
Chapter 72 (1)

Otogakure, Northern Hideout

"So." I open up conversation as I close in on the massive prison complex.

I knew exactly what I was getting myself into by confronting Kakuzu and Hidan. I stood and won against two of the most formidable people alive right now. I stood and won against two S-rank shinobi as I saved a jinchuuriki from certain death, or at least put it off for a little while longer. But by achieving success, by making sure Fuu can breath another day, I've proven something to myself.

I've finally achieved my dream. Even if my bingo book page doesn't say it, even if my bounty is only listed as A-rank, even if the whole world thinks I'm just good instead of great, I know for an indisputable fact that I can count myself among the legends of S-rank shinobi.

Does that mean I consider myself to stand on the same pedestal as the members of the Akatsuki? Hell no. It just means that I know I have a chance - a single twinkling star in the entire expanse of the night sky - of winning.

That confrontation was more than just saving Fuu, it also proved that I can save the jinchuuriki. Though despite my success I know that from now on it will only get rougher. They'll take me seriously from the start of the battle instead of stringing it out.

Yet even above all that, I knew that leaving to save Fuu would have one drastic side effect.

"What are the odds that Orochimaru didn't notice we left and we get in free and clear?" I had to leave without permission. Which Orochimaru blatantly told me to never do again as he nailed me with the Kusanagi to the floor and told me exactly what could go wrong because of my actions.

~Absolutely zero.~

"That's what I thought too." Sometimes it is better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission. Let's just hope that this is one of those times.

Orochimaru's Office

Silence. Unnerving silence.

That's what greeted me the moment I stepped through the front gates of the prison complex. Unaccosted, unbroken, silence. That and Orochimaru personally waiting on the inside of the doors for me.

We locked eyes the moment I stepped in, both of us wearing our own respective masks. Me, the chipper and happy smirk of playfulness and insanity that hides my real face of countless unending plots, worry and surprising intelligence. Him, the cool and collected persona that can stare down insurmountable odds and still come out on top that hides his various emotions and mad scientist side.

I attempted to greet him, like I usually do with my unique kind of sass, but he simply turned and started walking.

Though I admit I considered simply going to my room and falling asleep, I knew that he wanted me to follow him. That's how we got to be here in his office. He's staring me down as he sits at his desk. He's simply studying the moment, taking in every single detail about me.

Thankfully I had the foresight to change back to my usual attire before returning.

All of that is par for the course. What's not par for the course is the lack of my chair. Instead of the single wooden chair that's always present whenever I'm called I'm forced to remain standing. If that itself wasn't enough of a statement to his mood, the slight tinge of emotion that's wormed its way onto his face is even more worrisome. It's not anger, nor rage, nor loathing, nor fury. It's disappointment.

"Why?" Orochimaru finally sighs out after the unending silence stretched on long enough to drive the point home to me.

"I wanted to test the sword." Is my immediate reply. It's actually the truth too, at least part of it. I knew that I couldn't kill Hidan in the traditional ways and needed him gone. I also happened to recently finish the prototype to the sword of Totsuka so I figured I'd kill two birds with one ridiculously complicated piece of fuinjutsu. "I'm on the right track but not finished. It was too unstable and couldn't maintain the sealed entity within for long. Kind of defeats the purpose of sealing people away if they will just break out in a few min-"

"You insolent child!" Orochimaru doesn't raise his voice at me. There's no need to, the malice laced in the hiss that came out of his mouth is enough. The spark of anger that has overtaken his disappointment as it causes his brow to furrow and lips to bend in an undignified sneer only makes it worse. "I do not care why you left, that is inconsequential! I only care why you didn't tell me!"

"I wanted to test-"

"Silence!" The horrible hiss from Orochimaru actually causes me to flinch. This is a side of Orochimaru I've never seen before. I've seen him mad. I've seen him happy. I've seen him murderous. I've seen him excited. I've seen him talk down to Kages. I've seen him casually face deadly encounters that he had no right to survive. Never before have I seen him so severely disappointed.

The fact that he's disappointed in me only makes it worse.

People who disappoint him die. Simple as that. It's why I've never seen such disappointment - such failure in his eyes as he looks at me - on his face before. It's frightening. Angry I can handle. Mad. Sad. Happy. Experimental. I'm used to those, as fucked up as that sounds. I know what to expect in those moments.

Right now I'm in foreign waters and the worst part about this whole situation is the fact that seeing him like this and knowing it's because of me makes me feel furious at myself for failing him. For causing him shame. For wronging him. There's a growing pit in my stomach because I disappointed him.

I feel absolutely fucking terrible that I disappointed the man who ruined my life. Pathetic.

