
Naruto The Untouchable (Completed)

In Naruto I have Dragon Ball system but I am not a Saiyan ??? Means no super saiyan no super saiyan god no zenkai boost there is more in dragon ball beside saiyans any ways . I am gonna rule the world. One minute I dont even have chakra ???? I do not own Naruto, Fairy Tail or any other character name I use in this book beside my main character and the one I create. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond

kamidemond · Anime & Comics
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160 Chs


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Jin with Goku and Piccolo came to Raditz who was holding Gohan hostage.

In the way, he never talks to either Goku or Piccolo.

He was just following them. 

Not like he knows his way around this place.

"So you finally caught up," Piccolo said.

"Ah Jin, you are also here to help. Thank you" Goku said with a smile.

"More like I wanted to have a good fight," Jin said with a smile.

Which is true. After going here. He can feel it.

His Ki really now has the power of the real Ki used by the Z warriors.

He infact feels the power inside him to even destroy the entire moon. 

This feeling was insane. He really wanted to fight right now.

Goku another fighting manic just smiled at this.

"So you are finally here Kakarot" Raditz came and shouted.

Of course, he also notices both Piccolo and Jin there.

He still does not care. His power level is around 1500.

But at this time, both Goku and Piccolo were not even paying much attention. They were just removing all the heavy training clothes. Likey they already knew that a fight is unavoidable.

" A man after my own Heart" Jin just smiled and switched off his training device.

Bringing back the gravity to its original level.

Then all three of them looked at Raditz who was too ready to fight.

"Give back Gohan," Goku said.

"Take him yourself if you can" Raditz replied.

Goku and Piccolo were the first ones to attack.

Jin stayed back and first looked towards Gohan who was captured inside the space bot.

"Now that I am changing the plot one way or another. I should also save that Gohan." Jin said and reduced his power as much as possible so that Raditz didn't suddenly see him moving towards Gohan.

After that, he made a clone for himself so that others believed that he was still standing in one place.

After that when both Goku and Piccolo were fighting with Raditz, Jin slowly went towards Gohan and looked inside the pot.

He saw Gohan sleeping inside the pot.

"Alright kid, time to wake up" Jin muttered and used Ki's blade to slowly cut open the pot.

He also noticed that the fight was pretty one-sided between Goku, Piccolo and Raditz.

"Need to hurry up" Jin thought and after taking Gohan in his hands he teleported.

And he did it in the right time too because, at this time, Raditz sent a Ki blast towards him.

Jin instantly teleported to the Kame House and then handed over Gohan to Tsunade.

"Please take care of this child. I will come back soon" Jin said and vanished once again.

Both Bulma and Master Roshi at this point in time were shocked.

Jin just suddenly came and then vanished. He also brought back Gohan.

Jin of course went back to fight with Raditz.

When Jin arrived and saw Goku and Piccolo getting beaten back pretty badly by Raditz.

"Man that sure is one siden ass kicking" Jin could not help but say.

Raditz also saw Jin and got angry. 

Well, it was not like he was angry that Jin took Gohan. He kidnapped Gohan just to bring Goku to himself.

Rather he was angry because Jin took Gohan under his watch.

Well, the typical behaviour of a strong man.

But with everything said. Jin finally got ready to fight.

"Jin where is Gohan" Goku asked.

"Won't worry. He is save" Jin replied.

Goku just believe Jin at this.

"Alright Raditz, now your fight is with me. Come on" Jin shouted.

And after that he said.

"Kiaoken time 5".

A powerful aura rose from Jin. bringing his power equal to Raditz.

In all this time, Jin has mastered how to use Kioken with a minimum backslash. Now he can at least handle up to 10x Kiaoken.

"What" Goku, Piccolo and Raditz at this was surprised to tell the least.

Raditz scouter beeb and he saw Jin's power level.

It was equal to his right now.

Jin's power surged as he activated the Kaio-Ken x5, his aura flaring with intensity.

The two warriors faced each other in the vast open field, ready for an epic clash of energy and strength.

Without hesitation, Jin lunged at Raditz, his fists crackling with energy.

Raditz responded swiftly, blocking Jin's punches with his forearms, each blow sending shockwaves across the battlefield.

They separated, both gasping for breath.

Raditz taunted, "How did you do that? That power, where it came from?"

With a defiant roar, Jin charged again not telling what was going on.

The two clashed with blinding speed, fists colliding in a dazzling display of power.

Raditz proved formidable, his Ki matching Jin's every move.

Their energy waves erupted, causing shockwaves that shattered the surrounding landscape.

Jin's Kaio-Ken x5 gave him a brief edge in speed and strength, but Raditz was no pushover.

For the first time, Jin was actually getting a little overwhelmed.

He countered Jin's rapid punches with well-timed blocks, a grin never leaving his face.

Raditz then unleashed a powerful energy wave, forcing Jin to raise his defences.

The battle raged on, Ki attacked lighting up the sky.

Jin and Raditz were evenly matched, both pushing their limits.

Jin's Kaio-Ken x5 took a toll on his body, but he refused to back down.

Raditz's brutal blows tested his endurance, but he held firm.

And this was the only problem. Endurance.


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