
Chapter 70 (5)

Months Later, Konoha

It's a dark night. Many clouds blot out what little moonlight dares to shine down from the sky. Everyone is fast asleep, man, woman and child alike are all curled up in their beds and in the land of dreams.

Except for the shinobi. Shinobi do not care what time it is, such pesky things as nighttime have no sway over their actions. In fact there are shinobi who love the night life much more than the day life simply because the civilian population retreats indoors.

Tonight we follow one shinobi in particular. He's dressed in standard ANBU gear, from the gray vest and black underclothes to the tanto strapped to his lower back. This particular ANBU's mask is stark white.

There's nothing inherently wrong with that, even if he were to stumble into other ANBU patrols. It simply means he's fresh, he hasn't earned his colors yet. Or that his supervisor was lazy and hasn't assigned him an animal. Until this shinobi gets his colors he is simply known as Faceless. It's a rite of passage that all ANBU go through. Some are stuck as Faceless for weeks, others mere days.

We join him as he's standing before a headstone with two names. He's making no moves to hide himself, he's standing tall and in the middle of a cemetery. This one is for civilians, all shinobi are required to be cremated to protect the village.

"Well." Faceless whispers to himself. "I should go."

Except he doesn't. Despite his words he remains in the same spot, simply staring down at the headstone.

"Meow?" A black cat idly strolls up next to Faceless and starts to rub herself against his leg.

Usually this would be cause for alarm if he was even the slightest bit superstitious but Faceless is strangely comforted by the feline presence.

"Hey Tora." Faceless kneels down to scratch Tora behind the ears. He gets a very long and satisfied purr from the cat. "How have you been? Still giving genin teams hell?"

"Meow?" Tora looks up at Faceless and yawns.

"Right." He gives her three more good scratches then stands up from his kneel. "You're a cat. I can't believe I'm talking to you."

"Meow!" Tora mewls up at Faceless, begging him to resume his blissful scratches.

"Sorry Tora." He truly sounds slightly regretful. "But I have other things to do. It was nice seeing you damn it I'm talking to you again. Really gotta stop that, I've got enough crazy the way it is."

He leaps to the roofs and heads towards his next destination.

The Memorial Stone

Faceless is sanding before the regrettably giant manmade stone. He's running his fingertips across countless names, pausing to trace a few of them that catch his eye. He's only come here for one name in particular but that doesn't mean he won't acknowledge other's sacrifices.

He wonders how many names he put there. How many names have been carved into this stone because of his actions?

"ANBU-san?" A confused voice calls out. It's one that Faceless immediately recognizes, pretty much everyone in the village would recognize that voice.

"Kakashi-san." Faceless doesn't turn away from his ministrations on the stone. He keeps lightly dragging his fingertips across countless names.

"It's rare that I run into someone else here at this hour." Kakashi hangs back a bit, giving Faceless his space. The last thing he wants to do is intrude on someone else's grieving, ANBU or not. "It's usually why I come now. I'll come back later."

"That's alright." Faceless' fingers have stopped on a name. They linger there for a fleeting moment before he pulls his hand off. "Just let me place these flowers then I'll be on my way."

"White lilies." Kakashi softly says as Faceless pulls out a trio of said flowers from inside his vest. "You know that was one of my genin's favorite flowers."

"Small world." Faceless smiles to himself under the mask as happy memories dance in his mind. He gently lays the flowers at the base of the stone. "They're my teammate's favorite too."

ANBU Headquarters

"Shit." Faceless whispers to himself as he's roaming the maze that leads to ANBU's headquarters. "Left, left, kinda a right, down, and then jump for the tunnel in the ceiling. Okay, I did that so where's the tunnel at?"

He continues walking for another few seconds.

"Great." He groans out as he starts to slam his head into a wall. "I'm lost. Fan-fucking-tastic."

"Faceless?" A voice calls out from the nearly pitch black hallway. "You okay there?"

"No I'm not okay!" Faceless whines as he slams his head into the wall again. "I still can't remember where the hell I'm going in these damn tunnels!"

"Lost again." The voice sighs out as they draw near enough for Faceless to see. They're wearing a monkey mask. "Not even surprised. You really need to work on that. An ANBU that doesn't even know how to get to Headquarters? Pathetic."

"Monkey?" Faceless can't stop himself from asking despite knowing exactly what mask they're wearing. "Shit I didn't think I'd run into you of all people. How the hell have you been you crazy baboon!"

"One of these days that attitude of yours is going to get you into some serious trouble." Monkey sighs out and even though Faceless can't see it he knows that Monkey's eyes rolled. "I have no idea how but mark my words, it will bite you in the ass."

"You mean like me being kidnapped and tied up as someone masquerades around wearing my mask because I'm the only one whose personality lines up with them?" There's a hint of playfulness in Faceless' tone. Monkey has no idea why, the idea of being kidnapped and subsequently replace is horrifying.

"That… was oddly specific." Monkey pauses for a moment. He's weighing the chances that this isn't the real Faceless but rather an imposter that thought he could get away with bragging about the switch. "To be."