"Alvarcus." Orochimaru says softer, less passion in his voice. Probably because he can see the way my own face is twisting in discomfort. I'm attempting to hide that he's gotten to me, trying to hide behind a mask and remain impassive. But the slight tremble to my fingers that balled into fists in regret because I failed him give me away. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you would have stopped me." I hoarsely whisper out. Why is this bothering me? Why should I give a single fuck what this monster thinks of me? Barely a day ago I threatened to kill Kakuzu because he thought I was Orochimaru. I used my anger towards this vile man to help fuel that storm. Yet here I am, fighting a twisting torrent of emotions because that same vile man is disappointed in me. "I knew you wouldn't approve."

"Oh child, when have I ever told you no?" Orochimaru softly sighs out in exasperation at both himself and me. "You, who raided my kitchens for alcohol when you were thirteen, who plays mind games with my entire shinobi force, who trashes whole islands simply to see if you can, who mercilessly kills my shinobi who've wronged you, who plays the most ridiculous pranks with rubber ducks of all things, who insists he's a connoisseur of furniture, who even tricks me when asking for sealing tags, who toppled an entire dictatorship on accident, who is my son. Tell me, when have I ever told you no?"

"Uh… when… hm." Fuck. He's totally got me. I can't recall a single time he's actually told me no. Hell whenever I ask him for anything he's always come through. He found me a rare metal for the sword. He started me on fuinjutsu because I showed minor interest. He constantly provides me with new hearts - which is messed up but is him showing affection for me regardless. "When I made the Heart Failsafe Seal?"

"Did I say no? I merely said don't work on timespace seals without my supervision because you could end up killing yourself, not to stop working on them all together. If I recall I even helped you improve on them."

"Ah. Yes. You did." I really, really, don't want to admit this but he's truly generous when it comes to me.

"When I make one rule you break it? All I ask is that you simply tell me where you are going and don't sneak off. You couldn't even do that. You chose to not take the five minutes to pop in and say 'I'm off to test the sword' and instead cause me to wonder where in the world my son is. My son who has a very large reward on his head. My son who thinks that he's capable of squirming out of every situation simply because he's done it before. You have to realize, Alvarcus, even though you succeed a hundred - a thousand - times all it takes is one failure to end you. One single wrong step and it's over."

Oh god now I feel even worse. Why do I feel even worse? I don't want to but I do. Why does this pit in my stomach keep getting bigger?

"I trust you Alvarcus. I trust you to know your limits. I've seen more of you than anyone, perhaps even Sasuke, and know that you are a very capable shinobi. I know that you can handle yourself but I can't stop myself from worrying. There are truly strong people out there - people that rival even me at my pinnacle with all my jutsu at my fingertips - and things can go wrong. All I ask is that you help ease my worry by simply telling me where you're going, that way I can let you know if there's someone dangerous there. Is that really too much to ask?"

"...No. It's not." My head hangs in shame as I'm suddenly interested in the floor. What do you know, it's hardwood now. I guess he did switch it once I got blood all over the carpet from decapitating people. "I'm sorry."

"I know you are." Orochimaru softly says like a parent trying to prove a point to a child. He's gentle yet firm, letting me know that all he really wants is to look out for me. "But that doesn't mean you won't be punished."

"What is my punishment?" I knew this was coming. I knew that something, some sick and twisted task, would be waiting for me because I disobeyed Orochimaru. I didn't know that this goddamn pit in my stomach would be there too.

"You're a unique case." Orochimaru freely admits to us both. "Pain has no affect on you. Neither does sitting in on one of my more… invasive experiments. Over time you've become acclimated to both of them. I would usually then turn to those you care about and hurt them instead, but hurting myself or my next body is counterproductive. Instead I found myself stumped. How do I punish someone who is immune to my normal methods? Assign you to kill a Konoha shinobi? Perhaps one of your ex-friends? Too risky. Though I believe you could pull it off, Konoha shinobi are the group most likely to seek your head. Limit your training and refuse you more sealing notes or advice? Unacceptable, I would not hinder the combat ability of my child. Using Sasuke is effective but, again, counterproductive. But in the middle of my musings, the answer walked right in the door."

Despite hearing no creak, my shinobi senses demand that I swivel my head to the door as a single figure walks in.


"All along the perfect punishment was right before me." Orochimaru says with just a hint of pride. He's found one of my few weak spots. I hate to admit it, but he's right. This is the perfect form of punishment for me. Whatever he has me doing with Kabuto I know that I'm going to hate it.

"Orochimaru-sama." The white haired medic nin bows slightly to his idol. "Alvarcus-san." I barely even get a nod. There's more contempt in his voice than respect for me.

The feeling is mutual.

"Now that you're both here," Orochimaru gestures to the two of us, "we can go over the mission I have for you."

"You're sending me on a mission with Kabuto?" I force out through gritted teeth. That pit in my stomach is finally fading. Now it's being replaced by restrained anger. "Are you sure that's… wise?"

"I trust you both to come back alive." Orochimaru smirks at his victory. He knows me too damn well. "But, for clarification purposes, Kabuto will be leading this mission. For the duration you are subservient to him. You will obey his orders and conduct the mission as he sees fit."

