
Hiruzen's decision

"We need to talk"

Those words ensued a silence in the room as the boy looked towards the old man. His facial features calm and stoic as he slightly narrowed his eyes.

"Talk? About what, Lord Hokage?" Naruto said as Hiruzen fought back a wince at the sense of unfamiliarity that was now present. The way the boy said it was as if they were complete strangers.

"I want to know your side of your story as well as the reason for the conflict with the Inuzuka heir" The third hokage said as he looked at the boy.




Naruto looked at the old man in front of him with a passive stare. But underneath his sleeves his hands were still clenched.

"I want to know your side of your story as well as the reason for the conflict with the Inuzuka heir" Naruto heard.

'Old man, do you also think I'm wrong?' He thought as he narrowed his eyes.

"What's there to talk about? Just punish me and be done with it" Naruto snapped as the Hokage looked at him.

"...." Hiruzen stared at the boy for a few more seconds before he shook his head and sighed.

"Naruto, I know you. You would rather choose to ignore those around you than to take action, even if the other party was insulting you" Naruto heard. He was surprised at how accurate the Kage was.

He couldn't help but think how he knew of such a thing...

"So Naruto... are you going to explain to me your end of the spectrum… or not?" The Kage spoke as he puffed on his Tabaco pipe.

"..." Naruto hesitated for a moment before he began to explain how Ino brought him a bento to the sudden confrontation with the Inuzuka Heir.




"So from what I'm getting is that you were going to walk away, but in the end decided to use force instead?" Hiruzen asked as he listened to Naruto's story.

"What? No, did you not listen to anything at all?!" Naruto snapped but the Kage looked unfazed.

Out of the entire leaf village Naruto was one of the select few that was unafraid of shouting at the kage. If any civilian or shinobi saw this, they would instantly berate Naruto to be more respectful. Hiruzen had to fight back a chuckle as he looked towards the red head.

"I have indeed listened to what you said Naruto, Inuzuka Kiba made you drop the remaining of your food. In anger you retaliated with violence because he provoked you" Hiruzen stated.

"Wh- No, what?! That bento was someone's hard work. They put time and effort into it and it was wasted thanks to him!" Naruto retorted.

"Wrong again, now what is the real reason?" The kage said unfazed as he looked straight into the boy's eyes.

Naruto was angry now. First Inuzuka Kiba and now this. What pissed him off even more, is that the Inuzuka was also responsible, but Naruto didn't see him getting called to the headmaster's office or get scolded.

Why was it only him?

The whole village was against him. Now they even called the Hokage.

With those thoughts in his mind, Naruto snapped.

"You really want to know?" Naruto asked in a shaky voice. His hair covering his eyes as he shook slightly. He clenched his fists and grit his teeth before all his pent up anger exploded out.

"Why?!" He roared.

"Why is it only me?!"

"The scornful looks, the disdain in their eyes. Everyone I see has hatred in their eyes! The glares that follow me as they try to shun and ignore me!!!!" Naruto spat.

His nails dug into his palms with force that it begun to draw blood.

"When I try to do anything, anything!!! They throw things at me and tell me to go away with such hatred and anger in their voices. Even when I act nicely, they look like they want to kill or eat me alive!!"

"Why, what is it that I did to deserve this kind of treatment? Am I really a monster?! Was my parents spies of another village? Traitors? What was their mistake and sins that led me to such suffering!!" Naruto said as tears started going down his face.

"Then, this morning. One person, one person finally did something nice for me. Even if it was just a simple thank you, I cherished it dearly. The hard work and effort they put, the small cuts and injuries noticeable from her fingers" Naruto said.

"Even that, I can't enjoy. So yes, in the end, I chose violence. So what? Are you going to kick me out of the academy now that I've offended a cl-" Naruto asked as he stared at the Hokage with bloodshot eyes before he passed out from a quick movement from the Hiruzen.




Hiruzen felt like someone pushed a knife into his chest as he saw the boy he considered as his grandson have a mental break down.

How all his pent up anger and despair explode out of him. Questioning his very existence, why on Earth was he forced to go through such emotional suffering.

"Even that, I can't enjoy. So yes, in the end, I chose violence. So what? Are you going to kick me out of the academy now that I've offended a cl-"

Before the boy could continue, Hiruzen place the boy in a harmless genjutsu that would only put him to sleep. Doing so as to make sure the boy won't do anything drastic to harm himself, even if he was an Uzumaki with monstrous regenerative powers and fierce vitality. Coupled with the Kyuubi, he just didn't want his surrogate grandson to hurt himself more than he already did.

"I'm sorry Naruto... It's my fault, I'm to blame" Hiruzen said sadly as he hugged the boy before he carried him.

'Starting now, I'll set things right!' He swore to himself.

"Inu!" He called out.

"Yes, Lord Hokage!" A silver haired anbu said as he appeared in front of the Kage.

"I want all of Uzumaki Naruto's belongings moved to the Sarutobi mansion by tonight!" He stated.

"...At once, Lord Hokage!" The anbu said hesitantly as he glanced at the boy in the Hokage's arms before he disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

'Danzo... this has gone on long enough' Hiruzen thought as he narrowed his eyes. He knew Danzo was the one responsible for spreading rumors of the Kyuubi's connection to Naruto.

With a snort, he walked out the room to find three people staring at him while taking glances at the boy he held in his arms. They were the Yamanaka father and daughter duo, as well as his surrogate grandson's instructor, Umino Iruka

All three have varying emotions flashing through their faces. The young girl looked sad, the clan head was angered, and the instructor was conflicted.

Hiruzen glanced at them with a look of indifference before he spoke.

"All the things you heard will be kept a secret, if not..." Hiruzen narrowed his eyes slightly. From that action alone, he knew that were today's matter be leaked, they would offend the old kage.

"Yes, Lord Hokage today's matter will be kept secret" Inoichi said as his daughter and the instructor followed suit.

"Inoichi... I didn't think today would end up like this, I'll be leaving first" Hiruzen said with a sigh.

"Yes, please do Lord Hokage" Inoichi said as he understood. He made way for the kage as Hiruzen walked away with Naruto still asleep in his arms.


Chapter End



Ayo last chapter we hit like over 15,000 words. Also can u guys rate this, just need two more to get a rating.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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