Fujin's clone wasn't surprised by that question. He had no expectations from Kusa to have given her a proper education. He explained to her everything about nature transformation including the Yin and Yang Release, Kekkei Genkai, strengths and weaknesses of all elements among other things. He patiently answered all her doubts.

In the end, he added, "Even though the chakra paper shows that you have an affinity to water, considering your ability to heal, you should have a very high talent in Yang Release since Yang chakra is used for healing others. Once you get a hang of Yang release, learning Yin release becomes easy as well.

However, those are rather advanced concepts. I'll teach you how to use them later. For now, we will start by establishing a very strong foundation. Are you ready to start?"

Having been put to sleep for nearly half a day, Karin wasn't sleepy. She nodded and said, "Yes, sensei!"

Fujin's clone replied, "Good. Follow me."

The two left the base and arrived in the valley. They didn't walk too far away as Fujin's clone just led Karin to the nearest tree. He said, "Your training will be conducted in phases. Each phase will make your foundation sturdier and help you become stronger faster in the future. We will first start with chakra control."

He explained Karin the theory behind chakra control and demonstrated the tree climbing exercise. Karin immediately tried it and ended up falling down. Fujin's clone said, "This will be your first exercise. It'll take around a week or two for you to completely master it. Then, you'll move on to the next exercise, that is, the water walking exercise."

Karin asked curiously, "Sensei, do you mean that I can walk on water?"

Fujin's clone nodded and answered, "Yes." He turned his gaze to the tree and said, "When you climb up the trees, you are walking against trunks that are sturdy and solid. By comparison, using your chakra to walk on water is much more difficult due to it being liquid."

Karin nodded, understanding how complex it would be. Fujin's clone continued, "Don't worry. It'll feel easier when you try it. Coming back to your training, you'll train these two exercises until you can freely run and spar on water.

Once your chakra control is up to par, we will begin on the more interesting aspects. Did Hayato show you the library?"

Karin nodded. Fujin's clone continued, "In the library, you'll find a scroll for the Body Flicker jutsu. When you are completely comfortable with water walking, you'll learn this jutsu. This jutsu will be a very important jutsu in your arsenal for decades. So, train it with all your heart.

If you have any doubts about it, you can ask Shigeki about it if I am not here. He's very good at using it. This will be the second step of your training.

As for the third step, that's where you'll begin learning more things. You'll start working on three things simultaneously. First will be learning water manipulation and a few Water jutsus. This will be taught to you by Shigeki.

The second thing will be Medical Ninjutsu. Hayato will teach you about it. The last thing will be using the Body Flicker jutsu without any seals. I'll guide you regarding it when I return later."

Karin memorized all his words accurately. She asked Fujin's clone a few doubts which were promptly answered. With everything discussed, Fujin asked Karin to begin practicing Tree Climbing.

She practiced until dawn under his watchful eye. Fujin's clone analyzed, 'Hmm, looks like chakra control isn't her strong suit. At least not yet. Still, this is far better than Naruto. She should be done with this in around 5 days…'

Karin tried climbing up the tree without using her hands once again. Unfortunately, she couldn't hang on and fell once again. She had long lost the count of how many times she had fallen that night. To her relief, Fujin's clone said, "That's enough for now. Have some rest. You can continue practicing it later."

Karin nodded and replied, "Alright, Sensei."

Fujin's clone made a hand seal to deactivate the barrier when Karin asked nervously, "Do you have to go back due to that intense clash that happened during our exam?"

Nervousness could be seen on her face. Anyone could see that she didn't want him to get caught up in such a dangerous situation.

Fujin's clone replied, "Not really. I have a lot of other tasks to do."

Karin sighed in relief and asked, "If you don't mind me asking, could you tell me what happened there on the first day of our exam?"

Fujin's clone replied casually, "It was a clash between two rank S ninjas. You don't need to worry about it for the time being. Just remember to avoid such places if you detect such an intense confrontation."

Karin nodded and said in amazement, "So, rank S ninjas are that strong? I didn't know that. I sensed that one of the chakras belonged to our proctor. Who was the other one? Did he die?"

Fujin's clone was surprised for a moment and wondered, 'Did she sense that battle as well? I didn't notice. Then again, my attention was focused on Orochimaru and Space Time Sensing Technique can't identify chakra signatures.'

He shook his head and replied, "Killing a rank S ninja is very difficult. In majority of the cases, they are only forced to retreat. The same thing happened there as well. The second guy was Orochimaru, one of the Sannins. Anyway, as I just said, no need to worry about this. Focus on your own training. Unless you can gain the Commander rank in Phantom Haven Society, you don't even need to think about rank S."

Karin nodded and said, "Yes, sensei."

The two returned to the base. As Fujin's clone had said earlier, he went to meet with the students, both old and new. Since he had applied Phantom Seals on everyone, Shigeki and the rest brought all the new recruits into the main base and the new students were inducted on that very day. Fujin's clone took the opportunity to create an impression and increase their belief in the Phantom Will.

He also met up with Ranmaru, who's progress was as good as he expected. Within a few months, he had learnt tree climbing and water walking along with the three basic jutsus. He was currently working on the Body Flicker jutsu. Needless to say, the training plan for him was also created by Fujin.

After meeting with Ranmaru, Fujin's clone thought, 'My chakra is nearly empty. I won't be able to sustain myself for much longer…'

He quickly called Shigeki and Hayato for a brief meeting in the main office. Once they arrived, he explained to them the training plan for Karin and asked them to help her out. He ended by saying, "Shigeki, once she's done with the Body Flicker jutsu, guide her in Water Release.

Hayato, you should guide her to become a Medical Ninja."

Hayato replied hesitantly, "If I may, I don't think it is a good idea. Our manpower is already very low. We will be struggling just with the students. To guide her so much might not be feasible. Also, making someone learn two fields so different from each other at the same time isn't good for their growth."

To his surprise, Fujin's clone replied, "They are valid points. However, don't worry. I don't make any rash decisions. Karin's talent is worth spending so much effort on her.

As for multiple fields, I recruited her because she seems talented in Medical Ninjutsu. So, you'll have to do a good job, Hayato. I have added several books related to Medical Ninjutsu in the library. Feel free to go through them."

Having seen Ranmaru's talent, neither Hayato nor Shigeki questioned his judgement. However, both were puzzled about one important aspect.

[A/N: Next chapter in a few hours. Latest chapter on P@treon - Fujin's Righteousness!]


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Thank You AR3S, Tobias, Matthew, Luco, hh, Tommy, Michael, Cody, Gerald and Pius for supporting me on P@treon.