"Of course, Orochimaru-sama." Kabuto eagerly responds, almost like he's vying for attention from the Sannin, and takes a step forward to place me behind him. To put himself in a position of power. I really don't like him. "If I may inquire what this mission is?"

"Oh it's rather simple." Orochimaru leans forward expectantly. He's planning on getting a rise out of us. Or maybe just me. "I want you both to retrieve a Hiraishin kunai."

"What?" I can't help but blurt out. I expected anything but that. Raiding a minor village for hidden secrets, burning a town to the ground, some convoluted and risky assassination. Any of those I could have taken in stride. But a Hiraishin kunai? "What could you possibly want with that?"

"Come back with one and I'll tell you." Orochimaru shuts down my question without batting an eyelash. "Let's see, you two rank amongst my top shinobi but neither of you excel at tracking or gathering information. Extracting information is a whole different story though. You two working together to find a piece of information hidden away in a person's mind? I have no doubt you'd break them in moments. Since this is neither of your specialties, I'll give you two weeks. That should be plenty of time to locate and retrieve a kunai."

"Of course, Orochimaru-sama." Kabuto graciously bows low, his near white hair falling in front of his face as it succumbs to gravity. "We'll make haste to promptly return with your kunai. Come Alvarcus-san, we mustn't waste time."

Kabuto rises up from the deep bow and with a grand flourishing spin turns to start leaving the room. He doesn't make it two steps.

"May I make a request Orochimaru?" I boldly ask. This is bold for two reasons. One, I'm ignoring the chain of command that was just thrust upon me and skipping right over Kabuto to ask Orochimaru directly. That's probably not going to be an issue since it's me, but still it's something that shouldn't happen. There's a chain of command for a reason. Two, I'm asking for a favor moments after being severely reprimanded. No matter who you are that's a stupid thing to do, child or not.

"Go on." Orochimaru came to the same conclusions I did. His eyes have narrowed at my disregard for what makes sense. Then again, when have I ever done the sensible thing?

"Leaving me alone with Kabuto for a long time, though a very… fitting punishment, is unwise." I'm calmly explaining myself to the Snake Sannin. I have to make this seem like it benefits him and not just me. "His mere presence is enough to set me on edge. Simply being around him stresses my restraint to its limits. Being around him, and only him, for up to two weeks spells disaster. The longer I'm with him the more likely I'm going to snap and kill him."

"I am much more capable than you give me credit for." Kabuto cuts in with a sneer as he crosses his arms.

"Cockroaches are notoriously hard to kill." I conceded a backhanded compliment to him. "But I digress, I'm asking this favor - this leniency - for the sakes of everyone involved. Kabuto doesn't want to die. You don't want to lose a valuable asset to something easily preventable. I don't want to murder him. Okay, maybe not that last one. How about I don't want to be the reason you're down a high level shinobi? Anyways, what I'm asking is very simple. To spare everyone undue stress at Kabuto's untimely death, I'm asking that you send along someone who can reign me in."

"You want Sasuke to accompany you." Orochimaru flatly says to me. In a flash he weighs the pros and cons of sending out his best three shinobi on a single mission. Out of everyone in Oto we three as a team is frightening.

There's me. Do I really need to explain that again?

Then there's Sasuke. He's nearly a master at genjutsu and kenjutsu. Not to mention the sheer speed he has in short bursts. I can run for longer, no doubt about that, but he's got me in speed by a fair margin. He knows lots of jutsu and is damn good at using them efficiently. Why waste chakra on a huge fireball when a simple firebolt to the chest is enough? And the simple fact that he's attained his own bounty - a respectable A-rank though I've barely got him beat - at such a young age speaks volumes. Plus all the stigma and fear that comes with seeing the Sharingan blaze to life.

That's not even mentioning the boosts he gets from the Cursed Seal even though it's a double edged sword.

Lastly, Kabuto. One of the most effective medic nin ever. He excels in his field by utilizing the vast amount of knowledge of the human body he has. He knows exactly where to attack to kill someone. He knows exactly how hard to hit to cause the most damage. He knows every weak spot the body has due to his extensive experiments, both of his own and Orochimaru's. Even then he's attained jounin skills. His base speed, taijutsu and general aptitude as a shinobi place him in the upper echelon of our ranks. Just not quite enough to rival me or Sasuke.

"It would be good for him to get some fresh air." Orochimaru agrees to my request. "He's getting antsy being cooped up here for so long. He hasn't been on an extended mission for a long time. This will be good for him. Fetch him before you leave."

"Thank you, Orochimaru." A smile snakes its way onto my face, both in thanks to Orochimaru and in victory because I've shown Kabuto that even though for this mission he's my superior, in every other aspect I'm his superior. "I'll collect him then meet you at the front gates in an hour?"

"Thirty minutes." Kabuto cuts my time in half with narrowed eyes full of disdain. "Do not be late."