"Or not to be- that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer OH SHIT WAIT THAT'S NOT RIGHT!" Faceless flails about like a fish out of water. "Crap crap crap what was the proper response? To be… to be… aha! Got it! Three C! Final answer!"

"God dammit Faceless you've got to stop pulling this shit!" Monkey's worries are abated. It's not impossible for someone to replace an ANBU - especially an idiot like Faceless - but to answer the call and response test exactly how Faceless would and still give a correct answer is impossible. There's simply no way that someone could figure out an ANBU code that was issued earlier this week in such a short time. "I think I know what animal you should be. Sloth."

"Ha I get it! It's because I'm slow! Good one!" Faceless claps Monkey on the back and falls in step next to him. "So where's the entrance again?"

"Just follow me." Monkey groans out.

ANBU Headquarters, At Ease Room

The At Ease Room is exactly what it's called. This is where ANBU go to relax and hang out with other ANBU. There are multiple forms of recreation, such as billiards tables, ping pong, a throwing range for all forms of projectiles, a generously sized bar (limit two drinks per mask, these are ANBU after all), and chairs, couches, cushions, comfy mats and all other types of sitting furniture around.

Masks are considered optional here but nearly everyone keeps theirs on simply for identification sake. After fighting for someone, bleeding for them, killing for them all while shouting out Boar makes Boar their name. They don't need another name, to ANBU the mask is who you are.

Now usually everyone breaks apart into their own respective teams. One team will take over the billiards tables and play to their heart's content for example. But right now all those fun games are haphazardly pushed against the wall and forgotten. All the ANBU in the room are loosely gathered in a circle, they're spread out among the sitting furniture as they see fit but right now there's a group event going on.

Actually it's more accurate to call this Show and Tell. It's an unusual event that happens every once in awhile for shinobi. They get together and take turns showing off their scars. It's almost like a competition to see who can one up the last scar.

"Not bad Rabbit." Frog says to the only person standing, beside Monkey and Faceless who both just entered, as they pull their long sleeve back. "How'd you get it?"

"Fireball to the arm." Rabbit lifts his arm high to display the discolored skin. A large patch centered on the elbow joint is scared. "Hurt like a bitch too."

"Did you get the fucker?" One of the many ANBU calls out.

"Opened up his gut." Rabbit says with unfaltering pride as he pulls his sleeve back down. "Felt damn good. Who can top that?"

"I can." A cool and cocky voice says from one of the corners. He's wearing a muted blue trench coat and has a bandana covering his scalp. He's also the only one not in a mask, it's no secret that this man is in ANBU. "You kids have nothing on me."

"You don't get to go yet Ibiki!" Frog speaks for the entire room as countless grumbles went through the crowd. "Wait for a few more at least, we all know you'll win this!"

"Eh." Faceless mutters to himself. "I doubt that."

Except he's in a room full of highly trained shinobi. His soft mutter was heard by everyone in the room.

"Is that a challenge Faceless?" Ibiki taunts him. "Bold words big guy. Then you won't mind going next, will you?"

"Uh…" Faceless looks out of the sea of masks. "Well shit. I walked into that one. Alright, alright. Let's start small, yeah?"

Faceless slowly peels back his sleeve to expose his forearm and holds his arm high. There's not one scar on it. There's scores. Lots of small cuts that have long since closed over. Countless puncture wounds dot across every scrap of skin. To top it all of there's three long slashes that run from elbow to wrist. The keen spectators notice that his scars seems to travel even further than the exposed skin, they disappear beneath the sleeve.

"Damn kid." Monkey says from his spot on the wall. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Let's chalk it up to torture and leave it at that." Faceless says with way too much casualness. There are other shinobi here who have gone through torture. They would never so carelessly bring it up like him. Faceless nonchalantly pulls his sleeve down and stuffs his hands into his pants pockets. "And don't bother asking me who did it, I'm not saying."

"Did you kill the guy?" An ANBU asks, one with a sparrow mask. "The one that did that."

"Not yet." In a rare moment of emotion the ever happy and go lucky Faceless lets slip his anger. Those two words conveyed so much more than a simple 'not yet.' They promise pain and suffering to whoever put those scars there. "But I will."

"Good on you kid. But even I can beat that." Rat says from the crowd as she stands up. Rat lifts up the hem of her shirt to show of a scar. "Nearly got cut in half by an Iwa shinobi. If the fucker had a little bit longer reach he'd have cut me in two, instead I have this."

A vivid white scar wraps around her stomach and reaches around to her back. Someone caught her with a sword to the side and sliced clean through her left side. She's lucky to be alive. The damage to her kidneys alone must have been severe not to mention the rest of the important organs.

"Teammate got him for me. Thanks again for that Horse." Rat nods towards the ANBU.

"You'd do the same for me." Horse waves off her thanks as if it's no big deal.

"So who can top that?" Rat asks the crowd.

"I can." Ibiki cockily calls out again as he reaches for his bandana.

