
Naruto: The will of fire

ever since he was born he could barely use chakra, But that won't stop Cujo Ishi from reaching his dreams. oh and ten ten doesn't exist, R.I.P

Alex_Anderson_4701 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

power of youth

"W-wait" Cujo said stopping, gasping for air


[ I must have three hundred pounds in total on me, my back feels like it's about to break and my lungs about to burn]

Cujo tried to have his chakra help his muscles out but he couldn't concentrate

Cujo got up and ran, Each leg feeling number and number every time

Cujo got closer to them, after finally catching up to them he said

"You. . . .guys do this. . . . every day?", Cujo said panting

" what's the matter Cujo, can't handle a little cardio" guy said grinning

Cujo slowed down again, but he wouldn't take it, he ran ahead.

"THAT'S IT CUJO LET THE POWER OF YOUTH EXPLODE!!!!" he yelled running after him

They caught up with Cujo and finally made another lap

"497" lee said

" three more to go Cujo, don't give up"

After what seemed like an endless three laps Cujo fell to the ground

"Th-that, that was. . . Amazing!!!"

Cujo said barely getting the words out, he loved feeling the pain

"That's right Cujo" guy said "No pain, no gain" drawing a large grin

"Two more minutes until next cardio session"

[ another one? ]

when the minutes were up guy threw them so jump ropes, when Cujo caught them he was shocked

[ 100 pounds ]

"2,000" guy said winking

"and go"

Cujo started jump roping

"Jump higher Cujo and make sure you swing the rope under your feet twice every jump " lee said

"i-ill try," he said gasping for air

"And move your shoulders more"

"1949. . . 1989. . . 1999. . . 2,000!!!!" Cujo said dropping the rope down

Cujo expected to be sore but it was the opposite, his shoulders and legs felt alive, twice as powerful than last time

[ I feel as if I can jump to the moon ]

"that feeling is going last for half an hour Cujo," lee said, "After that well. . . ."

"I know"

Cujo got another two-minute break

"Now 2,500 pushups" guy said "and 250 one-handed, on each hand of course," he said winking at the last few words

[ I can do this, ]


"2,456. . . . 2464. . . . 2489. . . . 2499. . ." on the last pushup Cujo was stuck midway, He focused on his arms

"2500!!!" he said shooting up and standing

"Oh man, my hands," he said looking at them, they quivered at a tremendous rate, he clenched his hands stopping it

he looked over to lee and guy who already started their one hand pushups

[ damnit ]

he squeezed the muscles on his right arm and got onto the floor, getting into position he started doing his pushups

"one two three. . . . . . forty, forty-one"

Cujo went faster and faster seeing lee and guy getting way ahead of him

Cujo started to slow down, he was gonna stop and rest until he saw lee switch to his other hand

triggering Cujo he started to go faster clenching all his muscled and legs he went up and down faster faster

"250!!!" he uttered, saliva leaking from his teeth which were clenched together, he shot himself up and switched to the other hand

seeing lee slow down a little Cujo went faster and faster, "129... 156. . .167. . . . . 214. . . . . .. 220"

Cujo felt his hand tremble like a leaf on a tree enduring a harsh wind

Cujo clenching his teeth harder than before continued. . . . .


(might guy Pov)

Guy watched his new student doing his one-handed pushups

[ a-amazing, I didn't expect him to finish any of these tests but. . . . his endurance is on level with lee. . . maybe even higher since this is his first-day training like this ]

Cujo noticed that lee finished first, Guy sensed defeat in him, seeing his hands tremble he was going to tell him to rest until he saw smiling,

[ what is he-]

Cujo started to do his pushups faster and faster

[ i-i thought he was going to give up such a strong will, That must be the will of his youth, ]

"250!!!!" Cujo yelled, getting off the ground with such force he almost fell backward

he chuckled a little,

"Great job Cujo" lee said " You were amazing"

guy looked for cujos reaction, hoping for him shake his hand,

Cujo looked at his hand and grinned " thanks but, You're really underestimating yourself" he said shaking his head

"R-really" lee said scratching his head

"Yea your amazing you have-" Cujo and lee talked while guy finished his one hand pushups. . . .


[ man he's strong ]

"Alright follow me, and make sure you use the trees," Guy said running away, with lee following after

Cujo still had that amazing feeling from jump roping, he squeezed the muscles in his legs and jumped onto the thick tree branches,

[ whoah, that was quick ]

Cujo followed lee who was getting further and further away, Cujo never traveled through trees, Except during the academy but even then it didn't feel this fun

He smiled and went faster and faster gaining upon lee who noticed him and went faster, After a few minutes they had arrived at their destination

he saw Hundreds of thick tree stumps, all of them almost a dozen feet tall

"So were gonna be breaking wood?" Cujo said sneering

Cujo looked over to lee hoping to see him smile, but he didn't, Lee was serious, more serious than the previous exercises

[ I guess this isn't normal wood ]

"This isn't normal wood Cujo" guy said grinning "This type of wood is as hard as steel"

Cujo couldn't believe it he approached the stump which towered him, he knocked on it,

Cujo gulped, caressing his fingers [ t-this hard ]

He looked to his right seeing stumps broken

"H-hey guy sensei, did you do that," he said,

"nope, the six on the left is all lees doing, the four on the right was Neji's

" t-they used jutsu, right?" he said, smiling nervously

"That's the thing Cujo," guy said "They didn't"

[ impossible]

he looked over to lee who was stretching his legs

Cujo gulped and approached

"4000 kicks, 2,000 for each leg" guy said


Cujo kicked,

"ARGH" He yelled, he quickly shut himself up,

[ I'll use a little chakra to help me out ]

He kicked it again feeling less pain


Cujo turned around "yes g-"


Guy slapped Cujo

"No chakra Cujo"

"But the pain it's"

"If you want to be free from your pain, make up your mind, give up or not, If you give up, you will suffer more, but if you don't, you will mold into something greater"

Cujo took heed on what he said

he got up and touched the stump

[ here goes nothing ]

"ARGH" Cujo cried out but quickly muffled it hitting it again and again

" Guy sensei, You sure that's the right thing for him to do?" lee said

"It is, We can't build up his training, it would take too long he was the only one we could choose, if we didn't, Lord third would've disbanded our two-man team, we need to train him quickly"


[ did he break his leg ] guy thought, he looked closer and widened his eyes

[ he, he cracked the stump!! this early in his training!!! ]

"Did you see that guy sensei!!!"

guy nodded

[ it took lee almost one week to dent it, let alone crack it, what a monster ] Guy thought

"I think we've found your rival" guy said squinting his eyes

" R-really"

"I was wrong about Neji, he's not your rival but. . . he is," Guy said " and I'm one hundred and one percent"

Guy who saw Cujo gritting his teeth, forcing himself to kick the tree, yelled


ten percent luck

Twenty percent skill

Fifteen percent concentrated power of will

Five percent pleasure

Fifty percent pain

And a hundred percent reason to remember the name

Alex_Anderson_4701creators' thoughts