
Naruto: The Twin Flashes

A lost soul wanders in the endless void and nearly reaches the end of its journey. But before its rebirth in the new cycle of life, it sees the tragic deaths of Naruto's parents. This shock lets the soul remember all its past life experiences. Being saddened by the events, it involuntarily interrupts its own cycle. A celestial being notices that and gifts the soul something to go against the grits of fate. One wish to help the soul. Everyone knows what happened in the World of Naruto. But would have anything changed if our blond protagonist had a twin? Disclaimer: As always, since this is a fan-fiction it will remain non-profit based. All rights of certain characters, as well as the Naruto universe in general, are copyrighted to their rightful owners.

Soulcrystal · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

The Class

Since the start of the academy, the time started to fly by pretty fast. Most of it was spent in the academy to learn all the essentials for later life.

Now that half a year was finished there was also a new batch of students joining the class. And that was somewhat important because there were already some children that had gone from the academy for various reasons.

"Alright everyone, please gather around. Now it is time to introduce the new students that will join our class. Please welcome them with smiles.", instructed Iruka and then went away to get the new people.

They were all currently gathered around in the training field of the academy at the back of the building.

"Hey, what do you think the new guys will be like? I bet we can show off our skills to them!", grinned a happy Naruto.

"I don't know, Naruto. Also, what do you mean with skills? We haven't started with Ninja-Arts yet.", questioned Kaito back.

"Shhh, they don't know it. We can just brag a little bit, right?"

"You can try but I think that won't work...", sighed Kaito.

Just then Iruka came back with a few people. All in all, there were 6 people to the count.

There was a boy with black hair and the same colored eyes that wore a bluish-black shirt coupled with black trousers. He had a very indifferent look around himself.

Then there was a girl with pink hair staring at the said first boy. She wore a green dress that matched her green eyes. And the red ribbon in her hair contrasted was weirdly catchy. Was it to hide her slightly larger forehead?

The next person was actually someone both of the twins knew but only Kaito made a surprised expression. It was actually Hinata. She wore a thin pink hoddie with a white shirt underneath it coupled with normal blue trousers and black ninja tabi.

She looked very shy and nervous at that moment. But when her gaze fell on to Naruto and Kaito she became somewhat surprised. A little smile appeared on her face.

Kaito smiled back wich in return let Hinata flinch and get a crimson hue on her face. That threw Kaito into confusion. He looked at his brother and saw that he was just sheepishly grinning into nothingness. Thinking a little bit he only could sigh. He kinda figured out something.

´And this brother of mine probably doesn't even know...´, he thought and looked back at the other remaining people.

But from Hinata onwards the people he saw were all becoming really weird.

There was also a kid that was packed with clothes like a mummy. He also wore black sunglasses?

Then there was a guy that wore a green overall that seemed a little bit too tight at some places. His haircut was a plain bob. The orange cloth around his neck sure made a flashy contrast that let someone immediately notice his thick eyebrows.

And the last person that stood there was probably born somewhere in a cold region? He actually wore pretty warm clothing even though it was still summer. What he meant with warm clothing was a thick sweater.

What made Kaito interested in him was the small dog on his head. Kaito liked dogs a lot.

"These 6 are called Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, Hinata Hyuga, Shino Aburame, Rock Lee (A/N LOL) and Kiba Inuzuka." Iruka introduced each individually and then let the class welcome them with cheers.

But there also happened something weird. Especially on the girl's side. Sasuke was being swarmed by a lot of girls and kyaa sounds were being emitted by them.

Even the girl with blonde hair that sat around Shikamaru was now joined in that group.

"Hey, Shikamaru. Why is Ino behaving like that?", asked Naruto his new friend.

Yes, in the last half a year Kaito actually made sure that both of them made some friends. And the most laid back guy that was approachable was Shikamaru Nara. He was after all the same guy that didn't really bother about the rumors surrounding them and just sat down beside them.

So he also just accepted their request to be friends.

Soon after that Naruto and Kaito also came to get acquainted with Chouji Akimichi who Shikamaru was hanging around with most of the time and also the blonde girl called Ino Yamanaka that was also from time to time in the group.

They even found out that every one of the three came from a big clan in Konoha.

"Not sure. Looks like that guy is just good looking?", answered Shikamaru back and shrugged.

"Huh? That gloomy looking guy is good looking? Hmm...So girls are all about acting cool?", contemplated Naruto.

Then he walked off and confronted Sasuke while he was still surrounded by the girls. "Hey! Gloomstare, stop acting cool and stuff. I don't like it! Do you even have what it takes to act like that?"

"Naruto..." Kaito sighed when he saw his brother starting a fight directly after meeting this guy. Weirdly enough this Sasuke was actually frowning.

The direct punishment came not from the guy though but from the girls surrounding him.

"Naruto! Get lost, you monkey!", shouted Ino at him. She and the other girls from the class also started to insult him and shoved him aside.

Naruto just stood there completely crushed and now was mr. gloom himself.

"Don't take it to heart, brother. Just show him what you can do.", smiled Kaito and hit his twin on his back.

"You are one to talk.", pouted Naruto. "Unlike me, the girls seem to like you...At valentines, you had so much chocolate..."

Kaito started to sweat a little. It was true that he was actually a little bit more popular than him but that was mostly because he was studious and didn't make so many pranks like Naruto. What by the way got him the nickname of yellow monkey.

So some girls relied on him when it came to solving problems. It also seemed some felt genuine friendship toward him.

And about the chocolate, it was all meant for friends and not with any romantic intention. But Naruto still sulked about it nonetheless.

"Don't worry. I think you will soon receive some chocolate as well." Kaito glanced at Hinata after saying those words. She was actually trying to approach them but Kiba seemed to start talking with her before she could do that.

"I don't need your chocolate, brother.", denied Naruto immediately.

"I didn't plan to? What exactly are you thinking?"

Just then Iruka started to talk again.

Hmm, I noticed some weird plot holes with the academy and team 7 and some ages in general.

My thinking is Naruto was an idiot and tried to outperform Sasuke with trying the exam much too early for him to really make it and failing until he only had one chance left at his sixth year. (close to 12 years old) Sasuke, of course, tried to learn everything he could in the belief to become stronger and that being the reason for staying all 6 years. (with his clan dead and all)

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