"Wait longer you asshole!" Rat shouts at him. "Let other people have a turn before you win!"

"Anyone else here have their leg ripped off?" Faceless says as he starts unbuckling his belt. He lowers his pants just enough to show off a jagged white scar on his upper left thigh as his underwear keeps his modesty intact. The reason he chose to lower them instead of roll a pant leg up is simple, there's other scars that he has no need to show them. "Nothing like a good dismemberment."

"Who the hell ripped off your leg!?" Elephant asks from a floor mat.

"A damn good Kumo kunoichi." Faceless smiles fondly as their fight replays in his mind. "She has one hell of an ass."

"You kill her?" Elephant asks for the whole room.

"Nope! I honestly have no idea how it happened but we left on relatively good terms." Faceless cheerfully says as he pulls his pants up.

"Only you Faceless." Monkey groans out. "Only you."

"So who can top that one?" Faceless asks the crowd. There's no response. "No one? Shame. Guess I win!"

"Not so fast big guy." Ibiki says as he reaches up to his bandana. "This is my game. I admit you have some scars, but none like mine!"

He rips it off. His scalp is horribly disfigured. Burns, puncture wounds, cuts, slashes, you name it he's got it. All of it on his head to boot.

"This is the result of real torture." Ibiki smirks in victory. "It's what happens when an Ame nin catches you and keeps you captive for a month straight."

"And that's game over." Frog sighs out. "Alright people, go do something else."

"Whoa whoa whoa hold on a moment!" Faceless shouts over the ruckus and all masks turn to face him. "Who said I was done?"

"You think you can beat this?" Ibiki points to his scalp.

"Oh yeah. I can top that. Easily." Faceless brags with what everyone assumes is false bravado.

"Go on then big guy." Ibiki humors the idiot as he puts his bandana back on. "Dazzle us."

Faceless lifts up the left side of his shirt, just enough to expose a part of his stomach. The visible skin has a massive scar that looks like the skin fused shut rather than healed shut. It's roughly the size and shape of an adult male's fist.

"This, ladies and gentlemen, is what you're left with when Orochimaru of the Sannin shoves his fist into your gut." It's Faceless' turn to smirk in victory at everyone's flabbergasted expressions. Well their masks are in the way but he knows that all their jaws just dropped open. "That's right, I survived Orochimaru."

"I never thought I would say this." Ibiki's voice draws all other eyes to him. There's something different about how he's speaking. Instead of the usual disdain that he has for the whole world there's a sliver of respect in his voice. "You win."

"Damn right I do." Faceless drops his shirt back down. "Now can anyone show me where the tunnel to the Hokage's Tower is? I seem to have forgotten."

"And like that you lost everything you had going for you." Monkey sighs out as he pushes himself off the wall. "Come on idiot, this is the last time I'll show you."

Inside the Hokage's Tower

"Now then." Faceless pauses at the secret exit into the Tower. "Down to business."

He presses his ear to the hidden door to listen for any sounds on the other side. Once he's confirmed that it's quiet he pushes the door open and quickly leaps to the ceiling. Before the hidden door - which turns out to be behind a bulletin board - swings shut he's masked himself in the shadows. He's little more than a gray shadow on the ceiling.

He can't afford to loiter around here for long, pretty soon that room full of ANBU will realize that he actually has no valid be at the Hokage's Tower. He's supposed to be heading out for a patrol around the village's outskirts.

Faceless doesn't waste time, he moves as fast as is acceptable for an ANBU in the Tower to travel at. He can't risk raising any alarms, this is the most dangerous part of this entire trip. Everywhere else is at a much lower awareness for things out of place.

But here in the Hokage's Tower? Where the most important people in the village are gathered into one building? They're constantly on guard for any possible threat. That includes infiltration.

"Let's see." Faceless darts into a stairwell and nearly bolts down them. "He said the vault is on the lowest level. It's been relocated since a genin broke in and stole something. I can work with that."

Faceless reaches the bottom floor not even ten seconds later. He doesn't burst through the stairwell door, he lands next to it and lays a hand on the floor. A tiny brown speck crawls under the door and climbs up to rest in the center of his hand.

"How many guards?" Faceless doesn't truly speak these words. They're conveyed to the spider in his hand almost by instinct. It's one of the talents that he's picked up recently due to his most recent power boost.

The tiny brown spider holds up three legs.

"Have the others taken care of their tasks?" The not-speak comes easily to Faceless now. When he first discovered that he didn't need a translator anymore he was terrible at using the not-speak.

The miniscule spider salutes with a leg. It was freaking adorable. He came to attention, stood straight - for a spider at least - and even did the sharp snap down and everything.

"How long will the guards be out for?" Faceless asks in not-speak. He really needs to get a better name for this unspoken language.

The spider lifts up three legs again.

"Three minutes." Faceless stands up and lifts the tiny brown spider up to his shoulder. It eagerly jumps onto its new perch. "Plenty of time."

Faceless bursts into the room.